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55 Cards in this Set

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Father's Sperm + Mothers Ovum =


A zygote is composed of what

46 chromosomes total

23 from each parent

Each chromosome contains _____

Made up of ___

Shaped like a _______ ______

Has the ability to __________



Double Helix


A zygote that divides to form two genetically identical individuals to form two genetically identical individuals

Monozygotic (identical)

Occurs when two ova are released simultaneously and both are fertilized by a different sperm

Dizygotic (fraternal)

XY Chromosomes =

XX Chromosomes =



If two alleles are homozygous

They are both dominant or both recessive

If two alleles are heterozygous

One is dominant and one is recessive

If two alleles are co-dominant

The are each heterozygous and equal

Female Abnormalities



1. Turner Syndrome

2. Poly-X Syndrome

Male Abnormalities

1. XXY or XXXY


1. Klinefelter Syndrome

2. Supermale Syndrome

Trisomy 21

Extra 21 chromosome

Intellectual disabilities

Distinctive physical features

Risk increased with age of mother

Down Syndrome

Analysis of amniotic fluid


Fetal cells extracted from chorion membrane

Can be performed earlier than amniocentesis

Chronic villus sampling (CVS)

Scan womb with sound waves


A Genotype is ....

Inherited genes

A Phenotype is ...

Observable characteristics & behaviours

Amount of variability in a trait that is attributed to hereditary influence


Tyron's "maze bright" and "maze dull" rats is an example of what experiment type

Selective breeding experiments

Compare members of family who live together is an example of what experiment type.

Name the two different design studies.

Family studies

1. Twin Design

2. Adoption Design

Percentage of pairs of people in which both members display a trait

Concordance Rates

What does H stand for

What is the equation to find H

Heritability coefficient

H=(r identical twins - r fraternal twins) * 2

Experiences unique to individual, not shared by other members of a family in same environment

Non-Shared Environmental Influences

Experiences common to all family members in same environment

Shared Environmental Influences

Genes restrict development to a small range of outcomes

Babbling is highly canalized attribute

Canalization principle

Genes set boundaries for range of phenotypes based on environment

Not as rigid as canalization

Range-of-Reaction principle

What is the period from conception to implantation in uterine wall

Germinal Period

What is the period from weeks 3 to 8

Period of the Embryo

What is the period from week 9 to birth

Period of the Fetus

Watertight membrane that surrounds the developing embryo, serving to regulate its temperature and to cushion it against injuries


A membrane that becomes attached to the uterine tissues to gather nourishment for the embryo


Formed from the lining of the uterus and the chorion - respiration and nutrition for developing fetus


A soft tube containing blood vessels that connects the embryo to the placenta

Umbilical Cord

Will become nervous system, skin, hair - partial of the spinal cord then into the nervous system, includes the brain eventually


Will become muscles, bones, circulatory system


Will become digestive system, lungs, urinary tract, other vital organs


In what month does the following occur

Able to kick, twist, but not felt by mother

Can swallow, digest, urinate

Testosterone secreted by testes of males

Ultrasound can detect sex

7.5 cm long; under 28g

Third Month

In what month does the following occur

More redefined motor actions (e.g., thumb sucking)

Kicking may be felt by mother

Heartbeat may be felt by mother

Heartbeat can be heard with stethoscope

Eyebrows, eyelashes, scalp hair appear

Covered in vernix & lanugo

Second Trimester

In what month does the following occur

"finishing phase"

Organ systems mature

Weight gain

Age of viability at 22-28 weeks

Moves to head down position

Third Trimester

What is vernix

White, cheesy covering to prevent chapped skin

What is lanugo

Fine layer of body hair

What are three different environmental influences


Environmental hazards

Maternal characteristics

Agents such as viruses, drugs, chemicals, radiation that can harm developing fetus


What disease is this

Most dangerous in 1st trimester

Effects include blindness, deafness, cardiac abnormalities, mental retardation


What disease is this

Caused by a parasite acquired from undercooked meat or handling fees from cats

Effects include brain damage in 1st trimester; miscarriage thereafter


What drug is this

Originally marketed to relieve morning sickness

Harmfully when taken early in human pregnancy

Yet some showed no effect at all


What drug is this

Effects not apparent until early adulthood

Diethylstilbestrol (DES)

What drug causes this

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE)


What drugs are these,

1. Can lead to emotional, behaviour and academic problems

2. Increased neonatal death, born addicted, may recover

3. Premature births mean smaller babies, lower IQs

1. Marijuana

2. Heroin

3. Cocaine - "crack"

What are the three stages to childbirth




What test is this,

5 characteristics, rated 0, 1, 2

Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tones, colour, reflex irritability

APGAR test

What test is this,

More subtle measure than APGAR

Administered few days after birth

Measures reflexes, responsiveness to stimuli

Neurological integrity

Can lead to early intervention

Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale

What birth complication is this

Oxygen deprivation

High risk with breech position

Risk with Rh factor mismatch

Prolonged anoxia more neurologically damaging than mild ______


What birth complication is this

Born 3+ weeks before due date; appropriate for time in womb

Preterm infants

What birth complication is this

Born close to due date, but grew slowly in womb; higher risk than preterm

Small for date