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112 Cards in this Set

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Quickly developing problem with symptoms noticed for a few minutes to less than a month. Goal is to cure

Acute problems

Problem lasts 3 months or more. 80% older adults have one, 50% have two.

Chronic problems

Common chronic problems in older adults

Cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease, mental health issues.

Silent conditions may create noncompliance, i.e., :

Why do I need medicine if I feel fine?

Pulmonary system assessment

Hx of frequent colds, URIs, cough, dyspnea, immunization history

Cardiovascular system assessment

Hx of HTN, murmurs, arrhythmias, palpitations, fainting or falling, chest pain, bruising, anemia

GI system assessment

Food and fluid intake, stomach or abdominal discomfort, problems with bowels, nausea/vomiting

Musculoskeletal system assessment

Pain, stiffness or discomfort in joints, pain or cramping in muscles, weakness of arms or legs, use of assistive devices, daily activity

Genitourinary system assessment

Difficulty holding urine, burning, pain or bleeding during urination

Women assessment

Hx of pregnancies, symptoms associated with menopause, vaginal itching burning or drainage

Men assessment

Nocturia, dribbling after urination, sexual problems

Neuro system assessment

Unsteady gait, amnesia or forgetfulness, hx of stroke, numbness in arms or legs, headaches

Endocrine system assessment

Increased thirst, urination, hunger, intolerance of heat or cold

Condition in which heart is not receiving adequate blood supply. Includes many heart conditions. Heart attack may be the first indication. Chest pain may be lessened in people older than 85, and EKG unspecific. Cardiac enzymes not elevated as much and may not spike during MI.

Coronary artery disease

Inability of the heart to pump blood to meet metabolic needs. Aggressive IV therapy, beta blockers, and other conditions may bring this on. Digoxin and diuretics may help. Watch for falls, and digoxin commonly causes confusion.

Congestive heart failure

Condition : leading cause of death and morbidity in US. Prevalence increases with age. Aging factors that predispose: stiffening of the aorta, increased cardiac afterload and peripheral vascular resistance, kidney and endocrine changes.


Condition: may be indicated by skin ulcers due to lack of circulation. Can be caused by atherosclerosis. Need to compare one side to the other with color and temp. Teach patient not to cross legs, use cotton socks, and elevate legs.

Peripheral vascular disease.

Fourth leading cause of death in older adults. Blood clot or blood vessel bursts and screws with brain.


Which CVA: impulsivity and safety awareness issues. Moves quickly.

Right sided

Which CVA: slower and more cautious, but acts without thinking.

Left sided CVA

Condition: found more often in men than women. Rigidity and unsteady gait. Medication is main treatment. Risk for complications: infections, GI problems, injury from falls.


Vision issues : eyeball changes shape and glasses are required for near vision as a result of old age. Changes in lens, yellow discoloration, difficulty differentiating colors.


Vision issues : clouding of lens


Vision issues : Major cause of blindness, results from increased pressure in eye that destroys the optic nerve. Central vision is retained but peripheral is lost, aka tunnel vision.


Vision issues : destroys the point of maximum sight, loss of central vision

Macular degeneration

Old age hearing loss


A pathological condition resulting from exposure to irritants. Bronchitis, asthma, or emphysema. Third leading cause of death in those 65 and older. SOB on exhertion. Lungs hyper inflated. Diaphragm flattens. Use of accessory mucked. Barrel chest.


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Scale to assess instrumental activities (not self-care, but stuff you gotta do. Like laundry and driving)

Lawson scale

Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Scale to assess instrumental activities (not self-care, but stuff you gotta do. Like laundry and driving)

Lawson scale

Decreased what capacity of lungs


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Scale to assess instrumental activities (not self-care, but stuff you gotta do. Like laundry and driving)

Lawson scale

Decreased what capacity of lungs


Is a slippery floor an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for Falls


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Scale to assess instrumental activities (not self-care, but stuff you gotta do. Like laundry and driving)

Lawson scale

Decreased what capacity of lungs


Is a slippery floor an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for Falls


Is joint stiffness an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for falls


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Scale to assess instrumental activities (not self-care, but stuff you gotta do. Like laundry and driving)

Lawson scale

Decreased what capacity of lungs


Is a slippery floor an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for Falls


Is joint stiffness an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for falls


What type of incontinence results from a sudden increase of intra-abdominal pressure


Destruction of joint Cartilage followed by overproduction of issue at joint margins. Definition morning. Teach the patient to use medication to prevent pain rather than cure pain.

Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease

Mechanical risk factors for pressure ulcer

Pressure over bony prominences. Shearing and friction, especially over sacrum, heels, anterior tibial region

Bone mass is decreased because bone is destroyed faster than formed.


Condition that will cause anorexia dehydration confusion incontinent and decreased vision. May have high triglyceride and cholesterol levels along with my glucose levels

Type two diabetes

Condition common especially in older women. symptoms such as being cold and fatigued are often overlooked because they are similar to the aging process.


Scale to assess activities of daily living


Scale to assess instrumental activities (not self-care, but stuff you gotta do. Like laundry and driving)

Lawson scale

Decreased what capacity of lungs


Is a slippery floor an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for Falls


Is joint stiffness an intrinsic or extrinsic factor for falls


What type of incontinence results from a sudden increase of intra-abdominal pressure


Physiological factors contributing to pressure ulcers

Aging skin is less resistant to forces. Immobility and lack of spontaneous body movement. malnutrition and deficiencies of zinc, iron, vitamin C and proteins

Types of pressure ulcers: non-blanchable area of intact skin

Stage 1

Types of pressure ulcers: non-blanchable area of intact skin

Stage 1

Types of pressure ulcers: partial thickness loss, epidermidis and dermis

Stage 2

Types of pressure ulcers: non-blanchable area of intact skin

Stage 1

Types of pressure ulcers: partial thickness loss, epidermidis and dermis

Stage 2

Types of pressure ulcers: full thickness skin loss, subcutaneous and fat

Stage 3

Types of pressure ulcers: non-blanchable area of intact skin

Stage 1

Types of pressure ulcers: partial thickness loss, epidermidis and dermis

Stage 2

Types of pressure ulcers: full thickness skin loss, subcutaneous and fat

Stage 3

Types of pressure ulcers: full thickness skin loss With expensive destruction, exposed bone

Stage 4

Types of pressure ulcers: non-blanchable area of intact skin

Stage 1

Types of pressure ulcers: partial thickness loss, epidermidis and dermis

Stage 2

Types of pressure ulcers: full thickness skin loss, subcutaneous and fat

Stage 3

Types of pressure ulcers: full thickness skin loss With expensive destruction, exposed bone

Stage 4

Types of pressure ulcers: wound bed not visible due to dead and necrotic tissue


Nursing considerations when an older adult has sleep disturbances

Avoid sleep medication‘s, sedatives, and tranquilizers. these increase the risk of falls and confusion

Promote sleep with what

Back rubs, snacks, assistance with toileting, decreasing pain, increasing daily activity

Syndrome that describes unique symptomology that do not necessarily correlate with a condition in older adults

Geriatric syndrome