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160 Cards in this Set

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Which countries did Lenin make peace with
Germany, however after Soviet government nationalized all foreign owned factories without compensation and refused to pay Russias foreign debts France supported the White Armies
What was one of the reasons the First World War was such a great turning point in modern history
A radical government based on socialism and one party dictatorpship came to power, maintained power, and spread world wide
What was the tragic effects of the Great War: think dollars and deaths
332 billion dollars, 10 million dead, 20 million wounded
Why did the Germany military establish a virtual dictatorship in early 1917
Because of the "peace resolution" made in Reichstag calling for peace without territorial annexations
What happened at the Second Battle of Marne
The Germans made some advancements but they were stopped when American soldiers and Ludendorff was to exhausted to move forward.
When did General Lunchendorff realize Germany had lost the war
When British, French, and American arries advanced on all fronts
What did the emperor in Germany do on October 4
He created a more liberal German government which would be sued for peace
What significant event happened on Nobember 3
Sailors in Kiel mutinied and throughout Germany there wer large scale revolts
What significant event happened on November 3 in Austria-Hungary
Surrended to the allies and broke apart
When did World War I end?
November 11, 1918
Describe the revolutions in Austria Hungary caused by the Great War
The revolution was nationalistic and republican where independent republics were proclaimed
Although both German and Russian Revolutions caused by World War I dealth with socialists and liberals overtaking the central government, while workers and soldier councils formed a ocunter government how did German revolution differ
The moderate socialists and their liberal allies won-there was a bourgeois political revolution but no communism
How did the German socialists differ from the Russian socialists
They wanteed real political democaracy and civil liberties and the abolishing of capitalism-however they were appaled by revolutionary terror-they also accepted defeat and ended the war the day they took power
What did the German socialists do for the farmy
They accpeted defeat which ended the decline in morale and prevented the regular army from disintegrating-and ultimately end the uprisings
What were some of the socialists reactions to Liebnecht and Luxemberg being murdered by army leaders
Working class activists broke away from Social Democratic Party and joined the pro Lenin Germany Communist Party
What were Wilson Woodrow's Fourteen Points
Peace proposal which stressed national self determination and the rights of small coutnries
Who were the real powers of the Treaty of Versailles
United States, Great Britain, France
What was the League of Nations and who encouraged it
Wilson encouraged that a permanent international organization could protect member states from aggression and avert future wars
Who were the leaders of Great Britain and France in the Treaty of Versailles
Lloyd George of Great Britain and Clamenceau of France
Why was Lloyd George so determined to make Germany pay for the war
George had won his campaign in Great Britain by promising the Germans would suffer,and the people felt that someone should suffer and pay for the tragedy of wars
What did "the Tiger" want
He wanted revenge, he wanted to create a buffer state between France and German, permanent demiliztarization of Germany, and German reparations
Woodrow and Gerorge didnt believe in Clamenceua's fate of Germany but ultimately the countries agreed on what
There would be no Rhineland to buffer, but there would be an alliance with US and Great Britain
What were the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles
1] Germany had to give up colonies to France, Britain, and Japan
2] Germany gave up Alsace and Lorraine
3] Parts of Germany ceded to Polish state
4] limit army to 10,000 men and agree to build no military fortifications
5] Germany pay reparations equal to civilian damages
When did Germany agree to the treaty and where
June 28, 1919 at the Sun King's Hall of Mirrors at Versailles
What happened to the Ottoman Empire based on Treaty of Versailles
Ottoman Empire was broken up, Britain and France expanded power and influence in Middle East
The British and French had promised independence for the Arabs, did this happen? give examples.
