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210 Cards in this Set

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a type of carbohydrate, can branch together to makemono/di/polysaccharides, ring made of 6 carbons


a polysaccharide made of several glucoses


a type of fat, glycerol and 3 fatty acids

Amino Acids

make up proteins, contain nitrogen and oxygen

How do enzymes work?

enzymes are a type of protein that help speed up chemical reactions, decreaseactivation energy


a simple sugar that constitutes the building blocks of a more complex form of sugars such as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.


is the sugar formed when two monosaccharides (simple sugars) are joined


long chains of carbohydrate molecules, composed of several smaller monosaccharides.


any chemical reaction in which a molecule of water breaks one or more chemical bonds.

Dehydration Synthesis

the loss of water from the reacting molecule or ion

Benedicts Reagent

Test for glucose

Iodine Test

Test for carbohydrates

Transluscent Test

Test for fats

Biurets Test

Test for proteins

Order of digestion

mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus.

What is chemical digestion?

water and digestive enzymes to break down the complex molecules

How are Carbs & Amino Acids absorbed?

active transport to capillaries/blood

How are Fats absorbed?

passive transport, lymph vessels then blood

Accessory Organs of digestive system?

Pancreas, Liver, Gall Bladder

What does the pancreas do?

produces digestive juices and insulin, as well as other hormones to do with digestion.

What does the liver do in digestion?

make and secrete bile and to process and purify the blood containing newly absorbed nutrients that are coming from the small intestine (and detoxifies the food)

What does the gall bladder do in the digestive system

stores bile, a thick liquid that's produced by the liver to help us digest fat.

Structures of the Respiratory System

Nose, Mouth, Throat (pharynx), Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Lungs

What Happens During Inhalation?

diaphragm contracts and pulls downward. At the same time, the muscles between the ribs contract and pull upward. This increases the size of the thoracic cavity and decreases the pressure inside. As a result, air rushes in and fills the lungs

What happens during exhalation?

the diaphragm relaxes, and the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases, while the pressure within it increases. As a result, the lungs contract and air is forced out.

What is Metabolism?

the process by which the body changes food and drink into energy


Anabolism, the process of cell differentiation and growth, requires energy (ATP).


Catabolism is the process of transforming chemical fuels such as glucose into ATP (energy)


the natural compound present in green plants that gives them their color


an organelle within the cells of plants and certain algae that is the site of photosynthesis


coloured, black, white or fluorescent particulate organic or inorganic solids

rF value

distance travlled by component/

distance travelled by solvent

Where do light independent reactions take place?

In the stroma of the chloroplasts

Where do light dependant ractions take place?

The thykaloid membranes of the chloroplasts

How does the ETS work?

electron carriers take the electrons to a group of proteins in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.

How does photosystem II work?

Photopigment electrons get excited by solar energy, Excited electrons leave from reaction centre, Excited electrons move from reaction centre to electron transportsystem, The ETS uses the energy from the electrons to move hydrogen ionsacross the thylakoid membrane, The energy from the hydrogen gradient powers ATP synthase tomake ATP

How does photosystem I work?

Solar energy excites electrons in the photopigments of photosystem I, The electrons leave through the reaction centre, They enter the

electron transport system, The ETS passes the electrons and attaches them to NADP+ with a

hydrogen, Making NADPH, a short term energy carrier

Parts of light dependant reactions

Photosystems, electron transport system

Examples of electron carriers



Using the energy of a hydrogen gradient to make ATP

ATP Synthase

a special enzyme in the thylakoid membrane

The point of light dependant reactions?

To capture solar energy and transform it into short term energycarriers

The final electron acceptor in light-dependant reactions?

NADP+ (to make NADPH)

Final electron acceptor for photosystem II?

Photosystem I

What is the final product of photosystem II?


What is the name of the process that uses a hydrogengradient to make ATP?


