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30 Cards in this Set

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it placed a greater emphasis on the role of solvent

bronsted lowry theory

chemical species formed when a base accepts a proton

conjugate acid

chemical species formed that can accept a proton to produce an acid

conjugate base

it is sometimes termed as the protonic concept of acid and base reactions

bronsted lowry theory

Strog acids have weak ____ while strong bases have weak ____

conjugate bases

conjugate acids

are measured by tendency to give up or gain protons

relative strengths

substance which can accept a share in a pair of electrons in a reaction


substance which can donate a pair of electrons to share with an acid in a reaction


accept a pair of electron


donate a pair of electron


a scale of numbers between 0 and 14 that shows the strength of an acid or an alkali


pH of base

more than 7

its 3 forms are scales, crystals, and powder

boric acid

it is soluble in water and alcohol, and freely soluble in glycerin, boiling water and alcohol

boric acid

it produces methaboric and pyboric acid when heated

boric acid

it is used as a buffer and vehicle for ophthalmic solutions

boric acid

When boric acid is added with glycerin it becomes ____ and it is used as a suppository base which prevents ____ of physostigmine preparations

boroglycerin glycerate


An aqueous solution of HCl gas contains ____ w/w of HCl


it is colorless fuming liquid having a pungent odor


it is nonfuming upon the addition of 2 volume of water


the technical grade of HCl containing 35-38% w/w HCl

muriatic acid

____ can be assayed conveniently by titrating a weighed sample with 1N ____ and ____ as indicator

strong monoprotic acid


methyl red

HCl reacts with ____ and ____ to produce chloride of the metal anf water


metal oxides

The presence of ____ will cause the precipitation of insoluble chloride of metals

chloride ion

HCl is oxidized by a strong oxidizing agent to produce ____

chlorine gas

it is used as acidifying agent, gastric acidifier and used in the extraction of basic drugs


The aqueous solution of nitric acid MF XIII contains NLT ____ w/w nitric acid


it is a highly corrosive fuming liquid

nitric acid NF XIII


nitric acid

Nitric acid produces ____ on animal tissue due to ____ of aromatic acids

yellow stain
