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210 Cards in this Set

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what was the main reason that many Americans opposed federal funding of internal improvements?

taxes from all regions would be used to benefit only limited areas.

what issue lay at the heart of debate over the admission of Missouri as a state?

The balance of slave states in the Senate.

The Missouri Compromise

1) banned slavery north of Missouri's southern boundary

2) admitted Missouri as a slave state

3) admitted Maine as a free state

which tariff cause the nullification crisis? (and year?)

tariff of abominations (1828!!)

which Indian tribe attempted to keep its lands through legal action?


The main issue that pulled the whig party together was opposition to...?

jackson's policies

what type of high tax on imported goods is designed to protect national manufacturers against foreign competition?

protective tariff

what party of the common man is still around today?


which policy did Jackson adopt toward the Indian problem?

Indian removal policy

Who was the friend of the common man?

Andrew Jackson

Who was the great compromiser who came up with the Missouri compromise?

Henry Clay

Who was the little magician whose administration was marred by depression?

Martin Van Buren

Who was the vice president who proposed the doctrine of nullification?

John C. Calhoun

Who supported states rights and unexpectedly became president?

John Tyler

who's presidency only lasted one month?

William Henry Harrison

what is a tax on imported goods?


what is national funding for roads, canals, and harbors?

internal improvements

what is a closed meeting of party leaders?


what is replacement of government officeholders with supporters of the new administration?

spoils system

what is the view that states can reject congregational acts they deem unconstitutional?


what is competition against the two major political parties?

third party

what is a written statement describing where a party stands on issues?


what is a gathering of state delegates to nominate the party's presidential candidate?

National convention

what was Clay's alleged agreement to make Adams president in return for becoming secretary of state?

corrupt bargain

what were extremely high protectionist legislation that led to the nullification crisis?

tariff of abominations

Who became famous for writing short stories and poems that explored the dark sixe of human nature?

Edgar Allan Poe

what religion was popular among prominent Patriots?


which group was prosecuted because the men took more than one wife?


what will the government grant an inventor to protect his rights to an invention?


what was the fastest type of sailing ship ever built?


Who invented the steel plow?

John Deere

Who invented the reaping machine?

Cyrus McCormick

Who invented the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

Who invented the steamboat?

Robert Fulton

Who invented the telegraph?

Samuel Morse

morse code

what was the forced removal of Civilized Tribes from their homeland?

Trail of Tears

Who was in eloquent former slave?

Frederick Douglass

Who was a public education reformer?

Horace Mann

Who was an author of elementary readers?

William McGuffey

America's Manifest Destiny was to…?

over spread and possess the whole continent

which trail was the most important in the settlement of the far West?


which trail was the trade route between Mexico and United States?

Santa Fe

Daniel Webster remained on Tyler's cabinet after everyone else resigned because he…?

was in the middle of negotiations with Britain

Who was perhaps the hardest working president in our nations history?

James Polk

why was Texas annexed by a joint resolution of Congress rather than a formal treaty?

Congress lacked the necessary 2/3 support required for a treaty

what dispute was immediate cause of the Mexican war?

Texas–Mexico border

Who won the presidency with 31% of the popular vote?

John Quincy Adams

what military campaign required hard marching but little fighting?

New Mexico

which state was the bear flag Republic?


what mission became the rallying cry during Texas' war for independence?


what do we call a candidate who is largely unknown by the general public?

a dark horse

Who won Texas independence?

Sam Houston

Who is "His Accidency"

John Tyler

Who was the head of the whig party?

Henry Clay

Who was the dark horse president?

James Polk

what was the slaughter of a small Texas outpost by the Mexican army?

the Alamo

the Calhoun Resolution said that slavery…

could not be banned until a territory became a state

Who was president during the Panic of 1837?

Martin Van Buren

what was the greatest spur American settlement of California?

gold rush

the South resisted the admission of California as a state because they…?

feared the loss of power in senate

according to Daniel Webster, why was the debate over slavery in the new territories needless?

The climate of the new territories cannot support slavery.

which provision of the Compromise of 1850 actually worsened tensions between the north and south?

fugitive slave law

what was Americas first major industry?


in 1860 what was Americas most important export?


what event was heralded by the words "What hath God wrought"?

The first intercity telegraph message

what motive lay behind public education?

educators believe they could solve societies problems

The Seneca Falls convention supported what important area of reform?

woman's suffrage

what did prohibition seek to reform?

alcohol abuse

What was one of the most effective propaganda tools for abolition?

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

What party became the real successor to the Whig party?

Republican party

What event caused the lower South to secede?

the election of Lincoln

What event caused the upper South to secede?

Lincoln’s call for troops

What federal arsenal was attacked in 1859 in hopes of sparking a slave revolt?

