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68 Cards in this Set

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Functions of skeletal muscle

- Produce voluntary skeletal movement

- maintain body position

- support soft tissues

- guard body openings

- maintain body temperature

- store nutrient reserves

4 skeletal muscle structures

- muscle tissue (muscle fibers)

- connective tissue

- nerves

- blood vessels

What do nerves control and what are they controlled by?

Control voluntary muscles and are controlled by nerves of the central nervous system

What do blood vessels do?

Supply large amounts of oxygen and nutrients, carry away waste

Three layers of connective tissue from outside to inside

Epimysium, perimysium, endomysium

What does the epimysium cover and how does it connect?

Covers the whole muscle (the exterior collagen layer), connects to the deep fascia

Separates muscle from surrounding tissue

What does the perimysium cover and what does it contain?

Covers the fascicles (muscle fiber bundles), contains blood vessels and nerve supply to fascicles

What does the endomysium cover and what does it contain?

Covers the individual muscle fibers, contains capillaries, nerve fibers (contains muscle cells), and myosatellite cells (stem cells that repair damage)

Where do the endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium come together?

At the ends of muscles to form connective tissue attachment to bone matrix

What is the sarcolemma and what does it surround?

The cell membrane of a muscle cell, surrounds the sarcoplasm

What muscle structure begins contractions?

Sarcolemma begins contractions through a change in transmembrane potential

What to transverse tubules (t-tubules) do?

Transmit action potential through the cell and allow the entire muscle fiber to contract simultaneously

What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum and what does it store? What structure does it form?

A membraneous structure surrounding each myofibril, stores calcium

Forms terminal cisternae attached to t-tubules

How does calcium get released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

Action potential triggers release of calcium

What do terminal cisternae do?

Concentrate calcium via ion pumps, release calcium into sarcomeres to begin contraction

What is a triad formed from?

1 t tubule and 2 terminal cisternae

What are myofibrils?

Lengthwise subdivisions within muscle fiber that make up bundles of protein filaments (myofilaments)

What are myofilaments are responsible for and what are the two types?

Responsible for muscle contraction

Thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments

What are sarcomeres?

The contraction units of muscle and structural units of myofibrils

What forms the visible patterns (striations) within myofibrils?

Sarcomeres (alternating thick, dark filaments and thin, light filaments)

What are titin and what do they do?

Strands of protein that reach from tips of think filaments to z line and stabilize the filaments

What is required for muscle contraction?


Five levels of skeletal muscle

1: skeletal muscle (surrounded by epimysium, contains fascicles)

2: muscle fascicle (surrounded by perimysium, contains muscle fibers)

3: muscle fiber (surrounded by endomysium, contains myofibrils)

4: myofibril (surrounded by SR consists of sarcomeres)

5: sarcomere (contains thick and thin filaments)

How are muscle contractions caused and what determines the interactions?

Caused by interactions of thick and thin filaments, structures of protein molecules determine interaction

F actin structure

2 twisted rows of globular g actin (active sites of g actin bind to myosin), very strong and stable

What does nebulin do?

Holds f actin strands together

Structure and function of tropomyosin

Double strand that prevents actin myosin interaction

Troponin structure and function

Globular g protein with 3 subunits, binds tropomyosis to g actin (controlled by calcium)

What happens to initiate contraction

Calcium binds to receptor on troponin molecule, troponin-tropomyosin complex changes exposing active site of f actin, myosin binds to actin

What do myosin heads do during contraction?

Interact with actin filaments and form cross bridges, pivot to produce motion

Sliding filament theory of skeletal muscle contraction

Thin filaments of sarcomere slide towards m line between thick filaments, width of a zone stays the same but z lines get closer together and H zone and I bands get smaller

Steps of contraction

- arrival of action potential at neuromuscular junction (action potential: travels from nerve axon to synaptic terminal)

- release of ACh into synaptic cleft

- ACh binds to motor end plate causes a sodium ion rush into sarcoplasm

- action potential of sarcolemma is generated by sodium ions and leads to excitation contraction coupling

- recovery in which ACh is removed by AChE and there is a return to the initial state

What is excitation contraction coupling and what does it require?

Action potential reaches triad, releasing calcium and triggering contraction

Required myosin heads to be cocked (loaded with ATP energy)

5 steps of contraction cycle

Exposure of active sites, formation of cross bridges, pivoting of myosin heads, detachment of cross bridges, reactivation of myosin

What does contraction duration depend on?

Duration of neural stimulus, number of free calcium ions in sarcoplasm, availability of ATP

All or none principal of tension production and what does it depend on?