Light Independant Reaction Requirements

1. CO2 from the air

2. CO2-capturing molecule RuBP (“ribulose bisphosphate”)

3. Enzymes to catalyze the reactions

4. ATP & NADPH from light reactions

3 Steps of the Calvin-Benson Cycle

Carbon Fixation, Reduction, Replacing RuBP

Carbon Fixation

CO2 + RuBP


series of steps that make PGAL

(“glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate”); requires ATP &NADPH

PGAL + PGAL = glucose

Replacing RuBP

RuBP regenerated to prepare foranother cycle; requires ATP

Products of the dark reactions:

Glucose(also ADP & NADP+)


the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy

Cellular Respiration

A chemical process in which oxygen is used to make energy from carbohydrates (sugars).

Mitochondrial Matrix

fluid-filled space

Mitochondrial Cristae

folds of inner membrane (largesurface area)

Intermembrane space of mitochondria

between inner andouter membrane

Aerobic respiration

Respiration with O2 present

Anaerobic respiration

Respiration with O2 absent

-Lactate fermentation

-Ethanol Fermentation

4 steps in aerobic cellular respiration

1. Glycolysis (cytoplasm)

2. Krebs Cycle Preparation (matrix)

3. Krebs Cycle (matrix)

4. Electron Transport System (Inner Membrane)


in cytoplasm

does not require O2Glucose is split 🡪 2 pyruvate molecules (3 carbons each)

creates some NADH & ATP

Krebs Cycle Prep

-In matrix

-will not proceed without O2 but does not useO2 directly

-continues breaking down remnants of glucosereleases CO2

-creates some NADH

Krebs Cycle

-Also called the “Citric Acid Cycle”

-in matrixfinishes breaking down remnants of glucose

- Releases CO2, creates NADH & FADH2 and some ATP

Electron Transport System

-Energized electrons used to create a hydrogengradient in a compartment – intermembrane space

-Hydrogen gradient used to power ATP synthase tomake ATP

- Final electron acceptor = oxygen

Purpose of Chemiosmosis

use energized electrons to create a hydrogen gradientneeded by ATP synthase to make ATP

how Anaerobic Respiration works

-In prokaryotes (soil, large intestine) & certain

eukaryotic cells (muscle cells, yeast)

-Occurs in cell cytoplasm

- Different final electron acceptor than O2

Lactate Fermentation

-Muscle cells & bacteria (making yogurt & cheese) -Final electron acceptor: lactate (a.k.a. lactic acid) -Produces 2 ATP & lactate

Ethanol Fermentation

-Certain bacteria & yeast (wine & beer

production )

- Final electron acceptor: ethanol

- Produces 2 ATP, ethanol & CO2

How the circulatory system transports nutrients/wastes?

The heart pumps oxygenated and deoxygenated blood on different sides.

How does the circulatory system regulate body temperature?

By changing the blood flow to the skin, the body can control heat exchange at its surface with its surroundings.


-Carry oxygenated blood from the heart to thebody

-Have very thick muscle and elastic walls(expand and contract as blood is pumpedthrough, producing a pulse)


-Smallest blood vessels (1/10 the width of ahuman hair) and just big enough for bloodcells to go through in single file

-Distributed throughout the body


-Carry carbon dioxide rich blood from body toheart (except for the pulmonary vein)

-Have thinner walls, thinner smooth muscles,and are wider inside

-Contain one-way valves to keep blood goingforward and use muscles to help move blood


weakening/dilationof a blood vessel


interruption of theblood flow to any part of thebrain

Pulmonary pathway

transportsdeoxygenated blood to the lungs to becomeoxygenated

Systemic Pathway

-movesblood from the leftventricle to all other partsof the body and back

-All blood leaves the leftventricle via the aorta,where it branches into themajor arteries of the body

Gas Exhanges in blood happens in.....


