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35 Cards in this Set

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interstitial fluid
fluid between cells in a given tissue
extracellualr fluid
excreted by cellular inclusions
possibly by exocytosis, mucus and matrix
substance that supprt cells bind cells together and give strength and elasticity to tissues
amorphous ground substance
substances without shape
hyaluronic acid
lubricates joints, amorph
chondroitin sulfates
supportive in cartilage
dermatan sulfate
in skin tendons and heart valves
keratin sulfate
cornea of eye, bone
threadlike, made by fibroblasts
collagenous fibers
|| fibrils, of collagen, in all types of CT especially bones cartilage tendons and ligaments
reticular fibers
thin and branching, collagen with glycoprotein coat, form a network around fat cells nerve cells muscle fibers and blood vessels, forms stroma(framework) for soft organs such as spleen
elastic fibers
branching strands of elastin, give elasticity to skin blood vessels, and lungs
hard matrix
minerla salts of bones (hydroxyapatite) trical phosphate, calcium carbonate, mag hydroxide, fluoride, sulfate, collagenous fibers
Connective tissue
tissues that hold together parts of the body
many kinds of cells, much intercellular matrix, highly vascular, except for cartilage, never exposed to outside of body
tissue from which all others CT's eventually arise, stem cells
mucous connective tissue
supports wall of the umbilical cord which is seen in the fetus
Mature CT or CT proper
newborn to adult, does not change after birth
areolar or loose CT
cells ie fibroblasts produce fibers,ground substance, fibers
adipose tissue
cells are adipocytes specialized for fat storage, fat or lipid is a cell inclusion. Signet class ring little ground substance or fiber, two types
signet class rings
formed when the cytoplasm and the nucleus are pushed to the periphery of the cell
white fat
used for insulation
brown fat
rich blood supply and many mitochondria, smaller cells, smaller droplets, located between shoulder blades, mediastinum, inguinal area, used in heat production
reticular CT
reticular cells, reticular fibers are interlacing, forms stroma of spleen, liver and lymph nodes
dense CT
fewer cells, more, thicker fibers
dense regular CT
fibroblasts in rows between bundles of collagenous fibers in parallel arrangement, very strong, makes up most of tendons, aponeuroses, ligaments
dense irregular CT
fibers without regular orientation, located where tensions are exerted in a number of directions, forms reticular region of dermis, periosteum, perichondrium, membrane capsules, encloses cavities of joints
elastic CT
fibroblasts are located in spaces between fibers, many freely branching elastic fibers, yellowish, stretches and snaps back in arteries, lungs, vocal cords, ligamentum flava of vertebrae, suspensory ligament of penis
strong,semisolid CT, avascular and lacking nerves, composed of chondrocytes in lacunae, chonrin matrix, in some a dense network of collagenous or elastic fibers, surrounded by perichondrium
hyaline cartilage
gristle,most abundant cartilage in body, bluish white in color, matrix-shiny ground substance with many collagen fibers makes up articular cartilage in joints, costal cartialge
little chondroitin, many collagen bundles, intervertebral discs between centra of vertebrae, symphasis pubis, meniscii
elastic cartilage
many elastic fibers, very flexible, located in epiglottis external ear, eustachian tubes
osseus tissue
bone tissue
vascualr tissue
blood and lymph tissue