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57 Cards in this Set

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top-down processing

a hierarchial model of pattern recognition in which info at higher levels of mental processing can also influence lower, "earlier" levels in the processing hierarchy

bottom-up processing

a hierarchial model of pattern recognition in which data are relayed from one level of mental processing to the next, always moving to a higher level of processing

signal detection theory (SDT)

a theory of perception based on the idea that the detection of a faint stimulus requires a judgement-- it is not an all-or-none principle

sensory adaptation

a decrease in sensitivity to a constant level of stimulation


the sense organs' detection of external stimuli, their responses to the stimuli and the transmission of these responses to the brain


the processing, organization and interpretation of sensory signals; it results in an internal representation of the stimulus


a process by which sensory receptors produce neural impulses when they receive physical or chemical stimulation


a property of the brain that allows it to change as a result of experience, drugs or injury

dizygotic twins

(fraternal twins) twin siblings that result from two separately fertilized eggs and therefore are no more similar genetically than nontwin siblings

monozygotic twins

(identical twins) twin siblings that result from one zygote splitting in two and therefore share the same genes

pituitary gland

a gland located at the base of the hypothalamus; it sends hormonal signals to other endocrine glands, controlling their release of hormones


chemical substances released from endocrine glands, that travel through the bloodstream to targeted tissues; the tissues are subsequently influenced by hormones


the main endocrine glands involved in sexual behavior: in males, the testes; in females, the ovaries

endocrine system

a communication system that uses hormones to influence thoughts, behaviors and actions

sympathetic division

a division of the autonomic nervous system; it prepares the body for action

parasympathetic division

a division of the autonomic nervous system; it returns the body to its resting state

somatic nervous system

a component of the peripheral nervous system; it transmits sensory signals and motor signals between the CNS and the skin, muscles, and joints

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

a component of the peripheral nervous system; it transmits sensory signals and motor signals between the CNS and the body's glands and internal organs

parietal lobes

regions of the cerebral cortex--in front of the occipital lobes and behind the frontal lobes--important for the sense of touch and for conceptualizing the spatial layout of an environment

temporal lobes

regions of the cerebral cortex--below the parietal lobes and in front of the occipital lobes--important for processing auditory info, for memory and for object and face perception

frontal lobes

regions of the cerebral cortex--at the front of the brain--important for movement and higher level psychological processes associated with the prefrontal cortex

prefrontal cortex

the frontmost portion of the frontal lobes, especially prominent in humans; important for attention, working memory, decision making, appropriate social behavior and personality


a brain structure that serves a vital role in our learning to associate things with emotional info

basal ganglia

a system of subcortical structures that are important for the production of planned movement

cerebral cortex

the outer layer of brain tissue which forms the convoluted surface of the brain

occipital lobes

regions of the cerebral cortex--at the back of the brain-- important for vision


a brain structure that is involved in the regulation of bodily functions, including body temp, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels; it also influences our basic motivated behaviors


the gateway to the brain; it receives almost all incoming sensory info before that info reaches the cortex


a brain structure that is associated with the formation of memories

brain stem

an extension of the spinal cord; it houses structures that control functions associated with survival, such as breathing, swallowing, vomiting, urination and orgasm


a large, convoluted protuberance at the back of the brain stem; it is essential for coordinated movement and balance

Broca's area

a small portion of the left frontal region of the brain, crucial for the production of language

Common Neurotransmitters and their Major Functions

1. Acetylcholine: motor control over muscles; learning, memory, sleeping and dreaming

2. Epinephrine: energy

3. Norepinphrine: arousal and vigilance

4. Serotonin: emotional states and impulsiveness; dreaming

5. Dopamine: reward and motivation; motor control (voluntary movement)

6. GABA (gamma-aminobutynic acid): inhibition of action potentials; anxiety reduction; intoxication

7. Glutamate: enhancement of action potentials; learning and memory

8. Endorphins: pain reduction; reward

9. Substance p: pain perception; mood and anxiety


the process whereby a neurotransmitter is taken back into the presynaptic terminal buttons, thereby stopping its activity


drugs that enhance the actions of neurotransmitters


drugs that inhibit the actions of neurotransmitters


in neurons, specialized protein molecules on the postsynaptic membrane; neurotransmitters bind to these molecules after passing across the synaptic cleft


chemical substances that carry signals from one neuron to another

all-or-none principle

the principle whereby a neuron fires with the same potency each time, although frequency can vary; a neuron either fires or not--it cannot partially fire

action potential

the neural impulse that passes along the axon and subsequently causes the release of chemicals from the terminal buttons


branchlike extensions of the neuron that detect info from other neurons

cell body

site, in the neuron, where info from thousands of other neurons is collected and integrated


a long narrow outgrowth of a neuron by which info is transmitted to other neurons

terminal buttons

small nodules, at the ends of axons, that release chemical signals from the neuron into the synapse


the site at which chemical communication occurs between neurons

synaptic cleft

the gap between the axon of a "sending" neurons and the dendrites of a "receiving" neuron; it contains extracellular fluid

myelin sheath

a fatty material made up of glial cells, that insulates the axon and allows for rapid movement of electrical impulses along the axon

nodes of Ranvier

small gaps of exposed axon, between the segments of myelin sheath, where action potentials are transmitted

resting membrane potential

the electrical charge of a neuron when it is not active

sensory neurons

one of three types of neurons; these afferent neurons detect info from the physical world and pass that info to the brain

motor neurons

one of three types of neurons; these efferent neurons direct muscles to contract or relax, thereby producing movement


one of three types of neurons; these neurons communicate only with other neurons


the basic units of the nervous system cells that receive, integrate and transmit info in the nervous system; they operate through electrical impulses, communicate with other neurons through chemical signals and form neural networks

central nervous system (CNS)

the brain and spinal cord

peripheral nervous system (PNS)

all nerve cells in the body that are not part of the CNS; includes the somatic and autonomic nervous systems

1. dendrite

2. cell body

3. axon

4. nodes of Ranvier

5. myelin sheath

6. terminal buttons

7. synapse (synaptic cleft)

1. frontal

2. parietal

3. temporal

4. occipital