Coronary pathway

provides blood to theheart via the coronary arteries that branchoff the aorta & capillaries embedded in theheart wall

Artery Blood Flow

Flow maintained by pressurefrom:

1. Contraction of left ventricle

2. Artery wall smooth muscle contraction-HIGH pressure

Vein Blood Flow

Veins: Flow maintained by pressure from:

1. Contraction of skeletal muscle that isnear veins (eg. leg muscles)

2. Backflow prevented by valves- LOW pressure

Heart rate

how many times per minute theheart beats

Stroke volume

how much blood leaves theheart in one beat

sinoatrial (SA) node

in the right atrium producesan electrical signal that causes the heart to beat bymaking the atria (top halves) of the heart contract

atrioventricular (AV) node

is stimulated by thiscontraction and makes the ventricles (lower halves)contract

Blood Pressure

the pressure exerted by blood as it pushesagainst the blood vessel walls

Systolic pressure

When the ventricles of theheart contract

(highest pressure)

Diastolic pressure

The lowest pressure inbetween heart contractions

Average Blood Pressure is:

120/80 or lower

Components of Blood

Plasma, Red Blood cells, platelets, white blood cells


Liquid portion of blood

55% of blood

Red Blood Cells

Carries Oxygen

44% of blood

Filled with hemoglobin


Causes clotting

Formed in bone marrow

Causes fibrin clots

White Blood Cells

Promotes clotting and fights infection

Functions of Blood

Transport materials, Absorbs nutrients from

digestive organs, Carries hormones and other chemicalmessengers, Temperature regulation

3 lines of defence of the immune system

1st line: Physical & Chemical Barriers

2nd Line: Macrophages, Monocytes &Neutrophils (WBC’s)

3rd Line: Specific Immunity:B-cells & T-cells (“lymphocytes”)

1st Line Of defence

-Including: skin, eyelashes, cilia ofrespiratory tract, tears, stomach acid.

-Skin is dry, tough, relativelyindigestible, contains bactericides &acidic perspiration

2nd line of defence

-Kill/destroy foreign invaders quickly

- Release of enzymes/toxins to destroy

- Engulf invaders

- Alert the specific part of the immune system

-Release chemicals to activate the third line of


- Present antigens to identify invader specifically -Move to lymph nodes to alert lymphocytes

3rd Line Of Defence

-Carry out specific responses to invaders

- Provide “memory” to the immune system

a) B-cells: antibody mediated immunity

b) T-cells: cellular immunity


engulf invaders anddestroy them


B cells produce antibodies

Helper T cells:

Recognize antigens in macrophages, stimulatesmacrophages, B cells & other T cells

Killer T cells

bind with infected cells & rupture them

Suppressor T cells

suppress immunity to ensure normal tissue is notdestroyed

Memory T cells

respond quickly when an antigen is encountered again

lymphatic system function

helps tomaintain the balance of fluids in thebody

Rh factor

another group of antigens found on most RBCs

Rh positive

You have the antigen

Rh negative

you don’t have the antigen

Open System

Allows energy and matter tocross the system’s boundary – toenter and leave it.

Closed System

A closed system is one thatallows only energy (but NOTmatter) to cross the boundary


the study of our home (earth)


the earth


Living thing


gaseous part of Earth; concentrated within 10km ofEarth’s surface (but extends higher)


solid, mainly rocky part of Earth


all of the water (solid as well as liquid) that exists andmoves through the geosphere


convert light energy from the sun into stored energy incarbohydrates via photosynthesis


use the energy in carbohydrates (sugars) to power theircells via cellular respiration or fermentation


the amount of light an objectreflects (expressed as percent)

Composition of the atmosphere

~80% nitrogen gas

~20% oxygen

~1% everything else

~0.03% carbon dioxide

~0% - 0.4% water vapour

Chemosynthetic Producers

Convert energy from chemical bonds into stored biological energy

Primary Consumers (Herbivores)

Only eat plants, bacteria, algae, and any other organisms that areautotrophs

E.g., Some insects, snails, birds, mammals, clams, tubeworms, mussels

Secondary Consumers (Carnivores)

Animals that eat herbivores

E.g., Spiders, frogs, insect-eating birds

Tertiary Consumers (also Carnivores)

Animals that eat other carnivores or secondary consumers

E.g., Wild cats, giant crabs, tuna, many humans


Obtain energy by consuming dead organisms,shedded parts of organisms, or waste material(feces) therefore are primary, secondary &tertiary consumers

