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27 Cards in this Set

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Zygote, Embryo, Fetus

Zygote - fetilized egg

Embryo - implantation in uterus, embryonic period ends at about 2 months

Fetus - organs are present, not fully developed

Reaction Range

A range of probable levels for a specific trait that are likely given the child's genetics and the quality of the childrearing environment

Ethical Dilemmas: ART

1. Inequitable access to technology

2. Advanced age pregnancy

3. Parenting - surrogate?

4. Use of embyros


1st time woman starts to feel her baby move inside


Organ that provides nutrients for embryo and expels waste, comes out at birth


Agents that can produce malformations in the fetus while the tissues and organs are forming (viruses, medicine, alcohol, drugs) - especially sensitive in the 1st trimester**


Cheesy coating that protects the skin of the fetus

Infanty mortality rate

Number of deaths during 1st year of life/1000 births. U.S 2006 = 6.7

Apgar Scoring

5 life signs are scored on a scale of 0 to 2 right after birth, score of 7-10 means good condition: heart rate, body color, respiratory effect, muscle tone, reflex irritability

What is considered low-birth weight?

Less than 5.5 pounds

Preterm babies and self-regulation

Not as good at self-regulating because they don't spend enough time in the uterine environment, which supports self-regulating behaviors

Developmental Tasks: Infancy

1. Sensory/perceptual development

2. Motor development

3. Temperment

4. Attachment

5. Emotional development

Define: Habituation

An infant's response decreases after each presentation of an identical stimulus

Define: Attachment

Process of developing specific, positive emotional bonds with others

Define: Stranger Anxiety

A baby's discomfort or tension in the presence of unfamiliar adults

The Strange Situation

Laboratory study where baby's reactions are observed to various situations - mother leaving, a new person coming in

Psychosocial Crisis: Infancy

Trust v. mistrust

Central Process: Infancy

Mutuality with caregiver

Coping Mechanisms: Infancy

PAEQ - Hope

CP - Withdrawal

Developmental Tasks: Toddlerhood


Fantasy Play


Self Control

Psychosocial Crisis: Toddlerhood

Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

Define: Semiotic Thinking

Representational, understanding that one thing can stand for another - symbols and signs PRE-OPERATIONAL

Define: Communicative Competence

Be able to communicate effectively in the language environment using all aspects of language - vocab, sentence formation, grammar, sounds

Define: Telegraphic Speech

2-word sentences essential to communicate what a toddler intends to say

Why is reading important?

It expands a child's vocab and speech, literacy, learning beyond direct experience

Central Process: Toddlerhood

Imitation - action shifts from model to imitator

Coping Mechanisms: Toddlerhood

PAEQ = Will, the capacity to direct and control action

CP = Compulsion, repetitive behaviors motivated by impulse or restrictions of it