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26 Cards in this Set

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Q. Nerve innervation & Action of Lateral Rectus
abducents, moves eye laterally
Q. Nerve innervation & Action of Medial Rectus
Occulomotor, Moves eye medial
Q. Nerve innervation & action of Superior Rectus
occulomotor, elevates eye
Q. Nerve innervation & Action of Inferior Rectus
occulomotor, Depress eye
Q. Nerve innervation & Action of Superior Oblique
trochlear, depresses eye and turns it laterally
Q. Nerve innervation & action of inferior Oblique
occulomotor, elevates eye and turns it laterally
Q. Nerve innervation & action of Levator Palpebrae
Opens eye lid, occulomotor
Q. Branches of Opthalmic
Frontal Nerve, Lacrimal Nerve, nasocillary
Q. Thyrohyoid Nerve innervation?
Q. Omohyoid Nerve innervation?
Ansa Cerv
Q. Sternohyoid Nerve innervation?
Ansa Cerv
Q. Sternothyroid Nerve innervation?
Ansa Cerv
Q. SCM Nerve innervation?
Accessoory Nerve
Q. Platysma Nerve innervation?
Facial Nerve
Q. Levator scapulae Nerve innervation?
dorsal scap nerve
Q. Scalene muscles Nerve innervation?
Segmental ant rami
Q. Digastric Nerve innervation?
post: facial nerve, ant: inf alv
Q. mylohyoid Nerve innervation?
inf alv
Q. Cricothyroid muscle Nerve innervation?
Sup Laryngeal
Q. stylohyoid Nerve innervation?
facial nerve
Q. External artery branches?
1. Superior thyroidal artery
2. lingual artery
3. facial artery
4. maxillary artery
5. transverse facial artery
6. posterior auricular artery
7. ascending pharyn artery
8. occipital artery
Q. exits stylomastoid foramen?
Facial Nerve branches
Q. Masseter muscle nerve innervation?
Mandibular division
Q. Temporalis Muscle nerve innervation?
Mandibular nerve
Q. Facial expression muscles nerve innervation?
Facial Nerve
Q. what goes through Optic canal?
Optic Nerve, ophthalmic artery