Harper’s Ferry

Where was the first shot fired in the Civil War?

Fort Sumter

Who was the war hero and antislavery president who died in office at a crucial time?

Zachary Taylor

Who was a fanatical antislavery terrorist?

John Brown

Who was the first Republican president?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the Southern spokesman for slavery in the territories?

John C. Calhoun

What was the belief that each territory could decide on the status of slaverywithin its borders?

popular sovereignty

Who believed in the acceptance of slavery in the South, rejection of slavery inthe territories?


not an actual person. the name of a certain group of people

Someone who went to California for the gold rush?


What is the term for leaving the Union?


What was one of the South’s basic strategies for victory during the Civil War?

to outlast the North’s will to fight

What was the South’s primary advantage at the beginning of Civil War?

better commanders

Where did most of the fighting occur in the East?


What general played a critical role in all the following Confederate victories: 1stManassas, 7 Days’ Battles, 2nd Manassas, and Chancellorsville?

Stonewall Jackson

What event made the North realize that the Civil War would not be quickly over?

1st Battle of Manassas

Which battle was the first clear-cut defeat of the Army of Northern Virginia?

Battle of Gettysburg

Why did the North attempt to capture the Mississippi River?

it would divide the Confederacy in two

Who once left the army because of alleged drunkenness?

Ulysses S. Grant

During what daring campaign did Grant cut his army off from his supply bases tosurprise his enemy?


Why did Grant continue to fight after suffering so many losses in the easterncampaigns of 1864-65?

He knew he could replace his losses, but the South could not

The capture of what city insured Lincoln’s reelection in 1864?


What famous speech did Lincoln give to dedicate a war cemetery for one of thebloodiest battles of the Civil War?

Gettysburg Address

What is the name for the Southern merchant ships that brought supplies toSouthern ports in spite of the blockade?

blockade runners

What state was unconstitutionally admitted into the Union during the Civil War?

West Virginia

What was the effort to blockade the South and capture the Mississippi River?

Anaconda Plan

What was Sherman’s destruction of Georgia called?

March to the Sea

What was the first major land battle of the Civil War?

First Battle of Manassas

What was the South’s successful defense of its capital?

7 Day’s’ Battles

What resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation?

Battle of Antietam

What was the end of the South’s offensive capabilities?

Battle of Gettysburg

Where did the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia take place?

Appomattox Court House

What reason was Andrew Johnson impeached?

he dismissed a radical secretary of war

Why did sharecropping become common in the South during Reconstruction?

they lacked sufficient money to pay wages

Why was Tammany Hall allowed to continue its corruption?

Democratic leaders needed its help for votes

What did Republicans offer Southern Democrats in return for their support inelecting Rutherford B. Hayes?

removal of federal troops from the South

What term refers to the National government’s attempt to rebuild the Southfollowing the Civil War?


What was the most severe depression in the first 100 years of America’s history?

Panic of ‘73

Who was the first president to be impeached?

Andrew Johnson

Who was one of the most scandal-ridden administrations in American history?

Ulysses S. Grant

Who was the victor of one of the most disputed presidential elections in UShistory?

Rutherford B. Hayes

What was the method for freed slaves to farm the land without cash?


What is Grantism?

political corruption

What was the unanimous support of the Democratic party in the formerConfederacy?

Solid South

What was Lincoln’s attempt to reestablish civilian government in the Southquickly?

10% plan

What was the attempt to regulate the conduct of former slaves?

Black Codes

True or false: President Johnson came one vote short of being removed from office.


True or false: Both parties were accused of voting corruption during the election of 1876.


What are 3 causes of American industrial growth in Gilded Age?

1. immigration 2. innovative spirit 3. new sources of power/energy

Why did John D. Rockefeller choose to invest in oil refining rather than one of theother segments of the industry

refining was a safe investment

What Christian industrial leader lived by the motto “To do a common thinguncommonly well brings success”?

H.J. Heinz

What was the most significant communications achievement during the GildedAge?


Politics during the Gilded Age was dominated by

1. civil service reform 2. tariff revision 3. regulation of tursts


What industry was the main cause for passage of the Interstate Commerce Act?


what philosophy was used to defend the development of monopolies inindustries such as oil and steel

Social Darwinism

What were major elements of American society during Gilded Age?

1. urbanization 2. New Immigration 3. materialism

What method did businessmen use to control all aspects of an industry?

vertical integration

What severe depression hit America during Grover Cleveland’s second term inoffice?

panic of ‘93

What is a court order forbidding an action?


What philosophy advocates the collective or government ownership of themeans of production?


Who developed the theory of natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Who was the shipping and railroad baron?

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Who was the steel giant?

Andrew Carnegie

Who was known for the oil-refining trust?

John D. Rockefeller

Who was a brilliant financier?

