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99 Cards in this Set

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Why did Germany declare war on France so quickly?

Germany declared war on France before they could mobilize to help their ally – the Russians and to keep from fighting a war on two fronts.

Why was the Battle of the Marne important?
The Battle of the Marne (both 1914 and 1918) kept the Germans from taking Paris.
What did the Bolsheviks rename themselves?
The Communists.
What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
The Zimmerman Telegram was a memo sent by the German Foreign Minister Zimmerman to the German ambassador to Mexico instructing him to encourage Mexico to invade the United States when Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare hoping to keep the Americans busy while Germany defeated Great Britain.
What were the military innovations of WWI?
Tanks, submarines or u-boats, hand grenades, tracer bullets, machine guns, poison gas, heavy artillery.
What were the Hundred Days?
The Hundred Days refers to the period between the return of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte from his exile on the island of Elba and his final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington.
Why was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk important to Germany?
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk removed Russia from the war allowing the Germans to concentrate all of their military on the western front against France and Great Britain.
The Dreadnought was an example of Britain’s what?
The Dreadnought was the world’s first modern warship becoming a symbol of national military power and renewing a naval arms race between Great Britain and Germany.

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after what?

A Serbian nationalist terrorist group, the Black Hand, had assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. An ultimatum was issued to Serbia. The Serbians complied with all of the demands except the last one - it would not accept Austria-Hungary's participation in any internal inquiry, stating that this would be a violation of the Constitution and of the law of criminal procedure.

Why was it advantageous for Germany to be late in industrialization?

Germany was able to take advantage of the fact that Great Britain had “ironed out” all the problems and could use technology already developed.
What would Adam Smith say to the working class?
Adam Smith strongly believed in the invisible hand of competition and thought minimum wage laws, and government regulations were detrimental to a nation’s economic health.
What were the major changes in Europe due to the Industrial Revolution?
Farm workers went to the cities in search of work, Europeans had to find new markets for their products, the middle class grew and gained more political power

Why did Great Britain declare war on Germany?

Germany violated the neutrality of Belgium when it invaded on its way to attack France.

How was World War One different from other wars we have studied?

This was the first mass global war of the industrialized age.
What were the conditions like in the cities during the Industrial Revolution?

High rents for sub-standard unsanitary shoddily built cramped housing (slums), human waste contaminated water supplies resulting in epidemics of cholera, air pollution from the burning of coal in the factories made it dirty and hard to breathe.

Why were the Articles of Confederation ineffective?

The Articles of Confederation put the power in the hands of the states. This led to economic disorganization, a lack of central leadership, and legislative inefficiency – the new government could not handle the problems facing the new country.

What event precipitated the Revolution of 1905?
Bloody Sunday – priest Gapon led unarmed demonstrators to the Winter Palace to present a petition to the Czar. Palace guards fired on the people killing many.
What was the distribution of wealth and land prior to the French Revolution?
Under the Old Regime, the First Estate (the clergy – 1% of the population) owned 10% of the land in France, the Second Estate (the nobility – 2% owned 20%) paid almost no taxes, the Third Estate (97% of the population) was subject to heavy taxes and did not have equal government representation.

How did the Russian revolutionaries anger the Allied Powers during World War One?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk marked the exit of Russia from World War I. According to the treaty, Soviet Russia would default on the commitments made by Imperial Russia to the Triple Entente alliance.
What was it about Russia that caused Napoleon to fail in his invasion?
The size and climate of Russia made it very difficult to invade.
Why was Wilson so upset about Germany’s policy of unrestricted submarine warfare?
German u-boats were sinking ships carrying US citizens regardless of American neutrality without warning.

What single event set in motion the start of World War One?

The spark that started the war was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Gavrillo Princip, a member of the Serbian nationalist group “The Black Hand”.

How did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk hurt the Allied war effort?

Germany was able to concentrate all of its military on the Western front against France and Great Britain.
The Declaration of Independence gave the rights of governing to what group?
The Declaration of Independence gave the rights of governing to the people.
Which came first? The sinking of the Lusitania or the Russian Revolution?
The sinking of the Lusitania was in 1915 – the Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution was in 1917.
Why were Serbian nationalists wanting to kill the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire?
They saw a war as inevitable – that was the only way to live with honor.

Why would Wilson not negotiate with Kaiser Wilhelm?

Wilson would only negotiate with a government that represented the German people.
Describe what a country would be like under a capitalist system.
In a capitalist system, individuals – not the government – would own and operate the means of production.

