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35 Cards in this Set

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Where did the European countries set up slave ports?
along the West Coast of Africa
How are the slaves treated?
with brutality and are dehumanized by their captors
What does dehumanize mean?
to deprive of human qualities, personality, or spirit
What were the three parts of the Triangle Trade?
1.manufactured goods from Europe traded to Africa for slaves
2.slaves taken to Americas and sold to provide labor
3.products from plantations using slave labor are taken to Europe to sell for a profit
What was the Middle Passage?
a sea route from West Africa to the Americas
How long of a trip did slaves have to make on a ship?
up to 12 weeks
What was the Impact of the slave trade on Africa?
Kingdoms grea wealthy
Constant wars waged by kingdoms to gain slaves
Wars weakened kingdoms
lost as many as 13 million people
How many slaves started the revolution in Haiti?
What was the cause of the revolution?
French's colonial power on the "sugar" of island of St. Domingue
Who led the revolution?
Touissant L'Ouverture
When did the revolution start and when did the rebels take control of the entire island?
What did the leaders of the haitian rebellion declare?
that the western half of the island dependent country
What did Haiti become?
the secone nation in the Western hemisphere to delatees it independence from Eurpean colonial power
What are abolitionists?
people against the slave trade
What did the abolitionists do by the late 1700's?
raise public awareness of the horrors of the trade
Where do abolitionists come from?
pastors, freed slaves, liberal government officials, and radical thinkers
Who werer the most well known abolitionists?
John Newton, Olaudah Equiano, William Wilberforce, and Thomas Clarkson
What helps raise awareness in Europe?
slave revolts in Jamaica and Haiti
When did Great Britain end the slave trade?
What did Great Britain do in 1833?
abolish slavery throughout its empire
Who was Lord William Grenville?
member of House of Lords
high rank in government
convinced house of lords
passed abolition of slave trade act of 1807 41:20
Who was William Wilberforce?
house of commons
convinced house of commons
passed abolition of slave trade act of 1807 114:15
What were the new foods that came from the Americas?
tomatoes, peppers, corn, potatoes, tobacco
What were the new foods that came from Eurasia?
wheat, livestock, horses, sugar cane
What were the new foods that came from Africa?
coffee, okra, watermelon, peas
What were the causes of populaion impact in Europe?
potatoes and corn introduced- 1 acre of wheat=1 ton of food, 1 acre of potatoes=6 tons of food
What were the effects of population impact in Europe?
make famine-proof
more food for people making population increase
What were the causes of population impact in the Americas?
Europeans and their livestock spread non-native diseases
What were the effects of population impact in the Americas?
Native America population declines 95% in some areas
labor shortage
What were the causes of population impact in Africa?
spread of cash crops requires labor force
not many indians-no labor to work on European plantations
What were the effects of the populaion impact in Africa?
Trans-Atlantic slave trade increases
"slave kingdoms" provide slaves with plantation labor as prisoners of wasr
What are cash crops?
crops grown to make profit
What was the Price Revolution and where was it?
historical process
What were the causes of the price revolution?
aztec and incan gold cause "Inflation" in Europe
goods' and services' prices increase in Europe
What were the effects of the price revolution?
increases put pressure on Europe's poor
harder to make a living
many leave for the New World