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41 Cards in this Set

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What was the Wounded Knee Massacre?
The Wounded Knee massacre was the last conflict between the Native Americans and the Americans. This took place on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
The Significance of the Ghost Dance?
A vision Wovoka had that the Indian dead would live again, the buffalo would return, and the settlers would leave. This dance provided and inspired hope among Native Americans who were suffering big losses.
What was the Sand Creek Massacre?
Chivington was the American leader. He killed many men, women and children. Chivington mostly killed women and children.
What was the Open Range and how was it ended?
The Open range was a "public" land in the west.
What is Americanization?
Americanization is when the Americans tried to change everything about the Native Americans. Making them forget all about their religious and personal values.
What is are examples of famous Native American Resistance leaders?
Wovoka-began "The Ghost Dance"
Chief Joseph- Nez Perce. Americans took back most of their land.
Geronimo- Apache leader
Sitting Bull- leader of the Sioux
What are the reasons why land was selected for reservations?
The land was selected to try to control Native Americans.
Mining became owned by big companies because it was very expensive.
What is Placer Mining?
Placer Mining was panning for stones and gold.
What was hydraulic mining?
Hydraulic mining was mining with water under very high pressure.
What was Hard-Rock mining?
Hard-rock mining was mining underground. Many injuries and deaths because of conditions underground and elevator shafts.
What was the Patio Process?
Patio Process was when miners used mercury to extract silver from the ore.
How was mining?
Mining becomes a big business. Individual prospectors mined first.
What is the frontier?
the line were they were settled and not settled. By 1890 there was no frontier line.
What is Drakes folley?
Edwin L.Drake was the first to drill the first successful oil well. People mocked Drake's drilling efforts as "Drake's Folly".
What was the significance of Transcontinental Railroad?
this made a national economy.
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
He founded the Carnegie Steel company.
Who was John D. Rockefeller?
Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil company. He used vertical and horizontal integration.
What is horizontal and vertical integration?
Vertical integration is acquiring companies that supplied his business. Horizontal integration is when you take over other companies producing the same product.
What are the factors leading to standard time zones?
It was a time scedule for railroads.
What was the Gospel of Wealth?
This was when Carnegie wrote an essay. He thought that if you had wealth, you should share it.
What was the significance of Mail-order catalogues?
The Department stores were used to sell their products.
What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?
It was the act against trust.
What was laissez-faire capitalism?
This stated that the government couldn't interviene in small businesses.
Who was Thomas Edison?
He was a famous inventor. He invented the type writer, light bulb and many others.
Who were the old immigrants?
They arrived before 1880. They came from Northern and Western Europe. They were mainly Protestant Christians. They were culturally similar to the original American settlers. They settled in cities and in rural areas.
Who were the new immigrants?
They arrived 1880-1910. They came from Southern and Eastern Europe. They were mainly Catholics, Jews, or Orthodox Christians. They were often culturally different from the original American settlers. They generally settled in cities.
What was the Social Gospel?
This is when the churches thought should do something good by helping the needy and the poor.
What was the 3rd class steerage?
The poor would stay here and they usually got very sea sick on the passage on the boat.
What was the Goals of the National Grange?
This helped farmers. This also stopped railroads from ripping them off.
Who was William Jennings Bryan?
He made a speech about the gold standards.
What was the NY Tenement Act of 1901?
The death rates went way down because of better living conditions.
Who was Susan B. Anthony?
She was arrested for voting before the date women were allowed to vote.
What is TR and Conservation?
This is when Teddy Roosevelt favored conservation. Conservaton means saving natural resources.
What is Suffrage?
Suffrage is the right to vote.
What was the Open Door Policy?
This was when The United States asked for open control trade in China.
What was the Main Export crop of Hawaii?
This was the sugar cane and regular sugar.
What was the 16th ammendment?
this allowed graduated income tax.
What was the 17th ammendment?
this allowed the senate to vote for the senate leader.
What was the 18th ammendment?
prohibition of different products.
What was the 19th ammendment?
this ammendment gave women the right to vote.