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261 Cards in this Set

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the least important reason for studying history is to learn
historical dates
The least important reasons for Americans to study world history is that
The United States imports large quantities of sugar and coffee
prehistoric peoples had an advantage over animals in that humans had
ability to think think and use their hands freely
the first farmers have been traced back to...
New Stone Age
Homo sapiens, the biologic species that includes modern human beings, have been traced back so the...
Old Stone Age
the first metal weapons were made from...
the beginning of the historic period corresponds to the beginning of the...
copper and bronze age
an archaeologist is a specialist in..
studying remains of past civilizations
a person living about 500 B.C. would consider his or her own times as...
Egypt is said to be "the gift of the Nile" because the Nile...
overflows each spring, fertilizing the lowlands
The delta of the Nile River is located...
in Lower Egypt
The Egyptians were able to build the pyramids because they
had many workers
The pyramids of ancient Egypt were
The government of ancient Egypt was a
The ancient Egyptians worshipped
many gods
NOT a characteristic of farming in ancient Egypt was
the use of artificial fertilizer
A contribution of the ancient Egyptians to architecture was the
The Rosetta Stone was
the key to translating hieroglyphics
A major contribution of the ancient Egyptians was in the field of
the calendar
Egypt was a major power in the ancient world for about
2,000 years
The main rivers of Mesopotamia
Tigris and Euphrates
The chief building material used in the Fertile Crescent was
clay brick
The stylus was Middle Eastern implement used for
A semetic language used today is
NOT an Indo-European language?
The sumerians built ziggurats, which were
religious shrines
the Babylonians are credited with having
possessed considerable legal and business ability
the Babylonians studied astrology because they believed that
the fate of human beings were determined by the starts
the Hebrew kingdom had a perilous existence because it
was situated between powerful rival states
the Hebrew capital and site of the famed Hebrew temple was
The ancient conquerers who treated the Hebrews most humanely were the
By predicting that nations "shall beat their swords into plowshares." the Hebrew prophet Isaiah was calling for
an era of world peace
Micah, the Hebrew prophet, extolled
justice, mercy, and humility
A Phoenician product particularly desired by monarchs was
purple dye
The Aramatic language spread through out the middle east because of Aramaen
the assyrain practice of appointing governors to rule separate provinces was adopted later by the
the zend-avesta was the sacred book of the
The Indian subcontinent is separated from the rest of Asia by the
Himalayan Mountains
Ancient invaders entered Ina from the Northwest because the
Khyber Pass provided an invasion route
Two ancient cities, where excavations have revealed much of India's early civilization were
Harappa and Mohenjo-daro
"No Behistun Rock has been found for the Indus River cities" means that these cities
left writings that remain undeciphered
the vedas were
religious writings
the period of disorder from the end of the maurya empire to the beginning of the bupta empire lasted approximately
500 years
the gupta period is sometimes called Indias "golden age" because its
writers, artists, scientists, and mathematicians brought forth great achievements
the brahmans, the highest hindu caste were mainly
priests and scholars
the caste system emphasized
strict segregation
reincarnation is the hindu belief that each person
has a soul that will experience successive rebirths
Gautama, the the-century B.C. philosopher, ,was called "buddha," meaning the
enlightened teacher
Hinduism and Buddism both agree that each person's life on earth
has the ultimate goal of Nirvana
Today Buddhist influence is least evident in
Kalidassa who lived in the 5th century A.D. was a great
One achievement in ancinet India not paralleled in ancient Greece was in
developing a simplified way of writing numbers
Ancient china, in it's natural boundaries and their effect upon China's civilization most closely resembles ancient
China's topography consists chiefly of
mountainous terrain
Hsia, China's first dynasty, is legendary, meaning that
it's existence has not been confirmed by archaeological evidence
The firs emperor of hte Ch'in dynasty, shih Huang Ti, ordered the burning of books because he
feared that knowledge of China's past would hamper his efforts to establish a centralized government
While the Han Dynasty ruled in china, the Mediterranean world was dominated by
The philosopher Lao-tse taught that individuals could achieve happiness by
accepting, with humility, their lot in life
One might expect Lao-tse's attitude toward modern minimum wage laws to be
The chief purpose of the code of conduct Confucius formulated was to
improve society and government
Confucianism encouraged the Chinese people to
respect traditional ways of doing things
Confucianism encouraged a feeling of intense loyalty to the
What was NOT an achievement of ancient China?
phoetic alphabet
As seafaring merchants and transmitters of culture, the Cretans most closely resemble the
In the nature of his work at Knossos, Sir Arthur Evans may be most closely compared to
Between 1500 and 1000 B.C., Crete, Greece, ,and many of the Aegean islands were invaded by the
A city-state was
a city that performed all the functions of an independent nation
A city-state in Greece that taught its boys absolute obedience to authority was
Athenian democracy resembled American democracy in that
jury trials were common
the athenian practice of banishing a citizen considered dangerous to the welfare of the state
A similarity between Athens and Sparta was that both
were city-states
The Greek war against Persia (500-479)
preserved the independence of the Greeks
In the Peloponessian War
aristocracy triumphed over democracy
The intellectual center of Greece about 450 B.C. - the "school of Hellas" was
An achievement of ancient Greece was
the development of philosophy
A parthenon was
a temple to Athena
In what field did the Atheninas make the most lasting contributions to Western civilization?
