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44 Cards in this Set

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Something that is similar or comparable with something else
Learning theorists who argue that a scientific approach to understanding behavior must refer only to observable and measurable behaviors
Sexual relations between a person and an animal
Sexually responsive to either gender; from the Latin bi-, meaning "two"
The rodlike structures that reside in the nuclei of every living cell and carry the genetic code in the form of genes
Sexual intercourse
A secondary wife, usually of inferior legal and social status; from the Latin concubina, meaning "lying with"
Sexual intercourse; from the Latin copulare, meaning "to unite" or "to couple"
A prostitute, especially the mistress of a noble or wealthy man; from the Italian courtesan, meaning "court lady"
Culture war
Differing belief systems within large societies; for example, some Americans are liberal concerning sex, others are conservative.
A sexual activity involving oral contact with the female genitals
Defense mechanisms
In psychoanalytic theory, automatic processes that protect the ego from anxiety by distinguishing or ejecting unacceptable ideas and urges
Deoxyribonucleic acid; the chemical substance with molecules that make up genes and chromosomes
Erogenous zones
Parts of the body, including but not limited to the sex organs, that are responsive to sexual stimulation
The development of a species to its current state, which is believed to involve adaptations to its environment
Evolutionary psychologist
A psychologist who studies the effects of evolution on behavior and mental processes
A sexual activity involving oral contact with the penis
Feminist theory
A theory that challenges acceptance of the male as the norm, traditional gender roles, and male oppression of females
In psychoanalytic theory, arrested development, which includes attachment to objeects of an earlier stage of psychosexual development
Sexual intercourse between people who are not married to one anotherl if one of the partners is marries, the act may be labeled adultery
Gay activism
Mushroomed during the sexual revolution. Gays became more voluble in demanding equal right and began gay parades.
The behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
Gender roles
Complex clusters of ways in which males and females are expected to behave within a given culture
The basic units of heredity, which consist of chromosomal segments of DNA
Human sexuality
The ways in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings
Incest taboo
The prohibition against intercourse and reproduction among close blood relatives
Acquiring knowledge and skills by observing others
The practice of having one spouse; from the greek mono-, meaning "single" or "alone"
The qualities in life that are deemed important or unimportant, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable
Phallic worship
Worship of the penis as a symbol of generative power
Phhallic symbol
An image of the penis
The practice of having two or more spouses at the same time; from the Greek poly-, meaning "many," and -gamos, meaning "marriage."
The practice of having one spouse, from the Greek mono-, meaning "single" or "alone"
Sexual love of boys; from the Greek paidos, meaning "boy"
The practice of achieving sexual gratification through hurting or humiliating others
The automatic ejection of anxiety-evoking ideas from consciousness
A person who engages in the scientific study of sexual behavior
Natural selection
The evolutionary process by which adaptive traits enable members of a species to survive to reproductive age and transmit these traits to future generations
A random change in the molecular structure of DNA
The theory of personality originated by Sigmund Freuid, which proposes that human behavior represents the out-come of clashign inner forces
Psychosexual development
In psychoanalytic theory, the process by whcih sexual feelings shift from one erogenous zone to another
Oedipus complex
In psychoanalytic theory, a conflict of the phallic stage in which the boy wishes to possess his mother sexually and perceives his father as a rival in love; the analogous conflict for girls in the Electra complex
Social-cognitive theory
A ocgnitively oriented learning theory in which observational learning, values, and expectations play key roles in determining behavior
Queer theory
A theory that challenges heteronormativity and heterosexism