J. P. Morgan

Who invented the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell

Who was American’s most prolific inventer?

Thomas Alva Edison

Who was the reforming president who was assassinated?

James Garfield

Who was the first Democratic president since the Civil War who championed commerce reform?

Grover Cleveland

Who was a weak president who tried to reform monopolies?

Benjamin Harrison

Who was the winner of the first modern presidential campaign (1896)

William McKinley

The first transcontinental railroad was built primarily with immigrants from China and _________.


What is the significance of Promontory Point, Utah?

place that railroads met

The open-range cattle industry came to an end for these reasons:

1. fencing of farms 2. overgrazing land 3. expansion of railroads

What territory was settled by land rushes?


What became the main crop of the Great Plains?


What was the key to the culture of the Plains Indians?


What was the American government’s official goal during the Indian Wars?

intended to move Indians to reservations

America’s foreign policy during late 1800’s included what goals?

1. defending Western hemisphere against Europe 2. extending US territory 3. creating new trading opportunities

What territory did America buy from Russia?


Who were the Rough Riders?

volunteer unit during Spanish-American War led by Teddy Roosevelt

What major victory did America win against Spain in the Pacific?

Battle of Manila Bay

As a result of the Spanish-American War, the US gained ownership of...?

1. Guam 2. Philippines 3. Puerto Rico


What invention helped farmers fence their land on treeless plains?

barbed wire

What are tracts of land set aside for Indians?


What Chinese rebellion against foreigners was stopped by an international military force including American troops?

Boxer Rebellion

What term describes the extension of power by one people or country over another?


What type of sensationalized news reporting became popular in the US late inthe 19 th century?

yellow journalism

What war did America fight over the independence of Cuba?

Spanish-American War

Who was the political leader of the Sioux?

Sitting Bull

Who was the military leader of the Sioux?

Crazy Horse

Who was the reckless colonel who lost his life at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

George Custer

Who was the “Indian Napoleon” chief of the Nez Perce Indians?


Who was the American commodore who negotiated a treaty with Japan?

Matthew Perry

What provided 160 acres in the West free to anyone who improved it?

Homestead Act

What was a bloody attack on a surrendered Indian band?

Wounded Knee Massacre

What was the parceling of tribal Indian lands?

Dawes Act

What was the agreement that opened Japan to trade?

Treaty of Kanagawa

What was the antiforeign movement in China?

Boxer Rebellion

What was the goal of the city manager form of government?

government efficiency

Why did progessives support prohibition?

they wanted to reduce crime and poverty

What was the subject of The Jungle?

meat packing

Theodore Roosevelt crusaded for all of the following:

1. conservation 2. trust-busting 3. Panama Canal

American leaders were afraid to grant the Philippines independence too quickly because?

they feared another country would take over the Philippines

What phrase is most closely associated with the Roosevelt Corollary?

international policeman

Why did Congress pass its first income tax in 1913?

loss of tariff revenues

What was the most significant agricultural advance during the Progressive Era?


Progressive education emphasized


What is a popular term for breaking up monopolies?


What term refers to progressive writers who exposed abuse and corruption?


Who perfected the assembly line method of production?

Henry Ford

Who was a crusader for women’s suffrage?

Susan B. Anthony

Who was a leading Socialist?

Eugene Debs

Who was a conservative black and author of Up from Slavery?

Booker T. Washington

Who was the black cofounder of the NAACP?

W.E.B. Du Bois

Who was an advocate of progressive education?

John Dewey

What was the early 20th century movement that favored reform?


What is the government ownership of utilities?

gas and water socialism

What is the careful use of national resources?


What is the forced separation of races?


What is the denial of God and the affirmation of Man’s perfectibility?

secular humanism

What event sparked the Great War?

murder of Archduke Ferdinand

What was Germany’s Schlieffen Plan?

to defeat France quickly and then attack Russia

Germany’s invasion of what nation brought Great Britain into the Great War?


The 14 Points included….

the creation of the League of Nations

In what year did the US enter WWI?


What popular term described American soldiers in WWI?


On what exact date did the Germans sign a truce, ending the War?

Nov. 11, 1918

What clause in the peace treaty stated that Germany was responsible for theGreat War?

war-guilt clause

What unreasonable demand did Britain and France make on the Germans to paythe entire cost of the war?

reparation payments

Who was the American general during World War I?

John J. Pershing

What is the name for those nations opposing Germany during the Great War?


What is the name for Germany and its allies during the Great War?

Central Powers

What passenger liner was sunk with Americans on board?


What intercepted the German plot to give part of America to Mexico?

Zimmerman Telegram

What was the ruling that allowed the limit free speech during wartime?

Schenk v. United States

What is the name for the peacetime association of countries designed to preventwar?

League of Nations

What truce ended the Great War?
