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83 Cards in this Set

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Case history review
gather important info
prsenting concerns, family history, relationship,s edu, employment, substance use, mental health, med history and legal history
how they are presenting themselves- what is it like to be with them?
affect, energy, appearance, life story themes, attitude towards you
mental status exam
if thought to be concern to measure strengths and weaknesses
have a set goal in mind
why is there a deficit? What is it due to?
interruptions to maintain confidentiality and comfort of patient
purpose of interview, comfortable atmosphere and mutual understanding of the interview- once patient realizes the clinician is trying to understand them a broader range of behaviors is possible- if patient accpepts this a state of mutual liking is not necessary
in beginning a session
small talk, determine roles , use language they will understand, clarify meanings, , assess the meaning of silence - could be organizing thoughts, dont jump to conclusions about patient and listen to what they are saying,
avoid self centeredness in therapy
focus must remain on the patient, must examine own experience and seek the bases for their own assumptions before making judgements of others
carefully go over all past paper work , establish the purpose of the interview,
differing types of interviews
sturctured or unstructured- ask any questions that come to mind
the intake admission interview
todetermine why patient has come to therapy, to see if facility meet needs and expectations of patient
case history interview
data, reason for coming, present situation, family, early recollection, birth and development, health, edu, work, recreation, sex marriage?, self- desrciption, turning points, future
mental status exam
assess preence of cog emotional or behav problems
crsis interview
hotlines etc.
diagnostic interview
standardized, interrater reliability, have preset questions that help the clinician be guided towards a diagnosis
criterion related reliability
ability of a masure to predict scores on other relevant measures
discriminant reliability
interviewers ability not to correlate with measures that are not theorectically related to the construct being measured
construct validity
all aspects of validity
Determinig treatment plan
done with client deterimne
nature of problem
wishes of client
training of therapist
aggregated global capacity of the individual to act purposefully to think rationally and to deal effectively with environ
intelligence is
one thing
what do iq tests mean?
good pedictor of school and occupational success
culturally limited
nature sets upper and lower ends of potential range of intelligence
nuture determines where within this range intelligence will fall: edu, environ, nutrition, family size, motivation
assume intelligence is normally distributed
Mental age/ cronilogical
if you get older but not smarter iq goes down
lower iq
lower verbal
lower spatial and qual
afri amer and hispan
gender biases as tied into the culture
stanford binet
verbal and non verbal
full scale
verbal iq performance iq
verbal working mem
perceptual org processing speed
purpose of psychological testing
current functioning, confirm, refute, modify impressions of client, iden ther needs, monitor treatment, provide feedback
and validity in psychological testing
measures the same construct
does it predict what you would want it to?
psychological testing requires
a variety of measures that may be looked at together, some coeeficent may be indistinguishable
objective tests
standard set of questions with fixed set of options
of obj tests
easy to score, administer, reliabile , economical
cant measure motivation, can be due to a variety of factors, easy to fake answers, reading abilty, dont look at context or content, may give socially appropriate answer
content validation in personality assesment
experts make up items they think are relevant
empirical criterion keying
identify items that distinguish b/t different groups can help in diagnosis
factor analysis
submit all items on a scale to factor analysis to see which items hang together and assess seperate factors- give factors that hang together names.
contruct valididty
combination of 3
MMPI content validation
gained from inventories experience and case histories
validity scale
fake answers
overly positive
faking good
infrequent responses near the end
inconsistent responses
tendency towards true
milon clinical multiaxial inventorycontructive validity- pesonality styles, disorders, traits
MCM II validity
validity scale
include questions everyone marks false
measure openness to sharing
tendency to potray in positive light
look bad
MCMIIII clinical personality pattern scales
Schizoid – social isolation
Avoidant – social detachment – approach-avoidance
Depressive – pessimism
Dependent – submissiveness, agreeableness
Histrionic – extraversion, acting out
Narcissistic – self-sufficiency, arrogance
Antisocial – acting out, mistrust, independence