Alexandria, the famed Hellenistic city, was established in
NOT a geographical feature of Greece
numerous navigable rivers
NOT a Greek bond of Union:
loyalty to the central governmente
NOT an Evidence of Athenian democracy:
representative legislative body
NOT a greek contribution to the theater
elaborate scenery
Field of Greek civilization that much of which has NOT survived
Rome is situated on the
Tiber River
The aristocrats who controlled the Roman Senate in the days of the Republic were called
Most planets in our solar system are named after
Roman gods and goddesses
In gaining control of Italy, the Romans
extended citizenship to the conquered peoples
Carthage and Rome became bitter rivals because the Carhagians
competed with Rome for trade int he Mediterranean
As a result f its Mediterranean conquests, Rome
experience growing dissatisfaction among its lower classes
Roman politicians offered programs of "bread and circuses" mainly to
gain the support of the unemployed
Soon after the Punic Wars, the redistribution of land in Rome was urged by
Tiberius Gracchs
Caesar's great rival for supremacy in Rome was
Who ruled Rome at the time of the birth of Jesus?
Augustus Caesar
French is known as a Roman language because it is
based on Latin
The Roman orator know as the "father of Latin prose" was
a famous roman historian was
The great expansion of commerce in the Mediterranean area during the first two centuries A.D. is best explained by the
maintenance of peace
Roman law upheld the principle that
forced confessions are not valid
roman poet tha wrote the aeneid was
the least important factors explaining the downfall of Rome was the
widespread use of slaves and military strength of the Germanic tribes
What modern nations occupy areas that were once included in the Roman Empire?
Spain and England
Two outstanding contributions of rome to Western civilization were in
engineering and law
Historical evidence is subject to
differing interpretations
The "Dark Ages" in western Europe refers to the period
following the collapse of the Roman Empire
Results of the Germanic invasions of the Roman Empire
raising the level of civilization
In the Frankish Kingdom the Mayor of the Palace was usually the
powerful noble who controlled the central government
By the Donation of Pepin, the Catholic Church received
The Frankish leader who defeated the Moors at the Battle of Tours
Charles Martel
Charlemagne was able to dominate western Europe successfully because he
maintained an efficient military force
In 800 A.D. the pope gave Charlemagne the time
Emperor of the Romans
Areas that Charlemagne united within his empire are now part of
France and Germany
An important result of Charlemagne's conquests was the
spread of Christianity
A basic reason for the rise of the feudal system in Europe was the
lack of effective central government
Power and position during the feudal period were based on
holding of land
Which son of a feudal lord inherited the father's estate?
the eldest
Feudalism served a useful purpose because it
gave the people some protection and security
Serfs were
bound to the land
a vassal under feudalism owed his lord
military service
a medieval manor was
economically self-sufficient
one cause of he decline of feudalism in western Europe was its failure to
keep pace with economic changes in society
which characteristic of the feudal period in western Europe made it most unlike any other period in European history
the relationships established by the granting of land
what is the outstanding characteristic of modern nations referred to as feudal?
ownership of the land by a very small percentage of the population
The events described in the New Testament took place in the
early Roman Empire
The world Christ, derived from the Greek language, means
What contributed to the early spread of Christianity?
