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52 Cards in this Set

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Guilform, J.P Intelligence theory: Divergent Thinking
ability to generate new creative different ideas
Guilform, J.P Intelligence theory: Convergent Thinking
group divergent ideas and synthesize into a unifying concept
Cattell: Fluid intelligence
on the spot reasoning ability to see complex relationships and solve problems. Declines most with age
Cattell: Crystallized intelligence
Includes vocabulary and information and reliies on culture and educational experience and does not decline with age
Intelligence: Heredity V Environment
50% each
Heredity Intelligence: Identical twins
.88 reared together
Heredity Intelligence: Fraternal twins
.53 reared together, .5 reared apart
Infant Intelligence tests:
Not predictive of adult IQ but useful as screening for low scoring baries
Intelligence Gender
Females higher in verbal, males higher in spatial ability
Intelligence: Birth Order
First borns generally have greater intellectual ability and better problem solving
Intelligence: Race
whites score higher, but some evidence this is social
IQ Testing: Examiner bias
race of examiner unrelated to performance but examiner rapport does make a difference
Deviation V Ratio IQ Scores
Deviation can be compared across ages
Stanford-Benet: SAS
Standard age scores, now used instead of IQ
Stanford-Benet: Three major categories
Crystallized, Fluid-analytic and short-term memory
Stanford-Benet: 4 Content areas
verbal, quantitative, abstract-visual, short-term
Wechler Scales: WISC V WAIS
WISV for children, WAIS for adults.
Wechler Subtests: Vocabulary: Verbal or performance: DEF
A verbal subtest:best general measure of intellectual capacity.
Wechler Subtests: Information: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest, measures crystallized intelligence. best measure of "g"(general ability)
Wechler Subtests: Comprehension: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest, for judgement and common sense. Moderate measure of "g"
Wechler Subtests: ARITHMETIC: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest measuring reasoning, concentration and mental arithmetic. moderate good measure of "g"
Wechler Subtests: SIMILARITIES: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest measuring abstract and logical thinking and verbal concept formation. one of best "g" measures
Wechler Subtests: LETTER-NUMBER SEQUENCING: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest for concentration, attention, tracking. fair "g" measure
Wechler Subtests: DIGIT-SPAN: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest for attention and short-term memory
Wechler Subtests: SENTENCES: Verbal or performance: DEF
verbal subtest for attention span and short-term memory
Wechler Subtests: PICTURE COMPLETION: Verbal or performance: DEF
Performance subtest for long-term visual memory, concentration and reasoning
Wechler Subtests: PICTURE ARRANGEMENT: Verbal or performance: DEF
Performance subtest for non-verbal reasoning and interpretation of social situations
Wechler Subtests: BLOCK DESIGN: Verbal or performance: DEF
Performance subtest for visual motor coordination and visual spatial comprehension. one of best "g" measure in performance tests
Wechler Subtests: OBJECT ASSEMBLY: Verbal or performance: DEF
Performance subtest for perceptual organization, visual motor coordination
Wechler Subtests: DIGIT SYMBOL-CODING: Verbal or performance: DEF
Performance subtest for visual motor, speed of mental operations. Low "g" measure
Wechler Subtests: MATRIX REASONING: Verbal or performance: DEF
performance subtest for non-verbal reasoning. Good for "g"
Wechler Subtests: Animal House: Verbal or performance: DEF
performance subtest similar to digit-symbal-Coding
Wechler Subtests: MAZES: Verbal or performance: DEF
performance subtest for planning and perceptual organization
Wechler Subtests: SYMBOL SEARCH: Verbal or performance: DEF
performance subtest for processing speed
Wechler Subtests: GEOMETRIC DESIGN: Verbal or performance: DEF
performance subtest for visual motor coordination
WAIS/WISC: Verbal-Performance discrepancy of ____points is significant, unless____
12 points unless there is a great deal of scatter amond subtest scores
WAIS/WISC: higher verbal IQ than performance indicates what?
high education, depression slowing psychomotor, poor motor-visual integration, right hemisphere damage
WAIS/WISC: higher performance IQ than verbal indicates what?
Low SES, low academic achievement, conduct disorder and delinquency, lanquage deficits, learning disability, or left hemisphere damage
WISC: Subtest Variability of ___on verbal and ____ on performance may be significant
Which is best for high or low IQ, Stanford-Binet or WAIS
Role of Raven Progressive Matrices
Use with non-caucasians to suppliment WAIS
GESELL Developmental Schedules: Used for what
Infant and childhood development: 4weeks through 6 years. Looking for suspected neurological or organic disorders
Bayley Scales if Infant Development
2 months - 2.5 years. Considered best measure of infant development
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
assess person's ability to care for themselves
Peabody Picture Vocabulary test and Columbia Mental Maturity are examples of?
Nonverbal and culture free measures of intelligence
Achievement V Aptitude tests: Distinction
Aptitude measures distinct groups of abilities. Predictors of future behavior, eg GRE. Achievement measures end result of learning program including retention
Bilingual Education: effectiveness
works at leaste as well as all english programs
Ability Tracking: Effectiveness
May help high achievement and negative for moderate and low achieving children
Teacher gender bias
Boys receive more attention from male and female teachers
Education for Handicapped children
children will be mainstreamed if possible, access to records, irrelevant records should be destroyed
Larry P V Riles. What education caes?
black childrens parents challenged the right to use intelligence tests to place kids in EMR classes. San Francisco agreed but a federal court disagreed. Unresolved