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75 Cards in this Set

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Name the basic structural and functional unit of the body.

The Cell

Name the three main parts of a typical cell

The Cell Membrane, the Cytoplasm, and the Nucleus

What is the common name given to a group of specialized cells?


Name the four basic tissues of the body.

Epithelial Tissue

Connective Tissue

Muscular Tissue

Nervous Tissue

What basic tissue covers the surface of the body and lines the body cavities and glands?

Epithelial Tissue

What basic tissue is supportive in action and binds the different tissues and organs together?

Connective Tissue

What basic tissue is responsible for conducting impulses in the body?

Nervous Tissue

What type of epithelium is found lining the body cavities?

Simple Squamous Epithelium

What type of epithelium is found lining the body cavities?

Simple Squamous Epithelium

What type of epithelium is thick and tough, protective in nature, and lines all surfaces of the body that are exposed to adverse conditions?

Stratified Squamous Epithelium

Name the different layers found in Stratified Squamous Epithelium.


-Stratum Corneum

-Stratum Lucidum

-Stratum Granulosum

-Stratum Spinosum

-Stratum Basale


Which layer of stratified epithelium contains highly multiplying and growing cells?

Stratum Basale

Which layer of stratified epithelium contains highly multiplying and growing cells?

Stratum Basale

Which layer of stratified epithelium contains dead cells?

Stratum Corneum

Which layer of stratified epithelium contains highly multiplying and growing cells?

Stratum Basale

Which layer of stratified epithelium contains dead cells?

Stratum Corneum

Which epithelial cells have the ability to stretch as a thin layer and also to pile up thick according to requirements of that system?

Transitional Epithelium

What type of glands are called ductless glands and pour their secretions (hormones) directly into the blood?

Endocrine Glands

What type of glands are called ductless glands and pour their secretions (hormones) directly into the blood?

Endocrine Glands

Name the important endocrine glands of the body.

Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Pancreas, Adrenal Glands, Ovaries, and Testes

What type of glands are called ductless glands and pour their secretions (hormones) directly into the blood?

Endocrine Glands

Name the important endocrine glands of the body.

Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Pancreas, Adrenal Glands, Ovaries, and Testes

Name the endocrine gland that is called the "Master Gland" of the body.

The Pituitary Gland

What is the difference between merocrine, apocrine, and holocrine glands? Give one example of each type of gland.

The basic difference is the amount of cytoplasm lost during secretion.

None = Merocrine = Salivary Glands

Some = Apocrine = Sweat Glands

All = Holocrine = Sebaceous Glands

List the different types of connective tissue found in the body.

Loose Connective Tissue, Dense C.T., Adipose, Cartilage, Bone, Blood

List the different types of connective tissue found in the body.

Loose Connective Tissue, Dense C.T., Adipose, Cartilage, Bone, Blood

What is the basic difference between brown and white fat?

Brown fat is smaller in size and mean to provide heat to young and hibernating animals.

List the different types of connective tissue found in the body.

Loose Connective Tissue, Dense C.T., Adipose, Cartilage, Bone, Blood

Name the cartilage that is glossy, translucent, smooth, and found at the articulate surfaces of a bone.

Hyaline Cartilage

List the different types of connective tissue found in the body.

Loose Connective Tissue, Dense C.T., Adipose, Cartilage, Bone, Blood

What is the basic difference between brown and white fat?

Brown fat is smaller in size and mean to provide heat to young and hibernating animals.

Name the cartilage that is glossy, translucent, smooth, and found at the articulate surfaces of a bone.

Hyaline Cartilage

What type of cartilage is found in the pinna?

Elastic Cartilage

Intervertebral discs are made up of what type of cartilage?

Fibrous Cartilage

Intervertebral discs are made up of what type of cartilage?

Fibrous Cartilage

What is the basic difference between skeletal and smooth muscle?

Skeletal muscle is striated and voluntary while smooth muscle is non-striated and involuntary.

What type of muscle cells are non-striated and involuntary?

Smooth Muscle

What type of muscle fibers are found in different body organs like the intestines and stomach?

Smooth Muscle

What type of muscle fibers are found in the heart?

Cardiac Muscle

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses toward the cell body?

The Dendrites

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses toward the cell body?

The Dendrites

Name the membrane that covers most of the abdominal and pelvic visceral organs.

The Peritoneum

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses toward the cell body?

The Dendrites

Name the membrane that covers most of the abdominal and pelvic visceral organs.

The Peritoneum

Name the membrane that covers the heart.

The Pericardium

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses toward the cell body?

The Dendrites

Name the membrane that covers most of the abdominal and pelvic visceral organs.

The Peritoneum

Name the membrane that covers the heart.

The Pericardium

Name the membrane that covers the lungs.

The Pleural Membrane

What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses toward the cell body?

The Dendrites

Name the membrane that covers most of the abdominal and pelvic visceral organs.

The Peritoneum

Name the membrane that covers the heart.

The Pericardium

Name the membrane that covers the lungs.

The Pleural Membrane

Name the different layers of the tissue found in tubular organs of the body.


-Tunica Serosa

-Tunica Muscularis

-Tunica Sub-mucosa

-Tunica Mucosa


What is the basic structural and functional unit of nervous tissue?

The Neuron

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body?

The Axon

Which part of the neuron carries nerve impulses toward the cell body?

The Dendrites

Name the membrane that covers most of the abdominal and pelvic visceral organs.

The Peritoneum

Name the membrane that covers the heart.

The Pericardium

Name the membrane that covers the lungs.

The Pleural Membrane

Name the different layers of the tissue found in tubular organs of the body.


-Tunica Serosa

-Tunica Muscularis

-Tunica Sub-mucosa

-Tunica Mucosa


What type of muscle cells are striated and voluntary in nature?

Skeletal Muscles