its offer of hope in a world of fear and uncertainty
The first Bishop of Rome, from whose office evolved the papacy, was
St. Peter
Room persecuted the Christians mainly because they
would not worship the emperor
Roman persecution of Christianity was ended by
the Edict of Milan
Roman Catholic missionaries were active in
France England and Spain
The Templars, as monks and knights,
took part in the Crusades
The monastic order that introduced the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
The pope is elevated to office following election by
the College of Cardinals
The pope's power to deny a person Church sacraments
The courts of the Inquisition were established to
combat heresy
The Roman Catholic Church considers heretics to be those Christian who
disagree with Church doctrine
The Church attempted to limit feudal warfare by means of
the Truce of God
The practice of lending money for interest, prohibited by the church during the Middle Ages
The tithe was
a tax levied by the Church
During the Middle Ages civil rulers and popes most often disagreed over the
appointment of Church officials
Emperor Henry IV of Germany went toe the pope at Canossa to
beg forgiveness
A compromise in the investiture struggle was reached by
the Concordat of Worms
The best description of the role of the Christian Church in western Europe during the Middle Ages is that the Church
maintained a degree of unity in a society that bordered on anarchy
The word Byzantine was derived from the name of
an ancient Greek colony
Compare lasting of Byzantine empire to fall of Rome
it lasted a thousand years after the "fall" of Rome
The culture of the Byzantine Empire was based chiefly upon the civilization of
The wealth of the Byzantine empire resulted from
trade and industry in luxury products
The Byzantine Empire furthered civilization by
shielding western Europe and Arab and Turkish invaders
the birthplace of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam was
the Middle East
In its original teachings, Islam differed from Judaism and Christianity in that Islam
appealed strongly to the warrior class
Islam-in common with Judaism and Christianity-teaches
charity for the poor
What city was the last Moslem stronghold in Spain?
A country in which Moslem civilization did NOT develop was
An Asian people who conquered the Arabs, accepted Islam, and swept into south-eastern Europe was the
What was NOT a contribution of Islamic culture
A significant contribution of Islamic culture to western Europe was
advancements in mathematics and geography
That contact existed between the medieval Moslems and Chinese may be deduced from the fact that the Moslems
used the mariner's compass
Avicenna, Averroes, and Maimonides - the three outstanding philosophers of the Moslem world- were also
The appeal to the pope for military aid against the Moslem Turks in the 11th century came from the
emperor at Constantinople
The ancient city famous for religious shrines and chief goal of the Crusades was
An important result of the Crusades was that
serfdom declined in western Europe
The Crusades hastened the exploratory voyages to America by
stimulating trade with Asia
An effect of the Crusades upon western Europe was that the
Church lost power
The growth of trade in medieval Europe resulted in
the rise of the middle class
In ascending order, the three major classes in western Europe in the Later middle Ages were the
serfs, bourgeoisie, nobles
In the Later Middle Ages, merchants supported attempts of monarchs to establish strong national states because the merchants
favored a strong central government to preserve law and order
A leading trade center of medieval times in southern Europe was
In the Middle Ages Europe's main highway of trade was the
Mediterranean Sea
The Hanseatic Leauge was established to
protect trade and commerce in the North and Baltic seas
Bruges and Ghent, the famous medieval trade centers, are located in
Medieval fairs were held chiefly in order to
exchange goods
One purpose of the medieval merchant guilds was to
drive nonmember merchants from their towns
Medieval craft guilds
established an apprentice system to train craftspeople
Buildings in medieval towns in western Europe were generally constructed of
Which written language was most generally used among scholars in western Europe during the Middle Ages?
An ancient Greek on whose science and philosophy medieval universities relied heavily on
Which feature identifies a Gothic cathedral?
tall spires
In the middle Ages Moslem peoples were attracted to India because
northwest India had much wealth
Aibak. founder of the Delhi Empire, was a Moslem and ex-slave. This would indicate that Moslems
rejected the caste system
The attitude of the 13th-century Delhi sultans toward Hinduism was one of
By the 17th century the Moslems constituted about what percent of the Indian population?
Which regions were the centers of Moslem population in India
Indus and Ganges
Many Moslem rulers accused the Hindus of idolatry because the Hindus
carved religious statues
The Taj Mahal was a famous
Moslem tomb
The European nation that first reached India by sea and monopolized India's trade for many years was
Unlike previous conquerers of India, the British
won control over the entire country
A period of Chinese history that compared favorably with the Han Period in military power, economic prosperity and cultural achievement was the
Most similar to the 11th-century Sung economic reforms is today's United States law
authorizing the government to purchase agricultural surpluses
As it's greatest extent, the Mongol empire stretched westward from the Pacific Ocean to
European Russia
During the Mongol Era the civilization of China was
tolerated by the Mongols but considered inferior
The medieval Chinese did not develop
logical methods of experimentation and research
The Communist Chinese today, to buttress their claims to additional territories in Asia, would use a map of
early 19th-century Manchu China
In dealing with the West in the 18th and 19th centuries, China at first
refused to learn from Western culture
The geographic relationship of the Asian continent to Japan is similar to the relationship of Europe to
The mountains of Japan
provide great natural beauty
By the 9th century A.D. the Japanese had
borrowed heavily from China's culture
Feudal Europe's closest counterpart of the shogun of feudal Japan was
the mayor of the palace
Japan's last, ,or Tokugawa, Shogunate
delayed Japan's development as a modern nation
Japanese suicide pilots in World War II were called kamikaze after a
typhoon that helped destroy a Mongol invasion fleet
Why did Japan isolate itself from Western civilization in the 17th century ?
