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34 Cards in this Set

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Loss of size, or mass, of body tissue with disuse.
Increase in the size or mass of an organ or body tissue.
Types of reflex inhibition of a motor neuron in response to excessive tension in the muscle fibers it supplies, as monitored by the Golgi tendon organs.
The ability of a muscle to exert force.
Muscle soreness that develops a day or two after a heavy bout of exercise.
Delay-onset muscle soreness
The “pumping up” (hypertrophy) of a muscle during a single exercise bout, resulting mainly from fluid accumulation in the interstitial and intracellular spaces of the muscle.
Transient hypertrophy
An increase in the number of cells in a tissue or organ.
An increase in muscle size that results from repeated long-term resistance training. (two words)
Chronic hypertrophy
Muscle soreness felt during and immediately after an exercise bout.
Acute muscle soreness
Changes in the connections between motor neurons located in the spinal cord, allowing motor units to act more __________, which facilitates contraction and increases the muscle's ability to generate force.
Recruitment of additional __________, though not necessarily synchronously.
Motor units
Gradual __________ or counteraction of the inhibitory impulses of the Golgi tendon organs.
Reduction in the coactivation of __________ muscles.
Increase in the rate coding of __________.
Motor units
Changes in morphology of neuromuscular junctions that might relate to a muscles's __________-producing capacity.
Though the hypertrophy might not have been significant enough for Samantha to observe, she might have experienced slight hypertrophy because of an increase in the __________ of muscle fibers (fiber hyperplasia).
It is postulated that individual __________ have the capacity to divide and split into two daughter cells, each of which can then develop into a functional muscle fiber.
Muscle fibers
__________ cells, which are the myogenic stem cells involved in skeletal muscle regeneration, are likely involved in the generation of new muscle fibers. These cells are typically activated by muscle stretching an injury, which might occur during intense resistance training.
Fiber hypertrophy is an increase in the __________ of existing individual muscle fibers and could be caused by more myofibrils, more actin and myosin filaments, more sarcoplasm, more connective tissue, or any combination of these.
Individual fiber hypertrophy appears to result from a net increase in muscle protein synthesis and might be related to levels of __________.
EAMC is an acronym for ____________.

a. exercise-associated muscle condition

b. exercise-associated muscle cramps

c. exercise-accentuated muscle condition

d. excessive-activity muscle cramps

b. exercise-associated muscle cramps
T/F: Muscles can completely recover from atrophy once activity resumes.
A treadmill test, in which subjects ran on a treadmill for 45 min on two separate days, clearly demonstrated that eccentric action is the primary initiator of DOMS. It was found that muscle soreness was associated with ____________.

a. level running

b. uphill running

c. downhill running

d. none of the above; the test was actually done on a bicycle ergometer

c. downhill running
T/F: Muscle strength is related only to muscle size.
Which of these is NOT a neural adaptation that may cause gains in strength?

a. changes in the firing frequency or discharge rates of motor units

b. additional motor unit recruitment, perhaps with synchronization

c. reduction in coactivation of antagonist muscles

d. gradually increased neurological inhibition of such mechanisms as the Golgi tendon organ

d. gradually increased neurological inhibition of such mechanisms as the Golgi tendon organ
T/F: Early gains in strength appear to be more influenced by hypertrophy, but later long-term gains are largely the result of neural factors.
Which of these statements is NOT true of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?

a. In the short term, DOMS reduces the force-generating capacity of the affected muscles.

b. DOMS is likely necessary to maximize the training response.

c. Intense concentric exercise is the most likely cause of DOMS.

d. DOMS may actually result from structural damage in the muscle.

c. Intense concentric exercise is the most likely cause of DOMS.
T/F: Left-hand dominance is known to lead to greater hypertrophy of the left leg.
Recent studies of women have shown that a combination of high-intensity resistance training and short-interval speed work can lead to a conversion of ____________.

a. type I to type IIx fibers

b. type I to type IIa fibers

c. type IIa to type IIc fibers

d. type IIx to type IIa fibers

b. type I to type IIa fibers
T/F: Detraining has little effect on fiber cross-sectional area.
To prevent EAMCs, the athlete should do all of these EXCEPT ____________.

a. maintain electrolyte balance

b. stretch every four or five workouts

c. hydrate properly

d. reduce exercise intensity and duration

b. stretch every four or five workouts
T/F: Immobilization has little effect on fiber cross-sectional area.
What is NOT thought to be associated with DOMS?

a. Intracellular calcium level increases and activates enzymes that destroy the z-lines.

b. The by-products of cell breakdown and the inflammatory response stimulate free nerve endings.

c. High tension in the contractile-elastic component of muscle results in structural damage.

d. Loss of spinal-reflex control of alpha motor neurons during eccentric exercise over-stimulates muscle fibers, resulting in damage.

d. Loss of spinal-reflex control of alpha motor neurons during eccentric exercise over-stimulates muscle fibers, resulting in damage.
T/F: Women and men have the same ability to develop strength and some women are able to develop peak strength values that are greater than those achieved by comparably sized men.