As a whole, the muscle fiber is either contracted or relaxed

Depends if number of pivoting cross bridges, fibers resting length at time of contraction, frequency of stimulation

What does the number of pivoting cross bridges depend on?

Amount of overlap between thin and thick filaments

What does tension produced by a whole skeletal muscle depend on?

Internal tension and external tension on elastic extracellular fibers by muscle fibers and the total number of muscle fibers stimulated

What are the two types of skeletal muscle tension?

Isotonic contraction(concentric and eccentric) and isomeric contraction

Isotonic contraction and the two subdivisions

When skeletal muscle changes length resulting in motion

Concentric - if muscle tension is greater than resistance, muscle shortens

Eccentric - if muscle tension is less than resistance, muscle lengthens

Isomeric contraction

Skeletal muscle develops tension but is prevented from changing length (iso = same, metric = length)

How are resistance and speed of contraction related?

Inversely related, the heavier the resistance, the slower the contraction takes to start/ shortening to begin

After contraction, a muscle fiber returns to resting length by

Elastic forces, gravity, or opposing muscle contractions

What is creatine phosphate

The storage molecule for excess ATP energy in resting molecule

What are the two ways in which cells produce ATP

Aerobic metabolism of fatty acids in the mitochondria and anaerobic glycolysis in the cytoplasm

What are the results of muscle fatigue

Depletion of metabolic reserves, damage to the sarcolemma and SR and t tubules, low ph (lactic acid), muscle exhaustion and pain

What does the cori cycle do and where does it take place?

Removes and recycles lactic acid in the liver

What are the three types of muscle fibers?

Fast, slow, and intermediate fibers

Fast fibers

Contract quickly, have large diameters and glycogen reserves, few mitochondria, and have strong contractions so they fatigue quickly

Slow fibers

Have small diameter, more mitochondria, high oxygen supply, and contain myoglobin, are slow to contract and fatigue

Intermediate fibers

Mid sized, low myoglobin, have more capillariesthan fast fibers so they are slower to fatigue


Muscle growth from heavy training increases diameter of muscle fibers, number of myofibrils, mitochondria, and glycogen reserves


Lack of muscle activity reduces muscle size, tone, and power

Physical conditioning leads to

Improved power and endurance; more myofibrils, mitochondria, blood vessels, slow and fast fibers, efficient respiration, red blood cells, glycogen reserves; a stronger heart, and higher lactic acid threshold

Structure of cardiac tissue

Striated, have a single nucleus, are small, have short and wide t tubules, have no triads, SR has no terminal cisternae, are aerobic, have intercalated disc's, and are only found in the heart

Intercalated discs

Specialized contact points between cardiocytes that join cell membranes of adjacent cardiocyted

Functions of intercalated discs

Maintain structure, enhance molecular/electrical connections, and conduct action potentials

Why does the heart function like a single fused mass of cells

The intercalated discs link cardiocytes mechanically, electrically, and chemically so what happens to one cells happens to all of them

Functions of cardiac tissue

Automaticity (controlled by pace maker cells), variable contraction tension (controlled by nervous system), extended contraction time, prevention of wave summation/tetanic contractions

Smooth muscle structure

Nonstriated, single nucleus, spindle shaped

Where does smooth muscle form

Around other tissues

What does smooth muscle do in blood vessels, reproductive/glandular systems, digestive/urinary systems, and intergumentary systems?

Blood vessels - regulates blood pressure/flow

Reproductive/glandular - produces movements

Digestive/urinary - forms sphincters and produces contractions

Intergumentary - arrector pilli muscles cause goose bumps

Characteristics of smooth muscle cells

Long/slender/spindle shaped, single central nucleus, no t tubules/myofibrils/sarcomeres/tendons/aponeuroses, scattered myosin fibers that have more heads per thick filaments, thin filaments attached to dense bodies, dense bodies transmit contractions from cell to cell (corkscrew contractions)

Excitation contraction coupling in smooth muscle

Free calcium in cytoplasm triggers contraction, calcium binds with calmodulin in sacroplasm which activates myosin light chain kinase, enzyme breaks down ATP and initiates contraction

Length tension relationships in smooth muscle

Thin and thick filaments are scattered, resting length is not related to tension development, functions over a wide range of lengths (plasticity)

Two subdivisions of smooth muscle

Multiunit smooth muscle - connected to motor neurons

Visceral smooth muscle - not connected to motor neurons, rhythmic cycles of activity controlled by pace setter cells

Smooth muscle tone maintains what? What is it modified by?

Maintains normal levels of activity, modified by neural, hormonal, or chemical factors

Smooth vs. Striated muscle

Different internal organization of actin and myosin, different functional characteristics