The Japanese feared that European missionary and trade activities would lead to military conquest
What was NOT an aspect of Japanese culture?
equality of all classes good manners and personal dignity
Shintoism did NOT
emphasize concern for the poor and the unfortunate
The Renaissance in western Europe was period marked by
a spirit of questioning of formerly accepted authority
An important feature of the Renaissance was an emphasis on
the literature of Greece and Rome
What were indirect causes of the European Renaissance?
the Crusades and the discovery of the New World
The Renaissance began in Italy because Italy
enjoyed a favorable location for trade with the east
Two early centers of European Renaissance culture were
Venice and Florence
the Medicts and Sforzas played a significant part in the Renaissance as
rulers of Italian cities s and patrons of culture
Francis Bacon and Galileo were alike in that both
believe in the use of the scientific method
The Divine Comedy, the Decameron, and the Canterbury Tales were all originally written
in the vernacular
Shakespeare's plays
analyzed problems and motives of the individual
In his book Praise of Folly, Erasmus
used satire to attack the evils of society
The term "a da Vinci of today" would best describe a person who seems to be
a genius in many fields
if you referred to a person as "Machiavellian," you would mean that the person is
not bound by moral considerations in gaining an objective
The careers of Gutenberg, Copernicus, and Rembrandt best support the conclusion that The Renaissance
occurred in several European countries and in several fields of achievement
During the Renaissance period in western Europe, art ad science flourished especially in regions where there was
a wealthy leisure class
Which present-day concern was most neglected during the Renaissance period?
effort to achieve legal recognition of an individual's basic civil rights
The Protestant Reformation was
supported by many rulers who desired Church properties
The authority of the Catholic Church was strengthened by
the Council of Trent
filling church positions with relatives
The immediate reason for Luter's protest against the Catholic Church was
the sale of indulgences
Luther and Wycliffe both
translated the Bible info the vernacular
Calvinism was brought to the New World by the
English Puritans in Massachusetts
Most effect in stopping Protestantism in Italy and Spain was the
Holy Inquisition
Protestant Reformation made its greatest gains in
Protestantism attracted few followers in
The Thirty Year's War was fought almost entirely in
By the Edict of Nantes, France granted religious toleration to the
The end of religious unity in western Europe was indicated by
The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648
Protestant Reformation encouraged
the rise of national states and the movement for popular education
he term ecumenism refers to a movement to
achieve better understanding between Catholics and non-Catholics
The major religions in the United States today...
remain apart from national and International politics
What contributed to the rise of national states in western Europe?
the growth of the middle class
The middle class believed that a strong king would
protect life and property
In 18th-century Europe autocratic rulers based their claim to rule on
the theory of divine right
A result of the Norman conquest of England was that
fusion of French and Anglo-Saxon customs
What nations were rivals in the Hundred Years' War?
England and France
The great aim of Louis XIV was to
acquire territories up to France's natural boundaries
The Asian invaders who ruled in Russia from the 13th to the 15th centuries were the
At the end of he 18th century, Poland was partitioned by
Prussia, Russia and Austria
What royal family ruled Russia?
legislative bodies of spain, france, and england
Cortes, Estates-General, Parliament
The Wars of the roses were struggles between
noble families for the English throne
Joseph II of Austria was an outstanding
enlightened despot
Writers of the Intellectual Revolution urged people to
change society to conform to reason
Enlightened despots during the 18th century
used their absolute power to make some reforms
The prosperity of Renaissance western Europe was due in part to the
sharp rise in commercial activity in western Europe
The Crusaders hastened the voyages to the New World by
stimulating European demand for goods of the East
What was the attitude of most merchants and monarchs toward overseas voyages
both groups supported them
which nation was the first to establish trading posts in India
Which two European countries led in exploration and colonization during the 15h and 16th centuries?
Portugal and Spain
Two nations that established colonies in North America were
Spain and England
The eastern part of south America, encompassing Brazil, was once part of the empire of
explored the Atlantic coast of North America; first European to sail into New York Harbor.
In the 18th century, the major colonial rivals were
Britain And Spain
By the 16th century the center of commercial activity had shifted from the Mediterranean to the
Atlantic Ocean
By the 17th century the chief export of Africa to the New World was
The Commercial Revolution brought the greatest increase in wealth and power to which two nations?
Britain and Holland
the term mercantilism is used to describe a policy of
regulating trade to benefit the mother country
Mercantilism held that the wealth of a nation is measured by its
precious metals
aspects of 18th century mercantilism
the mother country's exports should be greater in value than it's exports, industry within the mother country should be encouraged by the national government, colonies should exist for the benefit of the mother country
Joint-stock companies were important because they enabled business owners to
secure risk capital