E.g. Bacteria, earthworms, some insects

1st law of Thermodynamics:

energy cannot be created or destroyed,only transferred from one form to another

2nd law of Thermodynamics:

Energy conversion is not 100% efficient.Each time energy is converted some is dispersed or “lost” to sound,heat, etc.


living + organic


non-living + inorganic

Trophic level

feeding level withinan ecosystem

Food Chains

Show a linear pathway throughwhich food is transferred to highertrophic levels

Food Webs

A more complex and more accurate model that tracksfood/energy transfer in an ecosystem

The Rule of 10

On average, only ~10%of energy is transferredto a consumer, theother 90% is lost.

Pyramid of Numbers

-Organisms at a higher trophic level are often less innumber than those at a lower trophic level -The width of each is # of organisms

Pyramid of Biomass

Biomass= the dry mass of living or once-livingorganisms per unit area

- Expressed in grams/square meter

- Makes up for size differences in species

Pyramid of Energy

-Eliminates problems with other models, but is more complicated tocalculate

- Shows the total amount of energy at each trophic level

- This MUST have a pyramid shape


The attraction of watermolecules to each other -causes surface tension


The attraction of water toother molecules

Heat Capacity

the amount of heat a substance can absorb orrelease for a given change in temperature




Need something else do feed off of

Gaia Hypothesis

The biosphere needs a constant input of energy and cycling ofnutrients to maintain its internal balance.


interbreeding organisms


group of a species in one area


populations of several species interacting in one area


community & its non-living environment


ecosystems interacting together


The practice of categorizing living things

Kingdom Archaea

prokaryotic, unicellular organisms; tend to onlylive in extreme and/or harsh environments

Kingdom Bacteria

prokaryotic, unicellular organisms; different cellcomposition; can live just about anywhere

Kingdom Protista

unicellular and multicellular organisms; somemake their own food and some ingest it

- Includes algae

Kingdom Fungi

secrete digestive enzymes onto food and absorb themolecules that are released

-Mushrooms, moulds, and yeasts

Kingdom Plantae

organisms that photosynthesize to make their ownfood

- Mosses, ferns, coniferous trees, and flowering plants

Kingdom Animalia

ingest their food and most are motile

- Insects, mammals, birds, reptiles

Naming of Organisms

(Least to most specific)

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Binomial Nonmenclature

The first part of an organism’s scientific name is the genus andthe second word is the species.

-The first letter of the genus is always capitalized.

- The species name is always lower case.


Large ecosystems with aparticular climate

Factors That Determine Climate

1. Latitude (distance north or south of equator )

2. Elevation (height above sea level)

Factors That Create Climate

1. air currents

2. Continents

3. circular water flow

4. Mountains


a place or area within a biome orecosystem that has a particular set of bioticand abiotic characteristics.


geographical areawhere the organism is found.

How Is Life on Land Distributed? (Terrestrial)

1. Water availability

2. Temperature

ecological niche

is the role that itsmembers play in an ecosystem.

How Is Life in Water Distributed? (Aquatic)

1. Energy (sunlight)

2. Nutrients

Littoral zone

(freshwater ecosystem)

Plants find abundant light, anchorage, and adequate nutrients frombottom sediments (near shore)

Limnetic zone

(freshwater ecosystem)

Plants cannot anchor to bottom and still receive enough light forphotosynthesis (farther from shore)

Profundal zone

(freshwater ecosystem)

Lies below the limnetic zone

Light levels insufficient for photosynthesisNutrients are abundant, as detritus falls down from other zones andsediments wash in

Oligotrophic lakes

Water clear, little sediment ormicroscopic life

Eutrophic lakes

receive largerinputs of sediments, organicmaterial, and inorganic nutrientsfrom surroundings

Photic zone

(marine ecosystem)

-Occurs in the upper layer of water, where light is strong enough to supportphotosynthesis

-About 650 ft or 200 m depth

Aphotic zone

(marine ecosystem)