Describe the two armies who fought for control of Russia during the Russian Revolution.

The Red Army of the Communists fought the White Army (monarchists and anti-communists) for control of Russia.
How did owners address safety problems in their factories during the Industrial Revolution?
Any form of machine safety guard cost money. As a result there were no safety guards. Safety was not a matter of concern, and workers often suffered serious, even fatal accidents. The owners and managers of the factories did nothing.
Why was there opposition to Alexander II’s efforts to reform Russia?
Alexander II’s reforms (such as freeing the serfs) was seen as dangerous to the traditional autocratic rule.
What was the Allies’ principal aim toward Germany during the Paris Peace Conference?
The Allies wanted to ensure that Germany would never be strong enough to start another war.
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain?
Great Britain had a favorable environment for industrialization to grow – Land, Labor, Capital, and a navy to protect industry’s interests.
What is a war of attrition?

A war of attrition is a military strategy where one side attempts to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses.

Why was the czar unable to maintain control during the Russian Revolution as he did during the Revolution of 1905? What was different?
The czar did not have the support of the military.

What was the primary purpose of the Congress of Vienna

The Congress of Vienna met to settle issues about the future of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.
What was Czar Nicholas II’s relationship with the Duma?
Czar Nicholas dissolved the Duma when it demanded reforms.

What was the first government of the United States?

The first government of the U.S. was the Articles of Confederation.
Why did the Allies attempt the invasion at Gallipoli?
The Allies were attempting to gain access to the Dardanelles and the Black Sea in order to assist their ally – Russia but failed.

Who were the members of the Triple Alliance?

The Triple Alliance was the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
How did Prussia dominate the German Empire?
The new German Empire was dominated by Prussia – the Kaiser was the king of Prussia, the chancellor was the Prussian chief minister, the upper legislative house (the Bundesrat) was appointed by the Kaiser and his minister, Prussia was the largest German state and therefore had more representatives in the lower house (Reichstag).
What were the motives for imperialism?
Need for more resources, population growth, missionary zeal, need for new markets, the “White Man’s Burden”.
Who were the members of the Triple Entente?
Great Britain, France and Russia.
What is the business cycle?
The business cycle is the rise and fall of prosperity in a market economy.
How were the Central Powers able to disrupt Allied shipping?
Germany sent out patrols of U-boats (submarines) to destroy anything in the shipping lanes of the Atlantic.
What is an absolute monarch?
A form of government where the monarch has unrestricted political power over the sovereign state and its people.
The Fourteen Points was Wilson’s plan for what?
The Fourteen Points speech was Wilson’s statement declaring that WWI was fought for a moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe.

Why was the Battle of the Marne important in 1914 and again in 1918?

The Battles of the Marne kept the Germans from taking Paris.

How did the Germans feel about Britain’s control of the seas?

Germany was jealous of Britain’s power and spread propaganda that it was a threat to the world.

Which country did France fear?

France had been invaded by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War and were understandably afraid of it happening again.

How did the introduction of machinery affect the training of apprentices?

The use of steam-powered machinery meant that workers no longer required years of training or an apprenticeship.
Why did discontent grow in France in the mid-1700s?
Discontent grew in France in the mid-18th century in response to absolutism and various economic crises.

When was the armistice of World War One signed?

Eleven hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month 1918.

What is division of labor?

Division of labor means that each worker performs one step of a manufacturing process.
Why was there a new wave of imperialism in the 19th century?
A New Imperialism swept the world as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Describe the separation of powers as it applies to the Constitution of the United States.
Separation of powers means that the power of the government is balanced between three branches – the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. Each branch can check the power of the other two.
What is the factory system?
The factory system was a new way of organizing labor made necessary by the development of machines which were too large to house in a worker's cottage. Workers were in one place for a certain number of hours per day for wages.
What was the oath the National Assembly took on 20 June 1789?
The Assembly swore that they would continue to meet until they had created a constitution for France. This was known as the Tennis Court Oath.
How could the oath of 20 June 1789 be considered the beginning of the French Revolution?
The French people were ready to do whatever it took to change the government of France.
What does the Bill of Rights protect?
The Bill of Rights protects individual rights.
What will the Communists rename Russia?
U.S.S.R. (United Soviet Socialist Republics) or the Soviet Union.

The Communist Manifesto was written in response to what?

Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in response to the conditions resulting from the Industrial Revolution.
Who were the leaders of the Big Four?
The Big Four leaders were Woodrow Wilson (USA), Georges Clemenceau (France), David Lloyd George (Great Britain) and Vittorio Orlando (Italy).