No. Britain and France crushed all the revolts for indepndence and only Turks own independenfce
What was the Balfour Declaration
Made on November 1917 stated that there would be a "National Home for the Jewish People" in Palenstine that didnt prejudice against non Jew communities-however Palenstinian Arabs were angered becaused felt that the Jewish homeland would be incompati ble with majority rule
How did Lenin affect the terms of the Versaillles Treaty
Many Allied Leaders wanted to end the war to stop the Bolshevik Revolution and provide tranquillity for war weary people
What were two obstacles for peace of the war
Germany [uprisings, reactionary plots, disillusionment about losing the wars-couldnt for m democracy] Senators led by Henry Cabot Lodge and others felt that the Leagues requirement for member states to take colletive action against aggression for they felt this gave away cONGRESSES RIGHT TO DECLARE WAR
What did Wilson and Senate do about the Treaty
They didnt join League of Nations or ratify Wilson's treaties forming a defnesive alliance with France and Great Britain
What happened to France as a result of the Treaty
United States and Britain turned its back and was left isolated
Define The Greak Break
Meaning the First World War and the Russian Revolution
Before 1914 most people in Europe still believed in what?
Progress-seeing the new developments in the city and the increase in rights
During the 1880's a small group of serious thinkers and creative writers attacked what ideas
The optimistic ideas of progress and the power of the ratonal human mind
After the war the small elite of thinkers who criticized optimism in progress and humans now believed humans were
Violent, irrational animals quite capable of tearing the individual and his or her rights
Who was Paul Valery
Was a French poet and critic in the early 1920;s who saw Europe's future as dark-and he saw in the midst of economic, political, and social disruptions the "cruelly injured mind" that was filled with doubt and suffering anxiety
Who was Friedrich Nietzche
He was an influential German philosopher-he rejected Christianity and became a professor of classical languages. Nietzche believed that ever since classical Athens the West had overemphasized rationality and stifled the passion and human insitnct that drove human acitivty and true creativity. He also uestioned all values and cliamed Christinaity embodied "slave morality". Nietzche believed that conventional morality based on reason, democracy, progress, and respectability was outwarn social and psychological constructs whose infleunce as suffocating self realizatio and excellence.
Who was Henri Bergson
He was a French philosophy professsor who convinced many young people through his writing that immediate experience and ntuition were as important as rational and scientific thinking for understanding reality. He emphasized that religious experience or mystical poem was more accesssible to human comprehension than a scientific law or mathematical equation
Who was Georges Sorel
A French socilalist who characterized Marxian socilaism as an inspiring but unprovable religion rather than a scientific truth. He believed socialist would come to power through a great, general strike of all working people and he rejected demoacracy aned believed that the masses of new socialist society would have to be controlled by an elite
Describe the two ways that the revolt against established certainties in philosophy went
English speaking countries: acceptance of logical empiricism [or logical positivism] and in continental countries-existentialism
Define logical empiricism
It rejected most of the concenrs of tradional philosophy, from existence to God, meaning of happiness- as just nonsense
Who was Ludwig Wittgenstein
Was an Austrian philosopher who wrote Tractatus LogicoPhilosophicus [Essay on Logical Philosophy] which stated philosophy is only the logical clarification of thoughts and therefrom it becomes study of language which expresses thoughts. He believed great philosophical issues [God, freedom, morality] were senseless because couldnt be tested by scientific experiments or tested by math/
Define existentialism
They were thinkers loosely united in a courageous search for moral values in a world of terror and uncertainty
What were most existentialists [religion wise]
Who was Jean-Paul Sartre
French existentialist who said human beings simply exist and they are alone for there is no god. They are hounded by despair and meaninglessness of life-he often shattered beliefs in God, reason, and progress
Who was Jean-Paul Sartre
French existentialist who said human beings simply exist and they are alone for there is no god. They are hounded by despair and meaninglessness of life-he often shattered beliefs in God, reason, and progress
How did many existentialists thinkers bleieved human beings could overcome life's absurdity
