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33 Cards in this Set

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How do you find the gradient of a straight line?

m=y-y/ x-x

How do you find the distance between two points?

Use Pythagoras √[(x-x)²+(y-y)²]

How do you find the midpoint of two points?

[½(x+x), ½(y+y)]

What is the angle in a semicircle?

The angle in a semi circle is always a right angle.

How do you find the equation of a circle given 3 points on the circle?

Find the equation of two chords. Find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors. Where they cross is the centre.

What is the domain?

The set of possible inputs for a function.

What is the range?

The set of possible outputs for a function.

What is the discriminant?

b²-4ac, positive=two roots, negative=no roots, zero=repeated root

How do you sketch inequalities?

Draw the line of y=f(x). > or < then draw a dotted line. Otherwise draw a solid line.

What does the graph of y=1/x look like?

An asymptote at both axis. In the top right and bottom left quadrants.

What does the graph of y= -1/x look like?

An asymptote at both axis. In the top left and bottom right quadrant.

What does the graph of y=1/x² ?

Asymptotes at both axis. The function is always positive.

What does the graph of y= -1/x² ?

Asymptotes at both axis and always negative.


Vertical translation by a.


Horizontal translation by -a.


Stretch by scale factor a vertically. Multiply every y coordinate by a.


Stretch by scale factor 1/a horizontally. Divide every x coordinate by a.

y= -f(x)

Reflection in x-axis.


Reflection in y-axis.

What is the choose function used for?

Finding the number of ways of choosing r items from a group of size n, nCr.

What is nCr equal to?


How does pascals triangle link to the choose function?

The r term in the nth row of pascal’s triangle is given by (n-1)C(r-1).

What are the two unit vectors?

i=(1,0) and j=(0,1). i is the x coordinate. j is the y coordinate.

What is differentiation by first principles?

f’(x)=lim(h=>0) [f(x+h)-f(x)]/x+h-x

How do you use second order differentiation?

Use it to check if a turning point is a minimum or a maximum. Plug the x-coordinate of the turning point into f’’(x). Positive=Min. Negative = Max. Zero=Tells you nothing, check by plugging in x-coordinates.

What is logax + logay?


What is logax-logay?


What is loga(x)^k?


What is loga(1/x)?


What is logaa?


What is loga1?


How do you sketch y=ax^n?

If you log both sides you get logy=nlogx+loga. Plot a graph of logy against logx.

How do you sketch y=ab^x?

logy=loga + xlogb. Draw a graph of log y against x.