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14 Cards in this Set

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3 government powers

Legislative, executive, and judicial

4 characteristics of a state

Population, territory, sovereignty, and government

4 theories of origin of state

Force theory, divine right of Kings theory, evolutionary theory, and social theory

5 government responsibilities given in preamble

Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote for the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty for ourselves and our posterity

10 types of government

Democracy, Republic, oligarchy, dictatorship, theocracy, unitary, federal government, president, parliamentary, and confederation

Birth place for democracy


What did power mean during feudalism

More land you had, more power

What were some things we used from Rome's form of government?

Checks(balances), Republic - Senate(elected), consul(chief executive/President)

When did the power change from land to trade?

When the new class of merchants arised

What is Sovereignty?

Authority to make decisions and maintain order.

What is compromise?

The blending of both opposition's ideas

Who is the "law giver"


Four philosophers who influenced our finding fathers

John Locke, Voltaire, William Blackstone, and Baron De Montesquien

5 principles of American democracy

Worth of individual, equality of all persons, majority rule/minority rights, necessity of compromise, and individual freedom