By acting to give meaing to life through actions, of defining oneself through choices
Where did modern existentialism first gain prominence but where did it really come to age after World War II
First Germany in the 1920's under Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers then France because of the terrible conditions of the war reinforced the idea of existential life
Who was Albert Camus
Leading French existentialist who was widely influential in French resistance after World War II and offered many profound answers to moral issues
What did the loss of faith in human reason and in continual progress lead to a renewed interest in
Christian view of the world
Whsat was Christ seen as before 1914
The greatest moral nature===for many theologians felt they must interpret Christian doctrine and the bible so they wouldnt contradict science, evoluton, and common sense
What did Christian existentialists stress
Human beings' sinful nature, the need for faith, and mystery of God's forgiveness
Who was Soren Kierkegaard
Was a Danish religious philosopher whose ideas were influential in the revival of fundamental Christian beleif: he made a total religious commitment to a remote and majestic God
Who was Karl Barth
He wa a Swiss Protestant theologian whose influentail writings sought to recreate the religous intensity of the Reformation-he believed human beings were imperfect, sinful creatures whose reason and will wre flawed-and religous truth is made known to human beings only through God's grace-people have to accept God's word and the supernatural revelation of Jesus Christ
Who was Gabriel Marcel
leading existential Catholic thinkerwho believed the Catholic Church had the answer to the broken world after the war-Catholicism provided hope, humanity, honesty, and piety,
Who was Jacques Maritain
He was a countryman who worked with Marcel and denounced anti-Semitism and supported closer ties with non-Catholics
Why did religiu after 1914 become much more relevant and meaningful to thinking people then before thewar
Religion often in existential variety was one meaningful answer to terror and anxiety
What was one of the main pillars supporting Western society's optimistic and rationalistic views of the wordl
Who was Marie Curie
Polish born physicist who discovered that radium constantly emits subatomic particles and thus doesnt have a constatn weight
Who was Max Planck
He was a German physicist who in 1900 showed that subatomic energy is emitted in uneeven little spurts which he called quanta-instead of steady stream: his discovery disproved the old idea that separated matter and energy
Who was Albert Einstein
German-Jewish genius who made the famous theory of special relativity that time and space are relative to the viewpoint of the observor and htat only the speed of light is constant for all frames of refernece in the universe-ge showed that matter and energy and interchangeable
Who was Ernest Rutherford
Leading pioneer of physics who showed that the atom could be split and he found the neutron-this allowed more experimental bombardment of matter
How did the milllions of men and women in the 1920's and 1930's view the new discoveries in physics
They found the universe was strange and troubling for everything was relative and the universe was uncertain and undetermined
Who was Werner Heisenberg
German physicist who made hte principle of uncertainty which postulates that because its impossible to know the position of the indvidiual electron its impossible to predict its behavior
Describe Freud;s description of human behavior
Its irrational--key to understanding the mind if the primitive irrational unconscious called the id-which isriven by sexual, aggressive, and pleasure seeking desires and locked in constant battles with other parts of the mind like the rationalizing consciouse [the ego[ which mediates what a person can do and ingrained moral values [superego] which is what a person should do=human behavior is a compromise between instintual drives and controls of rational thinking and moral values
How did Freud and Nietzche agree
They both believed that the mechanisms of rational thinking and traditional moral values an be too strong repressing sexual desire and cripplign indvidiuals and entire peoples with guilt and neurotic fears
Whihc countries did Freud psychology get attention after 1918
United States and northern Europe
What did many people interpret Freud's ideas
They believed he called for sexual experimentation
Describe twentieth century litearture
Now the twentieth century writers took on the viewpoint of one individual who was confused and irrational human mind where feelings, memories, and desires were scrambled
Who was Marcel Proust
French novelist who wrote semi-autobigraphy Remembrane of Things Past which recalled bittersweet memories of childhood and youthful love and tried to discover their innermost meaning
Who was Virginia Woolf
