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29 Cards in this Set

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Communicable diseases

Refer to those that are transmitted from one source to another

Accumulation of pus in tissues



Asystematic inflammatory response in your resulting from infection. Signs and symptoms including temperature greater than 100.4, or less than 96.8. Heart rate greater than 90. Respiratory rate greater than 20. White blood cell count greater than 12,000.

Standard precautions

Measures for reducing the risk of transmitting pathogens

Blood-borne infections

Post exposure recommendations include antibody testing


To help prevent and control community acquired infections, nurses encourage childhood and adult immunizations, vaccines that stimulate the body to produce antibodies against it specific disease organism

Culture and sensitivity test

A culture identifies bacteria in a specimen taken from a person with symptoms of an infection

Common reason for a skin test



Avoid Foley catheter

What leads to increased fluid loss


Alternative medicine/therapies

Alternative medical systems are those who theories of healing in practice evolved from other cultures

Alternative therapy

Alternative therapies are non-orthodox methods with no current proven basis for their effectiveness at promoting health

Integrative medicine

Integrative medicine is a combination of conventional medical practice with nontraditional physical and non-physical approaches for which there is some scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness

A mind-body technique in which an individual voluntarily controls one or more physiologic function, such as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and brain waves

Biofeedback. Reduces hypertension and rapid heart rate, manages pain, aborts seizures, relieves migraines

A psycho biologic technique that uses the mind to visualize a positive physiologic effect.


Technique that can be used therapeutically, laughter simulate the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells and lowering cortisol


Technique where pressure and movement are used on soft body tissues


Technique that alters subluxation of spinal vertebrae


Pressure to hands and feet


Herbal blood thinners


What supports healthy bacteria

Prebiotic and probiotic

Components of a medication order

*Clients name

Date and time order is written

Drug name: trade name

Dose to be administered

What is the first thing you do when a medication error occurs?

Assess the patient

Topical route

Cutaneous applications.

Percutaneous applications: oils, lotions, creams.

Transdermal applications: skin patches, drug pastes

Sublingual application

Place under the tongue, *do not swallow*

Inhalant route

Administers drugs to the lower airways. The lungs provide an extensive area from which the circulatory system can *quickly absorb the drug*

Parenteral administration equipment

For most injections, 18-27 gauge needles are used. *the smaller the number, the larger the diameter.*

Administering insulin

*injection site for insulin is rotated each time the injection is administered to avoid*:

Lipoatrophy: breakdown of subcutaneous fat at the site of repeated insulin injections

Lipohypertrophy: buildup of subcutaneous fat at the site of repeated insulin injections

Administering heparin

To prevent bruising the area of the injection, the nurse changes the needle before injecting the client. The nurse does NOT aspirate the plunger once the needle is in place. The nurse rotates the sites with each injection to avoid a previous area where there has been local bleeding