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12 Cards in this Set

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What is Autotransfusion?

The process where a person received their own blood for a transfusion, instead of banked Allogenic blood.

2 types of Autotransfusion

1) Pre donated autologously

2) Cell Salvage

Indications for Autologous blood?

1) Cheaper

2) Religious reasons (JW)

3) Major Blood Loss Risks

4) Vascular/Cardiac Surgery

5) Liver Resections

5 Advantages of Autotransfusion

1) Normothermic

2) Avoids Mismatch/Allergies

3) Avoids Infection risks

4) Quickly Available

5) pH relatively new normal

6) lower potassium

5 Disadvantages of Autotransfusion?

1) infections

2) Contamination

3) wash removes platelets+ plasma

4) patient requires FFP + Platelets

4) diagnostic tests should be performed.

Process of intra-op Cell Salvage

1) Collection

2) Storage

3) Centrifuge

4) Wash

5) Waste separation

6) processed RBC

7) Reinfusion

What products are washed out during cell salvage?

1) platelets and plasma

2) white cells

3) Potassium

4) activation clotting factors

5) plasma bound antibiotics

Conditions for storage of Autologous blood?

1) room temp: 4 hrs max

2) 1-6°c: 24hrs max

What is TOE?

Live 3D ultrasound of the heart.

Also allows Doppler evaluation.

TOE advantages

1) can see air embolisms

2) clearer image

3) reduces weakness of ultrasound signal

4) allows view of the back of f heart

TOE Disadvantages

1) Shared Airway


3) longer to preform

2) patient must be fasted3) longer to preform4) requires sterile environment

4) requires sterile environment

TOE Indocations

1) Heart Valve Conditions

2) Evaluate chest pain/ flow of blood throughout heart

3) Identify Times

4) Detect coronary artery disease

5) measure thickness of heart/ chambers

5) Assess damage after MI

6) Determine fluid collection around heart.