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51 Cards in this Set

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What were the 4 main causes of WW1?
What was the immediate cause of WW1
The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
What was the US's position at the outbreak of war? Why did it change?
At first the US was nuetral. They joined the allied side because:
1) German U-boats were sinking trade ships and the passanger ship Lusitania
2) the Zimmerman letter was sent from Germany telling Mexico to go to war with US
3) they had alliances with some of the allied countries
Was the US justified in declaring war?
Yes they were justified becasue:
1)German submarines were blowing up trade ships which cost money and lives
2) Even after they told the Germans to stop they still continued...
3) they had to help their allies
4)Germany threatened them with the Zimmerman letter
How did the US recruit soldiers?
all men ages 21-30 had to sign up for military service because of the Selective Service Act
How did we transition from a peace-time to war-time economy?
WW1 cost 35.5 billion dollars and Americans helped pay almost 2/3 by buying war bonds. Americans had to save up on almost everything
How were Americans at home affected by the war?
They had to save:
1)food(meatless tuesdays, wheatless mondays and wednasdays)
2) money to pay for war bonds
3) metal for weapons
4) cloth for uniforms
How were immigrants/women/minorities/African Americans affected by WW1?
1)German immigrants were distrusted
2)women were able to work and were allowed to vote
3)500,000 A.A.s migrated to the North to escape racism, poverty and to get a job (Great Migration)
Who were the major Allied Powers? Central Powers?
Allied powers: Serbia, Russia, Britain, France & U.S.
Central powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman empire
How did Wilson's Fourteen points attempt to make a lasting peace?
It was supposed to prevent having any other wars by allowing countries to discuss problems in a League of Nations
Why did Americans dislike the League of Nations?
They did not want more foreign commitments
In what ways was the treaty of Versailles fair/unfair?
fair: they took away Germany's colonies and gave them their independence
unfair: it took away most of Germany's military, had to pay 33 million dollars and took blame for the war even though they didn't start it, was left very vulnerable
In what ways were the 1920s different from previous generations?
1) electricity was used by many
2) people had extra time and money to spend
3) many new technologies were invented (car, electricity,etc.)
4)small towns became big cities instantly with urbanization
5) African-American arts became very popular
Describe the Harlem Renaissance and the hope and pride it encouraged in African-Americans
The celebration of African American talents and arts. Their music, literature, and dancing became very popular and racial differences started to fade away
In what ways were the 1920s a clash between the "old" and the "new?"
Many new ideas like evolution started spreading about and most people did not want to learn about the new science that contradicted their religion. Also, it was a clash because many people started to use the new technologies while some people might have preferred it the other way
What was life like for farmers in the 1920s?
They expanded their farms during the war because they needed to supply for european countries as well, and when the war was over they had difficulty selling all of that food
How did life change for (some) women in the 1920s?
had more personal freedom like:
driving cars, playing sports, going to college and getting jobs. Also they were able to vote
Were the 1920s the best of times or worst of times?
Best: many new technologies advanced society, A.A.s were recognized, culture increased, economy was good
worst: organized crime, pollution, and urbanization. Same reasons from a different perspective
the belief that a country should have a strong military and should always be prepared to use it. This was important because many people believed this and wanted to use their military, which is why they wanted to attack
Extreme pride and loyalty to ones country-belief that ones country is better than anyone else. This is important because many people wanted to prove their country was the best therefore the only way was to prove it in battle
a treaty with another country that promises to help and support them if they go to war. If their were no alliances the war would only be between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. More and more countries got involved
Trench Warfare
a type of fighting where opposing troops shoot at each other from trenches dug in the ground. This is important because it is one of the reasons why the war lasted so long, they were in a constant stalemate.
