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65 Cards in this Set

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why do we breath

we need oxygen to do oxidative phosphorylation in the electron transport system. hydrogen combines with the oxygen to form H2O. Generates ATP

functions of respiratory system (6)

move air to and from exchange surfaces of lungs, protect respiratory surfaces from outside environment (air conditioning), provide gas exchange between air and circulating blood through extensive surface area, produce sound, participate in olfactory sense, regulate co2 and hydrogen concentrations

upper respiratory tract

nose, nasal cavity, pharynx,

lower respiratory tract

larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiol, terminal bronchiole

conducting portion

from nasal cavity to terminal bronchiole. this is where air is conditioned: warm, humidify, & cleanse

respiratory portion

respiratory bronchiole and alveoli, this is where gas is exchanged

what type of epithelium is in the oral cavity

stratified squamous epithelium

what type of epithelium is in the bronchioles to the terminal bronchiole

columnar to cuboidal epithelium with cilia


a lining consisting of an epithelium and underlying connective tissue

where would you find pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia and goblet cells

nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, trachea, main and lobar bronchi

where would you find simple ciliated columnar epithelium

segmental bronchi and large bronchioles

where would you find simple ciliated cuboidal epithelium

small terminal and respiratory bronchioles

where would you find simple squamous epithelium (no cilia)

alveolar ducts and alveoli

thyroid cartilage

also called adam's apple. made of hyaline cartilage

cricoid cartilage

made from hyaline cartilage. forms posterior portion of larynx


elastic cartilage that covers opening of trachea

functions of cartilage on larynx

keeps respiratory system open and prevents food and liquid from entering respiratory system

vestibular fold

superior fold (false vocal fold)

respiratory epithelium covers sero-mucus glands

function is to protect delicate vocal folds

vocal fold

inferior to vestibular fold. called true vocal fold/ cord

nonkeratinized, stratified squamous epithelium

vocal ligament within vocal fold. function is to produce sound through vibrations

what is meant by air conditioning

warmth is added through flow of blood in vessels,

humidity is added through sero-mucous gland s& goblet cells, swell bodies help protect from dehydration,

cleansing occurs where hairs and secretions and cilia and machrophages entrap foreign particles

bronchiole size from largest to smallest

main bronchus, bronchiole, terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveolar sac

the trachea is also known as the



extends from larynx to mediastinum. branches into pulmonary bronchi, covered in tracheal cartilage 'C' rings which are elastic ligaments that help to strength, protect, and keep open airway


separate the right and left primary bronchi

what is the structural differences between the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles

trachea have cartilage plates, bronchi have small cartilage plates, bronchiole have no cartilage, but smooth muscle increases

the right lung has____ lobes and the left lung has __

3, 2


main bronchus, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins


dilates bronchial airways through use of norepinephrine/ Beta 2 receptors. caused by sympathetic NS activation. to dilate, smooth muscle relaxes which reduces resistance


fight or flight


rest and digest

activated by parasympathetic ns

smooth muscles constrict which leads to less airway

histamine release (allergic reactions)

difference between pulmonary artery and bronchial artery

pulmonary artery is deoxygenated, coming from the right ventricle and follows the bronchial tree all the way to the alveoli, gas exchange occurs with the alveolar capillaries

bronchial arteries carry oxygenated blood, come from a branch off of the aorta, provide oxygen and nutrients to tissues of conducting passageways of lungs & pleura, stops before the alveoli

bronchial veins vs. pulmonary veins

pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from lungs into heart

bronchial veins carry deoxygenated blood used by the lungs back into the right atrium or into the pulmonary vein (which leads to mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated)

asthma is caused by

excessive stimulation of smooth muscle leading to bronchoconstriction

copd is caused by

inflammation of the airways leading to narrowing of passageways or loss of alveolar walls creating fewer areas for gas exchange

fibrosis is caused by

difficulty expanding/ contracting due to increased connective tissue

RDS is caused by

lack of surfacant or insufficient type 2 pneumocyte function

type 2 pneumocytes

secrete surfacant

terminal bronchiole epithelium

cuboidal cells

respiratory bronchiole epithelium

cuboidal cells interuppted by alveoli type 1 pneumocyts

where in alveolar epithelia is gas exchange most optimal

thin areas- areas adjacent to capillaries

what to thick epithelial areas do

they have more connective tissue and add structural support to alveoli

dust cells

alveolar macrophages

type 1 pneumocyte

forms most of the alveolar wall

which membrane secretes fluid and which resorbs fluid (parietal vs. visceral)

parietal secretes, visceral resorbs

intrapleural pressure

pressure in space between parietal and visceral pleura. averages about -4mmHg (756mmHg) and has a maximum of -18mmHg (742mmHg)

atmospheric pressure is 760mmHg so it is below this.

intrapulmonary pressure in alveoli is similar to atmospheric 760 mmHg

external respiration

air from the atmosphere to cells undergoing metabolism

includes pulmonary ventilation (breathing), gas exchange across alveolar membrane, transport of O2 and CO2, gas exchange from systemic capillaries

how does the thoracic cavity move during inspiration and expiration

during inspiration it expands and the sternum moves anteriorly (outward) and the diaphram contracts which pulls it down to increase size of thoracic cavity. ribs are elevated and throacic cavity widens

during expiration the thoracic cavity compresses, the diaphragm relaxes and the thoracic cavity becomes smaller and ribs are depressed and sternum moves posteriorly

muscles during quiet breathing vs. forced inspiration

external intercostal muscles extend during quiet breathing

during forced inspiration- activates the accessory muscles of inspiration

boyle's law


pressure in pleural cavity and intrapulmonary pressure

756 mmHg intrapleural and 760 mmHg in intrapulmonary without breathing, however, when air is inhaled, the intrapulmonary pressure drops to 759 mmHg and intrapleural pressure drops to 754 mmHg

about how often do we breath per minute and how much is breathed in per every breath

~500 ml and 12-16 times per minute


how easily the lungs expand and contract- depends on elastic fibers. it is a good indicator of expandability.

low compliance requires greater force and high compliance requires less force

factors that affect compliance

connective tissue structure and level of surfacant and the mobility of the thoracic cage

elastic rebound

when inhalation muscles relax, returning lungs and alveoli to original position

eupnea vs. hyperpnea vs. apnea

eupnea is quiet breathing and it involves diaphragmatic breathing (deep breathing) and costal breathing (shallow breathing)

hyperpnea is forced breathing and it involves accessory muscles

apnea is when there isn't any movement of the muscles and the volume of the lungs remain unchanged

how does the respiratory system adap to changing oxygen demands

varying the number of breaths per minute and the volume of air moved per breath

respiratory minute volume


amount of air moved per minute. calculated by the respiratory rate (f)x the tidal volume

anatomic dead space


only a part of respiratory minute volume reaches alveolar exchange surfaces. anatomic dead space is the volume of air remaining in conducting passages

alveolar ventilation

amount of air reaching alveoli each minute. calculated as respiratory rate x (tidal volume- anatomic dead space)

Va= f x (Vt-Vd)

tidal volume

amount of air one can move in or out of lungs in single respiratory cycle during normal resting conditions

inspiratory reserve volume

amount of air one can take in over and above tidal volume

expiratory reserve volume

amount of air one can voluntarily expel after completed normal respiratory cycle

residual volume

amount of air remaining in lungs after maximal exhalation- minimal volume is the amount of air left if lungs collapsed

inspiratory capacity

tidal volume+ inspiratory reserve volume

vital capacity

maximum amount of air one can take into or out of lungs during forced exhalation and inhalation

total lung capacity

total volume of lungs