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50 Cards in this Set

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an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached


member of peoples inhabiting ancient Palestine/Israel and claiming descent from Abraham.

Qin Dynasty

The first dynasty of imperial China. It followed the Zhou dynasty. Rules by Emporer Qin. saw rich cultural and technological innovation, but was brutal rule.


One of the world's oldest monotheistic religions. Founded by prophet Zoroaster in ancient Persia or modern day Iran. Pre-islamic. Dominant world religion during the Persian empire.

Mandate of Heaven

Created by the Zhou, which was the idea that there could only be one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and that ruler had the blessing of the gods. Justified the overthrow of the Shang dynasty.


Used hieroglyphics as written language, ruled by a Pharoah, home of the pyramids.


Classical Greek Philosopher. Born in Athens, Greece. Founding figure of western philosophy. Plato was his most famous student.


Country in Europe. Socrates was from this country.

Vasco de Gama

Portuguese explorer. Reached India and opened up a sea router from Europe to the East. Commissioned by the Portuguese King to find that route to the East. First to sail directly from Europe to India.

Manorial System

All legal and economic power belonged to the lord of the manor. the lord's support came from his land and contributions from the peasants living on his land. Feudal Lords used this way to organize their lands. Peasants were dependant on their lord of the manor.


Religion of the Muslims. Monotheistic faith. Muhammad as the prophet of Allah.


Also known as Charles the Great. Pope Leo III crowned him emperor of the Romans. United a large part of Europe during the Middle Ages.


Zulu word for people. Tribes of southern Africa. Group of Languages spoken in central and southern Africa.


A religious journey. Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mecca. Christians/Jews may journey to Israel.


Home of the Christian faith. Middle Eastern city west of the Dead Sea. One of the worlds foremost pilgrimage locations. Capital of Israel.

King Henry IV (germany)

Holy roman emperor became King of Germany in 1056.

Ibn Battuta

Moroccan explorer who traveled extensively throughout the know world. Explored the Islamic world. Covered a distance about three times as great as Marco Polo.

Shah Abbas I

King of the Safavid dynasty. The renaissance persian ruler who shaped modern Iran. He was a just monarch.

Genghis Khan

Founder of the Mongol empire. Largest empire in history. Most feared conquerors of all time. Warrior, military leader. Grandson was Kublai Khan.

Mongol Empire

Established by Genghis Khan. One of the largest empires in human history. Encompassed the majority of the territories from southeast Asia to eastern Europe.


City in Italy. Cradle of the Renaissance. Distinguished as one of the most outstanding economic, cultural, political, and artistic centres in the peninsula from the late Middle ages to the Renaissance.

Age of Exploration

A period from the early 15th century to the early 17th century during which European ships were traveled around the world to search for new trading routes. Also trying to discover new trade partners and new goods. Desperate for spices from Asia to help preserve foods, so they needed better routes.


Primarily used to describe Spanish or Portuguese conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century. Famous ones were Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizarro.


Known for Hieroglyphic script - the only know fully developed writing system at that time. Conquered by Cortes's army.

Christopher Columbus

Sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Discovered the new world of the Americas. commissioned by the King Ferdinand of Spain. Italian explorer. Realized the world was round


spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another. the mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities, religions, and nationalities.

Maurya Empire

A dynasty that united most of the Indian subcontinent and presided over a great flowering of Indian civilization. the first ruler was Indian emperor Chandragupta Maurya. Expanded the kingdom of Magadha into the Mauryan Empire.

Examination System

Chinese system of recruiting men on the basis of merit rather than on the basis of family or political connection. Education was the key to success in the system, and therefore was highly regarded in traditional China

West Roman Empire

Declined and became known as the Holy roman Empire ruled by the Pope. Created when Constantine split the roman empire in two to try to save the failing Roman empire. Constantine announced Christianity as the primary religion in rome which went against traditional beliefs in many gods. Eventually fell to the barbarians.


Established the Byzantine Empire. and created a set of laws called the Justinian code. Justinian Code said the emporer made all the laws and interpreted them.

Justinian Code

Set of laws that formed the basis for many of our modern laws. Code said the emperor made all the laws and interpreted them. Law through out all the Byzantine Empire. Created by Justinian.

Byzantine Empire

Established by Justinian in what was the Eastern Roman Empire. People considered themselves Romans, influenced by the Greek Culture. Instead of Latin, they spoke Greek. Was influenced by the Hellenistic culture by the conquests of Alexander the Great. Learning and trade thrived in the empire. Christianity was the official state religion.

Sunni Muslims

Largest sect of the Islam religion. follow practices based on what the Prophet Mahammad said, did, agreed to or condemned. Refered to as the orthodox Islam. Followed Abu Bakr after the death of Muhammad.


Social system in medieval Europe in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and land in return. Medieval form of government.

Sundiata Kieta

Founder of the Mali Empire and prince. Famous Malian ruler Mansa Musa who made pilgramage to Mecca was his grandnephew. West African monarch who founded the western Sudanese empire of Mali. Great Warrior.

Middle East

Territory that included such famous ancient empires such as Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Babylon ruled by Hammurabi.

Golden Age (Gupta)

Golden Age of India. Under the rule of the Gupta Dynasty. MArked by extensive inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathmatics, astrology, religion, and philosophy.

Trans-Saharan Networks

Camel caravans across the Sahara desert via a series of oasis. Delivered goods such as spices, iron tools, and weapons. Played a key role in preparing West Africa to participate in the


Established the Mughal Empire in India. A descendant of Genghis Khan.

Silk road

trade highway that linked China to the roman world.

Investiture Controversy

Most important conflict between secular and religious powers in medieval Europe. It began as a dispute between Holy roman emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII. A series of popes challenged the authority of European monarchs over who had the authority to appoint or invest bishops. Dispute over who held ultimate authority.

Safavid Empire

Significant dynasty in the history of Persia. Was a theocracy. Shi'a Islam was state religion. All other religions were forbidden. Economic strength came from it's location in the trade routes. Started with Shah Ismail's leadership.

Mughal Empire

Empire that ruled most of India and Pakistan. it consolidated Islam in south asia and spread Muslim arts and culture as well as the faith. Babar was the first Mughal Emperor. He was a descendent of Genghis Khan. A mixture of Persian, Mongol, and Indian culture.

Marco Polo

One of first explorer Europeans to travel to Asia during the middle ages. He traveled along the silk Road all the way to China and Mongolia. he became a friend of Kublai Khan.

Zheng He

Admiral in the imperial Chinese Navy. Sailed to southeast asia, india, and africa to expolore and trade. Sailed on Chinese boats known as junks. He was a mariner and diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch.


American indian people in Peru. Built a large and tightly controlled empire. Conquered by the Spanish.

Vasco de Gama

Portuguese explorer that was commissioned or hired by the king of Portugal to find a sailing route to the East. he succeeded. He sailed to India by going around Africa during the Age of Discovery.

Henry VIII

His break with the papacy in rome established the Church of England and began the English Reformation. Was married 6 times and beheaded two of his wives. Ruled for 38 years.


A sequence of rulers from the same family.


Emperor Ashoka the Great was the third ruler of the Indian Mauryan Empire. Converted India to the Buddhism religion and established it as the state religion.