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27 Cards in this Set

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*Decreased O2 during labor -->relaxation of anal sphincter, release of 1st poop (meconium)

*Inspiration of meconium -->airway obstruction, pneumonitis

*Severity related to amount/depth of penetration

*Tx: airway clearing, endotracheal tube suction, chest PT, mechanical ventilation (resp failure)
Infections: TORCH-S
*T = Toxoplasmosis
*O = Other Infections
*R = Rubella
*C = Cytomegalovirus
*H = Herpes
*S = Syphillis
*Thru cat feces
--Spontaneous abortion
--Premature birth
--Developmental Delay
*Chicken Pox: may result in sensory deficits

*Influenza virus
*german measles
*most likely if mom has it in 1st tri
*heart anomolies
*Common Herpes virus thru indirect/direct contact w/ bodily fluids
*If mom's virus is active during pregnancy high risk of affecting baby

*Seizure disorder

*Vision/Hearing/Learning deficits
*At birth thru birth canal (mom active/inactive)

*Neonates good prognosis (localized to mouth, eyes, skin)

*Severe: affect all organs/systems
*CNS involved: meningitis, encephalitis = poor prognosis
Brachial Plexus Injury (3 classifications)
1) Erb's Palsy

2) Klumpke's Palsy

3)Erb-Klumpke Palsy
Erb's Palsy
*Brachial Plexus

*C5/6 n roots
*Weakness or paralysis:
-Shld ER, EXT, ABD
-Elbow FLEX, SUP
-Wrist EXT
Klumpke's Palsy
*Brachial Plexus Injury
*C8/T1 n roots
*Weakness or paralysis of mm of wrist and hand
Erb-Klumpke Palsy
*Brachial Plexus Injury
*Whole arm paralysis
Congenital Hip Dislocation
Abnormality of alignment of femoral head and acetabulum
Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot)
Congenital foot deformity
Spina Bifida
*Developmental defect of the spine
*Diagnosed at birth
*May have some degree of sensory/motor deficits
Oxygen delivery to fetus
*All from mom w/ little blood flow thru lungs

*Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus in fetal heart allow blood to flow AROUND pulmonary system
Fetal Blood Flow
1) RA --> LA thru F. Ovale

2)RV --> Ductus Arteriosus to Pulmonary A. and Aorta

*After birth, these close, allowing blood to enter pulmonary system
Patent Foramen Ovale
*F. Ovale close properly

*Blood goes from RA --> LA
Patent Ductus Arteriosis
*Open vessel btn Pulm. A and descending Aorta

*Dilates in response to hypoxia
Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)
*Most common congenital defects

* Abn communication btn RA and LA
Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD)
*Abn communication btn ventricles
*Blood goes L to R
*Pulmonary HTN
*Lg defects --> sx of resp distress, diaphoresis, fatigue
*Req surgical repair
Coarctation of the Aorta
*Narrowing or closing of the aorta
*PDA in 23% of pts
*Severe --> LV failure
*Mild can go undiagnosed
Tetraology of Fallot
*Obstruction of outflow of RV
*Aorta overrides RV
*Hypertrophy of RV
*Cyanosis when child is overexcited
*Nail clubbing (6-8mos)
*Surgical interventions
Tx: BT shunt of Subclavian A.to pulmonary A to increase pulmonary flow
Early Identification of Children at Risk for CNS Defecit

*Opisthotonus: entire body in H.Ext to form bow
*Assym posture (head, U/E)
*Feeding difficulties
*Absence of cooing
*Very poor head/trunk control
*Unable to move thru flex/ext synergies
*Hypo- Hyper-tonia
*Difficult to self-regulate
Early Identification of Children at Risk for CNS Defecit

*Persistent fisting
*Poverty of movement
*Persistent reflexes/Hyperexcitable
*No righting/equilibrium reflex
*Assym posture
*Not enough head/trunk control
*Absent/less babbling
Early Identification of Children at Risk for CNS Defecit

*Hasn't reached milestones:
-Unsupported sitting (10ms)
-Rolling (12ms)
-mobility (10ms)
-Delayed language dev.
*No development of equilibrium/protective rxns
*Athetoid, ataxic, or spastic mvmt
*Synergistic mvmt
*Failure to develop feeding skills
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (Hearing Test)
Bronchopulmoney Dysplasia