Author who used the stream of consciousness technique-she wrote Jacobs Rooom which was a series of internal mmonologues, in which ideas and emotions from different periods of time bubble up as randombly
Who was William Falukner
One of America's greatest twentiweth century novelist who wrote The Sound and the Fury which is intense drama confusedly seen through the eyes of an idiot
Who was James Joyce
Irish novelist who wrote Ulysses which was in the eyes of an ordinary man on an ordinary day where Joyce weaves an extended ironic parallel between his hero's aimless wanderings throug the streets and adventures of Homer's hero Ulyssess-he uses random bits of language to mirror modern life which is a gigantic riddle waiting to be unraveled
Who was Oswald Spengler
German high school teacher who wrote The Decline of the West which stated that every culture expeirences a life cycle of growth and decline--he stated death was approaching by conquewsst by the yellow race
Who was T.S Elliot
Wrote famous peom The Waste Land which depicts a world of growing desolation, however afte rconverting to Anglo-Catholocism he came to hope cautiiously for humanity's salvation
Who was Franz Kafta
author of The Trial and The Castle which are several short stoires that portray helpless indviduals crushed by inexplicable hostile forces
Who was George Orwell
Author of 1984 which descrivbes Big Brother-dictator- and a totalitarian state use of a new kind of langauge, sophisticated technology, and psychological terror to strip indivduals of their last shred of humman dignity-spoke to millions of people in the closign years of the age of anxiety
Define functionalism
The new principle in architecture that buildings, like industrial products, should be useful and functional and serve a purpose for what they are made of
Who is Le Corbusier
He was one of the architects who followed functioanlism and said a "house is a machine for living in"
Who was Louis H. Sullivan
Leader of the Chicago school of archietects who used cheap steel, reinforced concrete, and electrial elevators to build skyscrapers and office building lacking exterior ornamentation
Who was Frank Lloyd Wright
He was an arhcietecture who built radically new and truly modern houes featuring low lines, open interiors ,and mass produced building materials
In Europe where did archietectual leadership center in
German speaking countries
QWWho was Walter Gropius
He was an archietect who broke with the past and used his design in the Fagus shoe factory whcih was clean, light, and elegant building of glass and iron
Was the school of fine and applied arts merged to make a school for modern archietects, designer,s and tehatrical innovators
Who was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
He was archietect who moved to United States and make Lake Sore Apartments in Chicago which symbolized the triumph of steel frame and glass wall modern archietecture
What was impressionism
Artists wh sought to capture the momentary overall feeling, or impression of light falling on a real life scence before their eyesw
Describe the postimpressionists
Sometimes called expressionists their art after the war was nonrepresentational or abstrat characters-they wnted to know and depict worlds othen than the visble world=wanted to portray unseen inner worlds of emotion and imagination
Who was Vincent van Gogh
He was a Dutch expressionist who made The Starry Night where he painted the movig vison of his mind's eye
Who was Paul Gauguin
He was a French painter who pioneered in expresssionist tecchniques where he infuesed tranquillity and mysticism and he believed that the painter should represent objects as the eye actually saw them
Who was Pual Cezanne
Was a modern painter who was committed to form and ordered design and then later on abstractg and nonrepresentatioanl work that was two dimensional
Who was Henri Matisse
Leader of the expressionism group of painters who painted real objects but was primarily concerned with the arragemment of color, line, and form
Who was Pablo Picasso
Spanish painter who found the cubism movement-concentrated on a complex geometry of zigzagging lines and sharply angled overlapping planes
Who was Wassily Kandinsky
Russian born artist who turned away from nature and reprsented art as form and color combinatiosn as a representation of mood not objecfts
What was dadaism
Was form of art that attacked all accepted standards of art and behavior and delighted in outrageous conduct
What was surrelalism
Influential art in the late 1920's and 1930's which painted a world of wild dreams and complex symbols and thery refused to depict ordinary visual reality but rather made statements about the age of anxiety
Who was Igor Stravinsky
He was a coposer in the ballet The RIe of Spring who had a combinatio nof pulsating, dissonant rhythms which represented lovemaking and cused a stir in Paris
Who was Alban Berg
