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49 Cards in this Set

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Political activity in centeralized or concentrated in intervrated group.

Bullet point 4 types of political organization?





4 Characteristics of a State?

Political Unit, Centeralized government, draft men for work/war, enforce war

1 known reason we follow state power?


Segmentary linage system

Hierarchy of more inclusive lingages, usually functions only in conflict situations



- Warfare

- Civil War

- negotiation

- violence not considered legitimate that occurs within a political unit or Nation

- socially organized violence between political entities communities or districts ,nations

- fight within a community

- parties come to a settlement themselves by negotiation sometimes with others

Codified laws

Laws against what you can do in society

Most extreme form of Community Action

Capital punishment example death row


Determining guilt or innocence by submitting accused to dangerous/painful tests


Court 3rd parties acting as judge


Strategically planned force to aquire something

Used force planed and organized.

Universality of law

All people have rights Just For Being Human

One reason why some societies are more violent than others?

Young children ' especially young boys are subject and glorified for violence


Any belief to a supernatural power


Not subject to the laws of nature

What was Edward Tyler approach to religion?

Animism was the beginning of the development of religion and that it occurred and the states


Belief in a soul

Ameal Pirkhynies approach to religion?

Religion provides a community when at church





Where Supernatural Force goes

Two categories of Supernatural

Ghost / ancestral beings

Gods/ spirits

Two characteristics of Gods and spirits

Typacally made up; they created everything.


Belief in one god


Belief in many gods

1 reason people belive in God(s) or religion?

People turn to religion during an injustice in life.

5 ways people interact with the supernatural?

Prayer, physical experience, simulation, feasts, sacrafices

Explain a physiological experience?

Doing something to the mind and body

Vodoo is what type of interaction?


1 reason gor human sacrafices?

Human labor was highly valued in some societies


Use of materials to invoke supernatural powers to harm people.

1 explanation for the witch craze in salem, Massachusetts

No stable judicidal practice

4 types of religious practitioners

Shamans, Sorcers/witch, mediums, priest

Applied Anthropology

Where you go out into the field and practice actively

When was the society for apploed anthro established?


What is the first code of ethic?

Their needs come befor everything

3 barriers that hinder change

Cultural, Social, phychological

Cultural resources

Archeologist recover and preserve records befor change occurs.

Forensic Anthropology

Using anthro to solve mass death and mass crime .


Health related belifs of cultural group

What does it mean , madmen we say that HIV/AIDS is a social issue

It affects the way we come about the process of getting A AIDS and what the society its taught a abhor the subject itself. It eve effects societies.

3 social problems

Natural events, Disasters, famine

Social problem

Violence against kids, children

2 forms of violence (from book)

Violence against wife and child

One reason for wife or woman abuse

Men are unemployed

One reason for high crime rates

broken homes

Reson we go to war


State Terrorism

Run by dictators and others leaders to kill there own population

Explain universal human rights?

Set of rights for all people

How can you use anthropology in youre daily life.

By doing you're part and being aware of social problems.

Cultural relitisum
