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49 Cards in this Set

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•volume and osmotic regulation

sodium [Na], chloride [Cl], potassium [K]

•myocardial rhythm and contractility

K, magnesium [Mg2], calcium [Ca2]

•cofactors in enzyme activation

Mg2, Ca2, zinc [Zn2]

•regulation of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) ion pumps


•acid-base balance

bicarbonate [HCO3 ], K, Cl

•blood coagulation

Ca2, Mg2

•neuromuscular excitability

K, Ca2, Mg2

•the production and use of ATP from glucose

Mg2, phosphate [PO4 ]

Extracellular fluid (ECF) -accounts for the other one third of total body water and can be subdivided into the ___________________ that surrounds the cells in the tissue

intravascular extracellular fluid (plasma) and the interstitial cell fluid

The average water content of the human body varies from __________ of total body weight, with values declining with age and especially with obesity

40% to 75%

Normal plasma is about _______ water, with the remaining volume occupied by lipids and proteins


example, maintaining a high intracellular concentration of K and a high extracellular (plasma) concentration of Na requires use of energy from ATP in _________

ATPase-dependent ion pumps

is a physical property of a solution that is based on the concentration of solutes (expressed as millimoles) per kilogram of solvent (w/w).


is related to several changes in the properties of a solution relative to pure water, such as freezing point depression and vapor pressure decrease.


a major contributor to osmolality,

Na + (sodium)

•Is reported in milliosmoles per liter (w/v), but it is inaccurate in cases of hyperlipidemia or hyperproteinemia, for urine specimens; or in the presence of certain osmotically active substances, such as alcohol or mannitol


The normal plasma osmolality __________ of plasma H2O

275– 295 mOsm/kg

are ions capable of carrying an electric charge. They are classified as anions or cations based on the type of charge they carry


have a negative charge and move toward the anode


migrate in the direction of the cathode because of their positive charge


the fluid inside the cells and accounts for about two thirds of total body water.

Intracellular fluid

accounts for the other one third of total body water and can be subdivided into the intravascular extracellular fluid (plasma) and the interstitial cell fluid that surrounds the cells in the tissue

Extracellular fluid (ECF)

mechanism that requires energy to move ions across cellular membranes

Active transport

passive movement of ions across a membrane


depends on the size and charge of the ion being transported and on the nature of the membrane through which it is passing


- controls thirst mechanism

•Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

AKA arginine vasopressin hormone (AVP)

•Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

•Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is also called

arginine vasopressin hormone (AVP)

secretion is stimulated by the hypothalamus in response to an increased osmolality of blood

•Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

This hormone is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland and acts on the cells of the collecting ducts in the kidneys to increase water reabsorption. As water is conserved, osmolality decreases, turning off AVP secretion

•Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

responds primarily to a decreased blood volume


_______ is secreted near the renal glomeruli in response to decreased renal blood flow (decreased blood volume or blood pressure)


_________ converts the hormone angiotensinogen ---> angiotensin I


________ converts angiotensin I –----> angiotensin II

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)

________- causes vasoconstriction, which quickly increases blood pressure, and secretion of aldosterone, which increases retention of Na + and the water that accompanies the Na

Angiotensin II

•In states of __________, the renal tubules reabsorb water at their maximal rate, resulting in the production of a small amount of maximally concentrated urine (high urine osmolality, 1,200 mOsm/L)


•In states of dehydration, the renal tubules reabsorb water at their maximal rate, resulting in the production of a small amount of maximally concentrated urine (high urine osmolality, ___________)

1,200 mOsm/L

In states of __________, the tubules reabsorb water at only a minimal rate, resulting in excretion of a large volume of extremely dilute urine (low urine osmolality, down to __________)

Water excess ; 50 mOsm/L

inadequate AVP or no abiity to respond to AVP)- excretion may increase to 10 L of urine per day

Diabetes insipidus

(excessive H2O intake)


urinary Na is usually decreased


the difference between the measured osmolality and the calculated osmolality

Osmolal gap

indirectly indicates the presence of osmotically active substances other than Na, urea, or glucose, such as ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol, lactate, or B-hydroxybutyrate

Osmolal gap

When the osmolal gap is elevated , it is due to other particles besides ______, _____ or ______

Sodium, glucose or BUN

presence of _______ or ________ in the serum can elevate the osmolal gap

Ketones or alcohols such as ethanol

can be used as qualitative assurance measurement to detect technical errors

Osmolal gap

Reference Ranges for Osmolality



Urine/ serum ratio=

Serum= 275 - 295 mOsm/kg

Urine(24hrs)= 300 - 900 mOsm/kg

Urine/serum ratio= 1.0 - 3.0

Reference Ranges for Osmolality

Random urine=

Osmolal gap=

Random urine= 50 - 1200 mOsm/kg

Osmolal gap= 5 - 10 mOsm/kg

causes an increase in water retention because of increased AVP (ADH) production

SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate ADH)