-Lies beneath the photic zone

- Energy comes from the dead bodies and excrement sinking down fromabove

Biotic Limiting Factors

Competition for Resources, Predators, Parasites,

Intraspecific Competiton

competition among members of the samepopulation

Interspecific Competition

competition between two or morepopulations


Consumption of one organism by another


One organism (parasite) deriving its nutrition from another organism(host) who is harmed in some way

Sampling Populations in Ecosystems

Transects, Quadrats


sampling from several smaller “squares” or “rectangles”randomly chosen within a study area


sampling along avery long rectangle


The number of individuals per unit of volume or area


a structure, behavior or physiological process that helpsan organism survive and reproduce


a visible or invisible difference that can help anindividual survive


-A change in the genetic code (DNA) in a cell

-Occur spontaneously at a relatively constant rate in all cells (every timea new cell is made, the DNA may contain errors)

- Can be induced by mutagens: UV light, chemicals, etc.

- When it happens in sperm or eggs, this mutation will be inherited

Natural Selection

is a process that results when thecharacteristics of a population of organisms change

Because individuals with certain inherited traits survive specificlocation conditions and, through reproduction, pass on their traitsto their offspring

scientific hypothesis

a statement that provides one possibleanswer to a question OR explanation for an observation

scientific theory

a general statement that explains and makespredictions about a broad range of observations (based on successfulhypotheses)


Suggested common ancestry between types of cats(different forms arose through spontaneousgeneration)


-Noticed different layers of rocks where characterized byunique fossil groups

-Evidence of species extinction but not evolution

-Proposed catastrophism


Many species werecreated, then catastrophes occurred andsome died. These are fossilized. The rest remain today


Proposed same natural processes operated at same rates in past asthey do today


Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters:

- The environment induces changes to organisms -Organisms change from simple to complex – until they reached perfection

- Use or disuse of traits modified in each individual’s lifetime are passed on tooffspring


Proposed the theory of natural selection in 1838 in collaborationwith Alfred Russel Wallace who had proposed a similar theory at thesame time

Darwin’s ideas in Origin of Species

1. Present forms of life have arisen by descent and modification froman ancestral species

2. Different species in different areas that are best adapted to theenvironment evolve


a change in a population’s genetic frequenciesover time.

Evidence for evolution

Fossil Records, Transitional Fossils, Patterns of Distribution, Anatomy, Embryology, Molecular

biology & genetics

The fossil record

-Fossils in younger layers of rocks are more similar tospecies alive today

- Fossils appear in chronological order in the rock layers

- Not all organisms appear in the fossil record at the sametime

Transitional fossils

-Fossils that show intermediary links between groups of organisms

- Help scientists understand the process and relationships betweengroups of organisms

Patterns of Distribution

-Study of past and present geological distribution of organisms

-Species are more similar when found

geographically close

- Animals on islands are similar to animals found on closestcontinent


-Homologous structures: similar structural

elements but differentfunction

-Analogous structures: parts that perform similar functions despite nocommon ancestor


Similar embryos in relatedgroups

(e.g., vertebrates) pointto a common ancestor

Molecular biology & genetics

All cells contain DNA, cell membranes, water, proteins, lipids &carbohydrates


The formation of a new speciesthrough evolution


-One species gradually turns into another

-Caused by a progression of environmental changes and pressures

- The old species NO LONGER EXISTS


-One species splits into 2 species

-Caused by the separation (barrier) of members of the species and then separateevolution for a period of time

-Results in reproductively isolated populations

Geographical Barriers

Something physical about the environment

separates members of aspecies

e.g. a river, continents moving, a dam

Biological barriers

Behavioral factors prevent certain members of a species frombreeding

E.g. black sheep are shunned by white sheep, and thus only breedwith each other

Adaptive Radiation

The diversification of an ancestralspecies into many new species


Evolution of species occurs gradually, at asteady rate, as small changes add up to cause eventualchange

Punctuated Equilibrium

Evolution of species occurs mostlyin short periods of time where there is great change,followed by long periods of time where there is very littlechange