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3 Cards in this Set

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The diagram shows the process through which water is used to produce electrical power


Overall, hydroelectric power is generated using water from the sea through a relatively sophisticated procedure which comprises over ten stages


The process begins when seawater is heated by the sun and evaporate to form small clouds in the sky. Next, they merged into a storm cloud, which then rains over the mountain. The rainwater is gathered in the reservoir behind the dam. The following steps involve a pipe which connects the reservoir to a turbine as well as a pump, and is controlled using a valve. Once this valve is opened, the water flows into the turbine and rotates it to produce electrical current, following which it is pumped back into the reservoir. After this, the electricity produced by the turbine transferred to the transformer station through high voltage cables. The last stage is when the electrical power is delivered to domestic and industrial consumers, as well as educational and medical facilities.