He made the opera Wozzeck whcih blended a half sung half spoken dialogue with harsh, atonal music=was a gruesome tale of a soldier driven by Kafka like inner terorrs and vauge suspicions of unfaithfulness to murder his mistress
Who was Arold Schonberg
Viennese composer who aanddoned traditional harmony and tnoality-the notes werent united and organized by key but were independent and unrelated
What was the public primariliy interestedi nconcerning the arts
Moives and raidos
What were moving pictures first
First were popular novely in naughty peepshows
Where were the first movie houeses
Los Aneles
Give examples of first short silent action films
Great Train Robbery
Where were the first movie factories held
New York
Which country was the dominant force in the rapidly expanding short film industry
Who was Mack Sennett
He specialized in short slapstick comedies noted for frantic automobiilie chaes, custard pie battles, and gorgeous bathing beauties
Who was Charlie Chaplin
Englishman who worked in Hollywood and was king of the silver screen-known for his role asthe Little Tramp he was known for slapstikc comedy=demonstrated that mass entertainment and artistic accomplishment could be achieved
Describe the 1920's age of German filsm
The films were bizarre expressionist dramas [THe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari] but many German talents moved to Hollywood
What was the greatest appeal of motion pictures
They offered ordinary people an escape from the hard realitiies of everyday life
How did radio become possible
With transatlantic wireless commmunication of Guglielmo Marconi and development of vacuum tube which allowed transmission of sppech and mussic
Describe correlation between radio and politics
Many dictators used propaganda nad many democrats used campaigns---many films were powerful tools of indoctrination
Who was Leni Riefenstahl
The talented woman film maker who made the propaganda for hilter the Triumph of the Will
Why did ist seem peace would be difficult [describe each country
Germany hated Treaty of Versailles
France was isolated and fearful
Britain was undependable
US had turned back
Eastern Europe was in ferment
Russia was communistic
The treaty of Versaills for the Germans fell between two stools:
1] too harsh for a peace of reconciliation
2] too soft for a peace of conquest
How did France see how Germany should be treated
France beleived that Germany should be punished for paying reparations and to pay for loss on Frnech soil
How did France see how Germany should be treated
France beleived that Germany should be punished for paying reparations and to pay for loss on Frnech soil
How did France see how Germany should be treated
France beleived that Germany should be punished for paying reparations and to pay for loss on Frnech soil
How did Britain see Germany should be treated
They believed that Germany if had to pay reparations would be impoverished and this would hurt all of Europe and they were suspicious of the Frenhc armywhich had formed alliances with some of the eastern countries
fWho was John Maynard Keynes
Author of the Economic Conseuqences of the Peace who bleieved thatif Germany had to pay reparations this would hurt Germany and all of Europe
How much money did Germany have to pay?
132 billion gold marks
What did the Weimar Republic announce in 1922
They couldnt pay the raparations and proposed a moratorium on reparations for 3 years which would reduce or eliminate reparations
Who was Raymond Poincare
Frnech prime minister who wouldnt accept Germany's moratorium on reparations and in 1923 set French armies and Beligum armies to Ruhr district, heartland of Industrial Germany, to force them to pay the money
What did the German government order the people of Ruhr to do
Stop working and start passively resisting French occupation-in which France sealed off the Ruhr and only allowed enough food to prevent starvation
Why did the German government pay new money, what was the result of this
They printed money in order to pay their bills and this caused German money to lose its value
What did German inflation do and who did it hurt
It hurt hte middle class whose money was worthless, people were angry and blamed Western government, their own government, big business, the Jews, the woorkers, and communists
Who was Gustav Stresemann
He was the German leader who adopted a compromising attitude-called off passive resistance in the RUhr and agreeed in principle to pay reparations but re-examined Germany's ability to pay
Who was Charles G. Dawes
He was the American banker who headed the reparations commission and made the Dawes Plan which was accepted by France, Germany, and Britain and redueced reparatiosn based on German economic propserity=the Germans would receivve loan from the US and pay reparations to France and Britain thus enabling thsoe countries to repay large sums owed to the SU
In 1925 what happened at Locarno Switzerland