Zimmerman telegram
A letter sent by the German foreign minister to ask the German ambassador in Mexico to join the war and in return Germany would help them gain Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This is important because it was a direct threat against America. It was a major reason why the U.S. joined the war
convoy system
a system to protect merchant ships from German U-boats. This included a triangle formation with a destroyer and 2 cruisers. This was important because it reduced the number of sunken trade ships
a type of advertisement that gets people to think a certain way. This was important because it convinced people to buy war bonds, save money, food, clothing etc.
not favoring one side, not being involved in the war. This is important because at first America was neutral, but it wasnt really neutral because it traded more with the allies, so Germany kept sinking our ships
armed German submarines that sunk Allied trade ships. This is important because it is a main reason why the U.S. joined the war
War bonds
loans paid by the people to pay for the expenses of the war, and was supposed to be repaid later. This was important becasue without the war bonds, there would not be enough money to fight/pay for the war
the Great Migration
the migration of African Americans to the North to escape racial violence, poverty and to get a higher paying job. This started the Harlem Renaissance and the spread of African American arts and culture in the north
"peace without victory"
means that no side felt they won so that their would be no revenge later, everyone had their own peace, losing countries did not have to pay. However the Allies did not want a "peace without victory" so they issued the treaty of versailles
a passenger ship sunk by a U-boat that got many Americans willing to go to war. This was important because it got many Americans against Germany and was a major contributer to why the U.S. went to war.
Home front
the activities of the population of a country at war:
women grew victory gardens to send food for war, it was all about saving money, food, materials, and metal. This was important because people in America had to suffer at home too
the 18th amendment which banned the manufacturing and and sale of alcohol. This was important because it led to organized crime and illegal drinking in secret clubs
a type of protestant christian which interprets the bible strictly and literally. This was important because these kinds of people were the cause of Scopes Monkey Trial since they did not want to believe in evolution
a group of people who grew dramatically during the 1920s and added jews, catholics and others to the list of people they hate because of the sensitivity towards foreigners after the war. This was important because it kept people scared and they often did very bad things.
a young woman enjoyed herself during this time and embraced the urban attitudes, followed the latest fashion trends, and danced at clubs. These people were important because they encouraged that happy feeling that spread throughout the country.
laissez faire
a policy that the government would interfere with business as long as it would act in a way that would regulate the nation. This policy was important because businesses were not regulated by the government so they could grow.
assembly line
a moving conveyor belt that allowed products to be made more efficiently however workers often found themselves doing the same job all day. This is important because it allowed products to made more quickly and more efficiently, since there is more product, the price goes down and more people will buy the product
Calvin Coolidge
He became president after Harding died and agreed with the laissez faire policy, he was also an isolationist. He passed the Kellogg-Briand Pact signed by 15 nations who pledged not make war against one another. He was important because he immediately took office after Harding died and got many nations thinking about peace for the future
Cotton club
a famous night club in Harlem that operated during prohibition and played a lot of jazz music. This was important because many people visited Harlem to go to this famous club, which attracted more people, and more people started enjoying jazz
Leisure time
Americans had a lot of time for recreational activities and had a lot of pocket money to spend at the movies, driving around town etc. This is important because people had time to do things out of enjoyment which adds to the happy feeling, also movie theaters and things made lots of money
the promotion of interest in consumers. Getting consumers to want to have the latest technology. This is important because it turned regular people in consumers. "Always keep the customer dissatisfied" so that they will buy the next upgrade
installment buying/buying on credit
to purchase on a promise to pay later. This was important because it led to the depression later when the loans were not paid back.
posters, billboards etc. to convince consumers to buy a certain product that they may not really need. This is important because it advertised products and convinced people to buy things they hadn't known they needed. If done well it would get many people to buy
Model T
Invented by Henry Ford, it was an affordable car that cost $335 and were produced at a rate of one per minute. It was important because it made cars really popular and caused the need for paved roads.
a policy to eliminate foreign influence. This was important because it explains why Americans did not want a league of nations.
a popular yet temporary trend, item etc. that is followed by many people. This was important because many consumers wanted to follow these fads and ended up spending lots of money, especially the flappers
Organized Crime
when a group of poeple plan to either steal, vandalize, injure or even murder someone at a set date and time. This was important because it was the effect of prohibition and that was one of the reason why prohibition was later removed
the Emergency Quota Act
restricted the number of immigrants admitted to the U.S. by allowing only 3% of immigrants per country. This was important because Americans did not want to deal with any foreigners, even though the Holocaust was currently happening and Jews needed a place to escape to
the Scopes Monkey Trial
a 1925 case in which a high school teacher was accused of teaching evolution to his students. This was important because it showed the clash of "old and new" and it showed how much people were fundementalists
The theory that humans were not created by God, but were developed from other living organisms over time. This was important because this discovery caused lots of problems and people did not know what to believe and the fundamentalists did not want to accept this