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35 Cards in this Set

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What is a Nerve?
A bundle of nerve fibres (axons and sometimes dendrites in peripheral nervous system)
What is Neurogenesis?
The production of new neurons from immature stem cells.
What is a Neuron?
(Also called a nerve cell)
Base unit of nervous system that conducts electrochemical signals
Brain Stem (Located/Contains)
At the base of the brain top of spinal cord/Medulla, Pons & RAS
What does the Amygdala do?
Controls arousal and regulation of emotion and initial emotional response to sensory info.
What does the Cerebellum do?
Regulates movement & balance.
It is involved in learning certain simple responses.
What is the Cerebrum?
Largest brain structure
What does the cerebrum do?
In charge of most sensory, motor & Cognitive processes
Describe the structure of the Cerebrum
It is divided into two hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum.
Where is the frontal lobe?
At the front of the cerebral cortex
What does the frontal lobe do?
Controls short term memory, higher order thinging, initiative, social judgement, speech (in the left side)
What is the Hippocampus responsible for?
Encoding of new information into memory.
What does HPA stand for?
Hypothalamus, Pituiatary Gland, Adrenal Cortex
What does the HPA Axis do? Describe the Process
Activates to energize the body to respond to stressors. Hypocampus sends chemical messengers --> Pitiuatary Gland --> prompts adrenal cortex to produce cortisol and other hormones.
What does the Hypothalamus regulate?
the Autonomic Nervous System
What is the Hypothalamus involved in?
Emotions & Drives vital to survival (Fear, Hunger, Thirst, Reproduction)
What does the limbic system control?
Emotional reactions and motivated behaviour
What does the medulla control?
Automatic functions such as breathing and heartrate
What is the peripheral nervous system? (PNS)
All portions of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord; it includes sensory and motor nerves.
What is the somatic nervous system?
one of the subdivisions of the peripheral nervous system that connects to sensory receptors and to skeletal muscles; sometimes called the skeletal nervous system.
What is the autonomic nervous system
The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates the internal organs and glands
What is the sympathetic nervous system
The subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes bodily resources and increases the output of energy during emotion or stress.
What is the parasympathetic nervous system?
The subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that operates during relaxed states and that conserves energy.
What the two components of the Central Nervous System?
The BRain and the spinal cord
What does a glia cell do?
1/ "SIN" supports, insulates, and nurtures neurons
2/ "DEF" debris (when neurons die), enhance formation
3/ "MOSt-MeN" maintenance of synapses, and modify neural functioning.
What are astrocytes?
Star shaped glia that may be involved in neural communication including the storage of neurotransmitters.
What are the 2 main parts of the nervous system called?
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Name the two divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System:
Somatic and Autonomic
What does the Central Nervous System do?
Receives, processes, interprets and stores incoming sensory information (about tastes sounds smells colour pressure on the skin, the state of internal organs, etc)
What process does the spinal cord do without the help of the brain?
Spinal reflexes (such as pulling away from something hot)
What does a dendrite do?
Recieves information from other neurons and transmits them towards the cell body. (very end of nerve structure)
What does the myelin sheath do?
Speeds up the communication of information, (surrounds the axon)
List the structure of a Neuron from Dendrite to Synapse
Cell Body
Axon (surrounded by myelin sheath)
Axon terminals
Synaptic end Bulbs
Name three chemical messengers in the nervous system:
Serotonin (affects sleep, appetite, mood, pain supression)
Dopamine (affects voluntary movement resp for parkinsons)
Acetylcholine (muscle action, memory, emotions)
Noreinephrine (increases heart rate)
GABA (inhibitory neurontransmitter)
Glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter)
Name 3 hormones:
Melatonin, Adrenal, Sex