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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of cornary arteries? Vessels?

Arteries: supply the myocardium with blood

Vessels: take the deoxygenated blood away from the myocardium

What supplies the heart with fresh blood?

left cornary artery, right cornary artery

Right coronary artery. It encircles the right side of the heart in the coronary groove. It will often extend to the subsinosal interventricular groove VISIBLE FROM RIGHT SIDE

What is the left coronary artery?

A little stump that leaves the left sinus and immediately branches to form the circumflex branch and the paraconal interventricular branch. A final branch comes ff in the subsinuosal groove: the subsinuosal interventricular groove

1= Circumflex branh of the lefrt coronary artery (lives in coronary groove)

2= paraconal interventricular branch of the l coronary artery (Lives in the paraconal groove)



Great cardiac vein

1 = subsinuosal artery (come off of the left coronary branch)

2= middle cardiac vein

How does blood get into the atrium?

Blood from the head comes in from the cranial vena cava

Blood from the body comes from the caudal vena cava

Blood from the heart comes in through the coronary sinus

1. Caudal vena cava 
2. Cranial vena cava
3. cornary sinus

1. Caudal vena cava

2. Cranial vena cava

3. cornary sinus

Trace the flow around the coronary arteries

How does does the RA communicate with the rigth ventricle

Right A-V value (tricuspid

What happens to the great cardiac vein as it enters the right atrium?

it loses its smooth muscle and becomes the coronary sinus


General somatic efferent motor


general somatic afferrent sensory

How is the cervical region going to get sympathetic nerves? Is it going to jsut be piped into the spinal nerves

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. The Cervical nerves are autonomic deprived (they do not have either parasympathetic OR sympathetic). please figure this out

Where does the verberbral nerve run

It orginates at the cervicothoracic ganglion and runs with the vertebral artery _+figureoutwhere up

What is unique about the thorcaolumbar region?

Only region to have autonomics directly piped into their branches

What is the tricky thing about nerve fibers?

they can never split in go in two different directions. They have to pull a U turn.

WHen stuff goes out of the ventral root of the thoracolumbar spinal cord what happens?

The SE travels on its own little happy logical route. Its the autonomic fibers that are tricky. 
They go through the spinal nerve with their friends but are worthless and must synapse before they can do anything. 
They have the option of going d...

The SE travels on its own little happy logical route. Its the autonomic fibers that are tricky.

They go through the spinal nerve with their friends but are worthless and must synapse before they can do anything.

They have the option of going down and synapsing very close to the spinal cord (in the sympathetic chain ganglion). OR IT CAN GO SOMEWHERE ELSE AND SYNAPSE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE CERVICAL REGION AND THE AUTONOMICS

How does the cervical region get autonomics (FINAL ANSWER)

T1-T3 has their preganglionic fibers travel to the cerivothoracic ganglion where they synapse. The entire post ganglionic nerve is called the vertebral nerve, it travels through the transverse foramen they will supply each cervical nerve

What vertebrae's autonomic supply will be used to supply the head and neck?

C8? (we dunno) - about T3

How does the vagus get down from the head?

In the vagosympathetic trunk - you cannot separate them

What happens to the vagus once it hits the thoracic inlet?

It meets up with the sympathetic trunk via the ansa subclavia and the vagus nerve continues indepedently being just the vagus nerve (the sympathetic outputs go off and do their own thing leaving just the vagus)

Where are the cell bodies for the vagus nerve?

In the brain stem

What is the main control of parasympathetic in all of the body?

vagus = cranial nerve x

How does the vagus get out of the brain?

Carotid sheath

What kind of imput is the vagus?

general efferents

What does the vagus supply?

Thoracic and abdominal cavities

What happens to the vagus as it hits the heart

The left vagus at the level of the aortic arce the let recurrent laryngeal nerves leaves the vagus curvces medially arround the ligamentum and the arch of the aorta and goes back up. Here it reaches the larynx

The right vagus: the right recurent laryngeal nerve leaves bagus, curves around right subclavian artery and reaches the surface of the trachea.

each vagus nerve keeps trucking down the heart

Where do vagal nerves synase on organ?

inbetween the inner circular and outer longitudinal layers. The ganglionic cells of the myenteric plexus

Where are the nerve cell bodies for the sympathetic system?

In the grey horn

What are gangalion?

groups of cell bodies outside of spinal cord

Where does the sympathetic trunk lie?

ventral to the head of the ribs. At intercostal spaces T4 - L5 all of these ganglion are there *sympathetic) this allows fibers to synapse near the cord and then jump back into the branches

What is the steallate/cervicothoracic ganglion

A huge ganglion since so many fibers need to go to head and neck

What happens to the vagus when it reaches the base of the heart

The right splits into dorsal and ventral

The left splits into dorsal and ventral

After about 2-3 cm the right and left dorsal branches join and the right and left ventral branches join forming new Dosral and ventral vagal trunks

Who gets blood first?

The heart

Who gets blood second?

The brain

What defines the subclavian artery>

When vessels come off the heart they are the brachiocephalic trunk. The first branch off is the common carotid artery. After this point it is the subclavian artery