Sadistic – aggression/hostility towards others
Compulsive – conscientiousness, restraint
Negativistic – resentment towards authority
Masochistic – poor self-image, tendency to seek relationships in which they will be hurt
Sever personality pathology scales
Schizotypal – fear of human contact, suspicion & mistrust of others
Borderline – instability of moods, relationships, self-image
Paranoid – suspicion, mistrust, superiority
clinical syndromes scale
alcohol dependence
post tramatic
severe clinical scale
Thought Disorder
Major Depression
Delusional Disorder
Validity and Response Style
Description of personality style
Assess degree of personality dysfunction
Assess for presence of clinical disorders
projective tests
unqiue aspects
freedom of repsonse
study of the realtion b/t brain function and behavior
neurological assessment
non invasive method of describing brain functioing based on performance on stan test that shows accurate and sensitive indicators of brain behavior
nuero assess can be used to
identify deficits in cog functioning, location in brain, change
brain impairment due to
trama, tumors, concussion, contusion, degenerative disease, nutritional deficits, toxic disroders-poisoning, alcohol abuse
fluent receptive
non fluent expressive
inability to perform certain voluntary movements
disturbed sensory perception
neurological damage +
inappropriate affect, impaired judgement, loss of emotinoal and mental resilence,
frontal lobe syndrome
poor impulse control, social judgement, plannig, concern for consequence
localization of function
specifc brain area control specific behaviors
idea that all areas of brain contibute to overall intellectual functioning
neuro test interpretation
compare results, intra patient, pattern analysis, stats
single variables
have little effect on human behavior
Cog behav therapy
focusing on behav and maladaptive thinking patterns that contribute to behav prob
underlying premise
problematic or disordered thoughts, changing unhelathy thoughts to lead to healthy change in behav and emotions
depression stems from
thoughts and attributions people have about events in their lives - what they are saying about them , maladaptive cog structures,
cog schemas
of how they view themselves the future and the world- reason for anxiety
schemas are reinforced by
cog errors- all or nothing, overgenelaize, discount pos, jumping to con, mind reading, should/ must statments, labeling,
cog behav treatment
treat core beliefs as a hypothesis rather than fact , encouraged to alter harmful attributions
treatment examine validity of beliefs
daily record
evidence of belief
alt interpretations
implications if true
iden and correct cog errors
iden schemata
recog sch influence on behav
replace sch
anticipate future situations
rational-emotive therapy
emotional disturbance is caused by
irrationality in how ppl interprate events cayses prob emotional or behav consequences
Activating events that tirgger belief> emtoinals and behav> consequences
irrational beliefs
rigid dogmatic, musts and oughts, unrealistic and overgeneralized
12 common irrational beliefs
All of the important people in my life must love and approve of me all of the time
I must be thoroughly competent
If you hurt or upset me, you are universally bad and need to be punished
If things don’t go my way, life is horrible and I won’t be able to stand it
If I feel miserable, it is from an external cause

If something is dangerous, I must become preoccupied with it
It is easier to avoid things than deal with them proactively
I will always be strongly influenced by my past
Things should always turn out better than they do

I can become happy by doing nothing
Things must be in order for me to be comfortable
I am only a good person if I perform well and people approve of me
irrational beliefs lead to
healthy, emotions
rational beliefs
rational healthy emotions
treatment- rational emotive
help ppl confront their irrational illogical thinking, iden irrational beliefs, transfrom them,
therapy with ellis
person affects themselves more than their past, , repetition, practice and action of proper belief,
behav therapy
unconcerned with inferred vairables, observed behav
classical cond
behav is learned
operant cond
behav is reinforced by punishment
treatment in behav
is cooperative and edu, take prob at face value,
sys desen
teach how to relax
use through higher level of anxiety
exposure therapy
expose to fear inducing stiulus until anxiety reduces
exposure plus repsonse prevention for OCD
expose client to sit that creates obesses
prevent from engaging in compulsion
compuksion is no longer needed to reduce anxiety
behav rehearsal
accepts need of it
devel hierarchy
behav rehar
real life
contingency mangagement
rewarding pos behav token reward system