Germany and France pledged to accept common border, Britain and Italy agreed to fight either France of Germany if one invaded the other, and made boundary disputes iwth Poland and Czzecholslovakia by peaceful means and Francepromised those countries military aid if Germany attacked
What did Germany do in 1926
Join the League of Nations
What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact
Was in 1928 signed by 15 countries promising to settle international disputes peacefully--seen as idealistic because made o provisions fora ction in case war happened
What was Mein Kampf
Hitler's book meaning My Struggle where it outlined his theories and progrmas
What were the harp politial divisions in Germany during late 1920s-early 1930's
The unrepentant natioanlists and monarchiests, Communists, Social Democrats
What problems occured in France in the 1920's
The French had to rebuid. the north and they had substantial inflation
Who was Gertrude Stein
wLeader of the large colony of American expatriates living Paris who claimed twentieth century was in Paris
What problems did Britain face
Unempployment-however the state provided unemployment benefits and suplllements those payments with subdized housing, medical aid, and pensions
What was the Labour Party
The Party that replaced the Liberal Party and opposed Conservatives==prominence of Labour party refleced decline of old liberal ideas
Who was Ramsay McDonaldn
He wasthe ruler of the Labour Party from 1924-1929 who governed the ocutnry iwth the support of the smaller liberal party, he moved towards socialism gardually
Who was Stanley Baldwin
He was the leader of the Conservatives who wanted to compromise on social issues
In 1922 what did Britain grant
Southern Catholic Ireland full autonomy
What triggered the collapse into the Great Depressssion
The Crash of the stockmarket in 1929
Who was Irving Fisher
One of America's most brilliant economists who was optimistic in 1929 and fully invested in stocks
Why did many people have to sell stocks when prices fell
Because stock market many people borrowed money and paid only fraction of total pruchase price
What happened when people started buying fewer goods
Prices fell, production slowed down, and unemployment began to rise
How did the financial crises trigger a worldwide crisis
Because American bnakers lent money to other countries and people began to withdraw money from the bank to pay back which made baks collapse and world prices collapsed
What did many countries do to make their markets more salable
Make goods cheaper
What two factors are attributed to the Great Depression
1] lack of leadershipi and makig high tariffs
2] poor national economic policy
What was the social consequences of the Great Depression
1] people became hopeless and bored
2] marraige postponed and birthrates fell
3] suicide increase and mental illness
What was the only country hit harder then the US by the Great Depresssion
Who was Herbet Hoover
US president who saw stock market crash with optimism which didnt help
Who was Franklin Delano Rossevelt
He was a wheelchair bound aristocrat who wn the election by promising "New Deal for the forgotten man" he wanted to reform capatilism and rejec socialism-he chose forceful government intevention and he promoted agricultural recovery==je a;sp devalued the dolllar and left the gold standard
What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
Act made at raising prices and farm income by limitign production
What was the National Recovery Administration
Attempt to control and plan the economy and reduce competition by fixing prices and wages-was nliked
How did FDR respond to unemployment
He created new industries [Works Progress Administration-constructed public buildings, bridges, and highways]
In what ways did the US follow Bismarck's plans
They established national social security, old age pensison, unemployment benefits and the National Labor REelations Act of 1935 gave union organizers allowed collectibve bargaining
Which group became hte largest political party in Sweden and NOrway
Social Democrats
How awas Britain able to recover from the Great Depression
Through making new industries such as autombolies and electrical appliances and by making low interest rates to encourage housing booms
Why was France hit later by the Depression
They were less industrailized and isolated from World Economy but once hit they stayed in problems
What was the Popular Front
In France in 1936 group of the Communists, Socialists, and Radicals forming alliance against fascists
What did Blums Popular Front do to try to solve economic problems
Create uion movement and social reform through paid vacatiosn and 40 hour workweek
Why ddi Frances economy go down
The new reforms were sabataged by rapid inflation and cries of revolution
WDescribe civil war in Spain and the Frnehc
The Communisms demanded the French support Spanish repbulicans while conservatives wanted to atttack Spanish fascists-this caused collapse of Popular Front