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44 Cards in this Set

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A fertilized egg cell is known as a_______.


What two terrestrial groups survived until today?

amphibians and amniotes

Which animal group lacks symmetry?


A butterfly demonstrates which type of symmetry?


The formation of a brain is known as _________.


Which organism have a true coelom, a body cavity completely lined by tissue derived from mesoderm?


Which type of cleavage is this?

Which type of cleavage is this?


Which type of cleavage is this?

Which type of cleavage is this?


Which of the following terms means "mouth"?

Know how to label the germ layers of the Gastrula

Know how to label the germ layers of the Gastrula

Know how to label the anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral of an organism.

Know how to label the anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral of an organism.

A streamline body contour is known as________.


The fluid that fills the spaces between cells is known as_______.

interstitial fluid

Which of the following is not the correct organ system and function?

excretory- releases hormones to control activities

Which surface of epithelial faces the cavity or outside of the organ?


Which of the following cells does not receive nerve impulses?

blood cells

An animal whose body temperature varies with the environment is a_________.


The flow of adjacent fluids in opposing directions that maximizes transfer rates of heat or solutes is________.

countercurrent exchange

What is the minimum metabolic rate of a non-growing endotherm?

basal metabolic rate

A daily physiological state in which activity is low and metabolism decreases is_________.


What is an example of homeostasis in humans?

many possible answers- example: body temperature (when we use what we have around us to cool and maintain our temperature)

Inorganic nutrients required in small amounts for various functions are_________.


_________ is the result of a diet that consistently supplies less chemical energy than the body requires


While___________ is the long-term absence from the diet of one or more essential nutrients.


Which of the following is not the correct enzyme for the location in the digestive system?

mucin-large intestine

What causes gastric ulcers?


Absorbing too much water from feces results in_________.


While not absorbing enough water results in_________.


What is the process of animals like rabbits feeding on some of their feces and then passing the food through the alimentary canal a second time?


How many people in the US die yearly due to obesity?


Which of the following hormones increases appetite?


Know how to label the human digestive system.

Know how to label the human digestive system.

Do herbivores or carnivores have longer alimentary canals? Why?

Herbivores, because it takes longer to digest plants

Know how to identify the correct circulation in mammals

Know how to identify the correct circulation in mammals

Vasoconstriction is caused by____________.


While vasodilation is caused by____________.

nitric oxide

Which of the following is not the correct component and function combination?

erythrocytes- fight infection

The bad cholesterol is__________.

The good cholesterol is__________.

>bad- LDL

>good- HDL

The protein that increases red blood cell production is_________.


What are the secretions that relieve the surface tension in the fluid that coats the surface of alveoli?


What is the oxygen-storing, pigmented protein in muscle cells?


Know how to label the mammalian heart

Know how to label the mammalian heart

Know how to label the mammalian respiratory system

Know how to label the mammalian respiratory system

What is the function of the arteries, veins, and capillaries?

>arteries- carry blood away from the heart

>veins- carry blood to the heart

>capillaries- bridge in-between the arteries and veins that take nutrients to all cells