Who wanted to create a “just world” after WWI?

Woodrow Wilson’s goal was to create a just world after WWI.
What army was called “The Yanks” or the “Doughboys”?
The Americans.

How did Wilson’s propose to end all war?

President Wilson called for the establishment of a general association of nations – a League of Nations.
What was the Schlieffen Plan?
The Schlieffen Plan was the German war plan to invade France through neutral Belgium.
Why were French citizens discontented during the 1700s?
The problems of 18th century France included inflation in food prices, lower wages, population growth, famines, unequal taxation of the social classes.
What is a monopoly?
A monopoly is when a company is the only (or almost the only) producer of a product.

What was Bismarck’s main purpose in forming the Triple Alliance?

Bismarck formed the Triple Alliance in an effort to isolate France diplomatically.
Why did the bourgeoisie (middle class) become more important and influential during the Industrial Revolution?
The middle class (bourgeoisie) grew in power as manufacturing became more important than agriculture.
Who was the ruler of the German Empire during WWI?
The ruler of the German Empire during WWI was Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Describe the economic ideas of Adam Smith.
According to Adam Smith, government should stay out of business and economic affairs – “laissez-faire” – “let it be”.
How is capitalism different from socialism?
Under capitalism, the industries (means of production) are owned and operated by individuals for their own benefit (wealth). Under socialism, the government operates certain industries not for profit but for the benefit of everyone.
How did the governments of Europe in 1815 react to the ideals of the French Revolution and Napoleon?
The governments of Europe were reactionary wanting to return the Old Regimes to power – turning back the clock BEFORE the French Revolution and its chaos.
What brought an end to the fighting on the eastern front in 1917?
The fighting on the Easter front stopped when the Russians signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
What did Karl Marx believe would come out of the struggles of the proletariat against capitalism?
He believed that the proletariat would revolt over the abuses of the capitalist system.
What major countries were involved in WWI in 1914?
France, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
What did Wilson want from the establishment of the League of Nations?
President Wilson proposed a League of Nations which would keep peace in the world.
What would be the goal of propaganda directed at a country’s own citizens?
Propaganda was often used to build patriotism and support from its own citizens.
What circumstances led to Great Britain to declare war on Germany in 1914?
Britain was compelled by treaty to declare war after Germany ignored Belgium’s neutrality.
What does the phrase “the White Man’s Burden” refer to?
The “White Man’s Burden” is the Westerners belief that they had to help and lift up non-Western people because of their inferiority and ignorance.

How did the system of alliances lead to world war?

If a country was attacked, any that was in alliance with it was obligated to retaliate.
What did Wilson intend his Fourteen Points to prevent?
Wilson’s Fourteen Points were partially meant to prevent future world wars.
Why was the provisional government in Russia not supported by the soviets?
The provisional government angered the soviets (local councils) because it decided to continue the war against Germany to the detriment of the country and people.
What does the U.S.S.R. stand for?
Union of Soviet Socialists Republics
Was the Communist revolution in Russia a cause or an effect of WWI?
Explain your answer.
What was Russia’s state of military preparedness prior to WWI?
Russia’s army, roads, and weapons were inadequate for war with Germany.
Which countries were noticeably absent from the Paris Peace Conference?
Germany and Russia.
Who signed an armistice in March 1918? What was the result?
The newly formed Communist Party signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk – ending the war with the Central Powers, allowing the German troops to be moved to the Western front against France and Great Britain.
How would you characterize the fighting on the Western front during WWI?
The Western Front was characterized by trench warfare that kept both sides in virtually the same positions for over four years.
Who was assassinated by Serbian nationalist terrorists in the summer of 1914?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Describe the economic role of government under socialism.
Under socialism, the government owned the means of production for the benefit of everyone.
Why were women and children hired more often during the early days of the Industrial Revolution?
Factories hired women and children because they were easily trained and worked for less money.
What was the Black Hand?
The Black Hand was a Serbian nationalist terrorist group that assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.
What were the major causes of the French Revolution?

Inequalities in the tax system – the richest paid NO taxes.

Why did Wilson want a “just peace” rather than revenge during the Paris Peace Conference?
He worried that punishing any nation too harshly could lead to another war.
Wilson told the country that he wanted to join America to join WWI in order to do what?
Wilson said that “the world must be made safe for democracy”.
In order to mass produce a product, you must have what in place?

In order for mass production to be efficient, division of labor is necessary.