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11 Cards in this Set

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hcg conc during pregnancy

Large increase at the start of pregnancy and then sustained thoughtout pregnancy at lower levels

Pregnancy is associated with an increase in blood and urine levels off

HCG (human chorioni gondatropin)



How did HCG form the basis of pregnancy testing

Historically serum would be taken from women and injected into a rabbit and if HCG was present ovulation would occur

HCG was cloned and antibodies raised to it allowing the development of immunoassays

What are the 3 main types

Inhibition of latex agglutination


Dip stick- home

What is inhibition of latex agglutination

rabbit anti -hcg is mixed with serum sample

If hcg is oresent it will be bound and remove the anti-hcg beads so they cant react with further reactions

Latex beads coated with hcg are added to the sample

Agglutination- negative

No agglutination- positive pregnant

Radio immunoassay for HCG

Rabbit anti-HCG is mixed with serum sample

If HCG is present it will be bound and remove anti-HCG from further reactions

Radiolabelled HCG is added

Highly radioactive- not pregnant

Not radioactive- pregnant

Explain a dip stick reaction

Rabbit anti- HCG is bound to coloured latex beads and dried onto filter paper, Mix with urine, HCG is present it will be bound by ab. If hcg is not present it wont be bound. The latex beads travel up the filter paper where they pass a line of immobilised ANTI-HCG. if HCG IS present on the latex beads they will be bound by ab and form a line. Some latex beads travel further up the filter paper and pass a line of immobilised anti-rabbit IgG- they are bound by ab and the beads stop and form a line as a positive control

Adv and disadvantages of inhibition of latex agglutination (ILA)

Time consuming snd realise on visual interpretation

Not absolutely quantitiative

Adv and disadvantages of RIA

Easily automated

Is easily quantified

Produces radioactive wastes

Adv and disadv of dipsticks

Very simple

Not quantitative

What are some problems in measuring HCG

Raised in other rare conditions such as tumours

Also raised if incomplete abortion

Is not present in ectopic pregnancy