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48 Cards in this Set

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vague, uneasy, emotional feeling experienced in response to perceived threat or danger.


Free floating anxiety

person unable to connect anxiety to stimulus.

Automatic relief behaviors

Automatic relief behaviors: jaw-clenching, finger-tapping, pen-clicking. The things you do unconsciously to relieve anxiety.

SXS anxiety

excessive worry and anxiety plus (at least) 3 of the following: Restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty falling/staying asleep, fatigue.

Possible Somatic Symptoms:

Possible Somatic Symptoms: chest pain, hyperventilation, headaches, tremors, increased urinary frequency, GI disturbances

Signs and Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder:

chronic excessive worry and anxiety (no reason). Negative self-talk. Fatigue. Sleeping problems. Increased startle reflex. Inability to relax, feeling on edge. Muscle tension, headaches, irritability, anticipating the worst, inability to concentrate, tremors, breathing difficulties, GI issues, urinary frequency, bruxism.

recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. Twice as common in females.

Panic disorder

intense feeling of fear/terror occurring suddenly and intermittently without warning.....

Panic attack

SXS panic attack

heart pounding, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, weakness, numbness, shakiness, chilled with nausea, chest pain, tingling/numbness of hands/feet, feelings of suffocation, feeling out of control, fear of dying or heart attack, agoraphobia, depression...

avoidance of specific places, situations tending to trigger panic attacks…significant impairment of everyday activities; often become homebound; unemployment/school drop-out common.


excessive, persistent irrational fear of specific objects or situations that pose little danger. Signs & Symptoms: physical symptoms of anxiety

Specific phobia

excessive fear of any social situations in which embarrassment is possible. Discomfort being watched or at risk of being judged by others.

Social anxiety disorder

Propranolol, a beta blocker, is used to reduce

Social anxiety

response to situation involving actual death or threat of severe injury. Intense feeling of fear/dread with each recurring mental rerun of event. Signs & Symptoms: duration is greater than 1 month. Intense feeling of fear. Mental reruns. Emotional numbness following the event. Flashbacks: relieving the event as if actually there.


More on PTSD

Increased anxiety not previously present; feeling extreme guilt. Avoidance due to emotional numbing; insomnia. Inability to concentrate; impaired social or work functioning. Dissociation, depersonalization possible. More common with family hx.

Emotional numbing: people will avoid places or people that are connected to an experience because they do not want to feel feelings related to the PTSD.

recurrent, persistent, unwanted thoughts or images causing intense anxiety


repetitive behavior engaged in to reduce high level of anxiety


Diagnosis of OCD

significant decline in functioning level with actions consuming greater than 1 hour/day

Invasive, inappropriate thoughts commonly related to

sexuality, violence, illness, death, contamination

Questioning thoughts as to whether they did or did not do something (curling iron)

Repeated doubts

Antianxiety meds

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) for anxiety. Benzo’s are pams and lams. Drowsiness and dizziness, big thing is that they should not be long term because of tolerance and dependance. Long term meds should be SSRI’s. Buspar (buspirone) for anxiety. Smoking decreases sedative and antianxiety effects of benzo’s. Most success when combining with psychotherapy

Nursing Interventions and Assessments for anxiety

Assess mood, orientation daily; monitor BP daily (while standing, sitting). Offer strategies to relieve dry mouth. Ingest medication with food, milk.

Know : an emotion that is prolonged to the point it colors one’s entire psychological thinking


Know: facial expression displayed in association with one’s mood


Know: excessive feeling of happiness;


Euphoria may escalate to : frenzied, unstable mood; may be out of touch with reality (unipolar: means they do not experience mania with depression).


Major depressive disorder

experience depressed mood/loss of interest in activities most of each day for 2 weeks; single or recurrent episodes. Significant: persistence, severity. Signs & Symptoms: hopelessness, guilt, melancholy, Self-blame, fatigue, appetite loss, weight changes, Decreased libido, crying episodes, irritability, anxiety, Excessive worry, increased somatic symptoms, Lack of concentration, difficulty making decisions.

Know: (lack of pleasure in things they previously enjoyed).


Know: (marked decrease in energy level).


recurrent state of depression greater than 2 years. Common Signs and Symptoms: lifetime struggle with depression symptoms. Negativism: learned sense of helplessness. Escapes: substance use; spending sprees. Sexual promiscuity; acting-out behaviors. Sleep Difficulties; change in eating habits. Fatigue; decreased concentration and decision-making ability

Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia):

brain dysfunction causing abnormal, erratic shifts in mood, energy, and functional ability; possible genetic factor


alternating from euphoria to dysphoria and irritability


Know difference: bipolar 1: bipolar 2 :

Know difference: bipolar 1: manic and depressive, bipolar 2 : hypomania and depressive

Type of mania less than 4 days. Decreased need for sleep; grandiosity; incessant talking. Irresponsible, impulsive behavior. Increased moodiness; irritability.


greater than 1 week. Disrupts ability to function; lack of insight. Excessive level of activity; psychotic states. Thoughts of persecution. Clang Associations: rhyming phrases with no meaning.

Fulll blown manic episode

chronic mood disturbance with fluctuating periods of hypomanic symptoms + periods of depression. Alternating periods recurrent with short periods of normalcy (usually < 2 months).

Cyclothymic disorders

MAOIs may have a hypertensive crisis with what

foods and drugs to avoid: aged cheese, alcohol, avocados, bananas, caffeine, smoked and processed meats, caviar, corned beef, chicken livers, chocolate, fava, figs, meat tenderizers, pickled herring, raisins, sour cream, soy sauce, yogurt.


effective on mania; not on depression. Peak blood level 1-3 hours. Entirely excreted by the kidneys unchanged so adequate renal functioning is necessary for use. Any increase or decrease in dietary sodium affects levels. Loss of sodium from perspiration, vomiting, or diarrhea can increase risk of lithium toxicity.

For lithium, drink


Know: what is any drug, medication, or toxin which shares potential for abuse


physiological and psychological dependence on alcohol or other drugs. Withdrawal symptoms present when substance is discontinued.


brain adapts to repeated dosing, causing decreased effects, requiring greater amounts of drug to achieve same effect


Drug most often abused by Americans


Phases of Substance Dependency

Phase one: first use. User experiences “high”; regulates amount of substance and opportunities for use.

· Phase two: user experiences hangover effects. Begins to feel guilty for behaviors during use.

· Phase three: dependent lifestyle begins. Use can no longer predict outcome; engages in compromising behaviors; loses insight.

· Phase four: user demonstration of dependency/addiction. Periods of blackout, paranoia, helplessness.

encephalopathy, psychosis related to Nutritional disease (deficiency of thiamine and niacin) of CNS, found in alcoholics. Progressive memory loss; disorientation with emotional lability and apathy; weakness; fatigue.

Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome:

first phase of dependency treatment. Immediate withdrawal from drug: 3-5 days. Physical, psychological effects. Can be life-threatening. Unsupervised withdrawal from drug dependence can result in death



Vitamins for deficiencies: iron, folate, thiamine, vitamin C Know:: Understand Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome & the nutritional issues with this

Know: Medications to maintain sobriety: acamprosate and disulfiram (Antabuse) for alcohol; naltrexone (opioid antagonist)

Know: Medications to maintain sobriety: acamprosate and disulfiram (Antabuse) for alcohol; naltrexone (opioid antagonist)