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30 Cards in this Set

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17) What is photosynthesis? Pg 68
Photosynthesis-autotrops use light energy to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide & H2O into O and energy-rich carbo's such as sugars & starches.
18) Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis.
Carbon Dioxide + H2O -> Carbohydrates & Oxygen
19) Who are the leading autotrophs on land? In water?
Land-plants main autotrophs
20) What is the difference between chemosynthesis and photosynthesis?
Chemosysnthesis-organisms use chemical energy to produce carbohydrates. While photosynthesis uses light energy to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide & H2O into O + enenrgy-rich carbo's (sugars + starches)
21) Another name for consumers is ___________. List 5 types and give examples for each type. Pg 69
4) List the levels of organization in our biosphere from least complex to most complex.
Individual, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere
5) If a scientist wanted to focus his study on a group of species in an area, what level would he/she study?
Populations would be the level a scientist would want to study, if his study focused on a group of species in one area.
8) Why do scientist use models to study ecological changes?
Scientist use models to study ecological changes because predictions made by ecological models are often tested by further observations and experiments.
1) What is ecology?
Ecology is the scientific study of interactions among organisms & btw organisms and their environment or surroundings.
22) What does a food chain represent?
23) Draw a diagram of a food chain in which you are a member.
24) Which group of organisms is always found at the base of a food chain or food web?
25) What is a food web? Pg 70
26) Food webs are broken down to levels. What are the levels called and what are in each level?
27) According to the diagram what does the Heron feed on? Pg 71
28) What proportion of energy is transferred to each trophic level in an ecosystem. Pg 72.
29) Describe the 3 types of ecological pyramids.
30) see diagram.
2) How are the words ecology, oikos and economy related?
The words ecology, oikos & economy are all related.
Ecology is based on the word oikos, means house, which is the root of the word economy.
German biologist Ernst Haeckel, saw the living world as a household w/ an economy in which each organism plays a role.
3) What does a biosphere contain?
The bioshpere contains the combined portions of the planet in which all of life exists, including land, H2O + air/atmosphere.
6) List some tools scientist use to study the living world.
Tools: binoculars, field guides, studies of DNA(identify bacteria in mud of coastal marshes),radio tags (to track migrating wildlife), and or use data gathered by satellites.
7) Describe the 3 basic methods of ecological research. Pg 65
Observing-first step in asking ecological questions.ex. what species live here? How many individuals of each species are there?
Experimenting-used to test hypotheses. Some are conducted within natural ecosystems.
Modeling-ecologists make models to gain insight into complex phenomena such as the effects of global warming on ecosystems.
9) How does a satellite collect data and convert it into an image? Pg 66
Satellites are fitted w/optical sensors that can scan several bands of the electromagnetic spectrum & convert the bands into electrical signals. Signals processed through a computer & converted into digital values which are use to construct an image.
10) How can satellite use be beneficial to ecologist? Pg 67
Satellite images can help ecologists to estimate the rate of a destruction that may occur ex. rain forest. They can cover every sq meter of the Earth's surface. Ecologist can work w/ local governemnts to slow the destruction of ecosystems.
11) Why do organisms need energy? List two uses of energy.
Organisms need energy beacuse without a constant input, living systems cannot function. Sunlight, inorganic chemical compounds (mineral water-chemical energy).
12) How is sunlight important to most ecosystems?
Sunlight is the main energy source for life on earth.
13) How much of the sun's energy is used by living things?
A samll amount (less than 1%) of the sun's energy is used by living things.
14) If organisms don't rely on the sun for its energy, where does their energy come from?
Some types of organisms rely on the energy stored in inorganic chemical compounds.
15) What are autotrophs? List 3 examples.
Organisms that capture energy from sunlight/chemicals and use that energy to produce their food. ex. plants, some algae, & certain bacteria.
16) Why are autotrophs called producers?
Because producers do the same thing as autotrophs. They can use energy to produce their own food.
simple inorganic compounds->complex organic molecules->living tissue