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127 Cards in this Set

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-ordered the compilation of all roman laws since the earlier code
-The Code of Justinian
-regarded as the founder of democracy in Athens
-reorganized the assembly to balance the power of the rich and the poor
-created council of five hundred
-increased number of paid public officials and paid jurors
-increased strength in democracy
-passed a law outlawing slavery based on debt and canceled the farmers' debts
-established four classes of citizenship based on wealth
Direct democracy
a form of government in which citizens rule and make laws directly rather than through representatives
a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to elect the leaders who make governmental decisions
Magna Carta
-demands of English nobles against the King
-source of respect for individual rights and liberties
-limited power of monarch
Common law
-reflected customs and principles established over time
Federal system
government is divided between a central authority, and a number of individual states
The Reformatoin
-a 16th century movement for religious reform
-leading to the founding of Christian churches that rejected the pope's authority
Martin Luther
-began a reform which ended in Protestantism
time period of the renaissance
1300-1600; "rebirth" - revival of art and learning
non-religious or worldly
-financially supported artists
technique showing three dimensions on a flat surface
one's native language
an intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
-style of painting and sculpting that focuses on characteristics of real life
means "no place" in Greek; perfect world
printing press
-faster process to copy books that is quicker and cheaper; people could get information more quickly
-created by johann gutenberg
-could produce books quickly and cheaply
johann gutenberg
-made the printing press: could produce books quickly and cheapy/could print hundreds of copies in a single work
christine de pizan
- wrote about objections of the education of women
-one of the first European writers to question different treatment of boys and girls
william shakespeare
-most famous poet and play writer in the Elizabethan Age
-displayed a deep understanding of human beings in his playwrights
desiderius erasmus
-wrote the "praise of folly" which made fun of all aspects of society
thomas more
-wrote utopia
-about an imaginary land where greed, corruption, and war have been weeded out
-all those that believed in Luther's teachings and followed him became a separate religious group called the Lutherans
edict of worms
-released by Charlies V
-declared martin luther was a heretic
-pardon that you bought to get into heaven
pope leo x
-issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication
emperor charles v
-a devout catholic who opposed luther's teachings
-established the edict of worms
catherine of aragon
-wife of Henry VIII
-bore him a daughter, Mary
-wanted to divorce her but the church didn't allow it
peace of augsburg
-religious settlement in which german princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion for his own state
act of supremacy
-issued by henry XIII that declare his annulment against his catherine of argon
-established the church of england
anne boleyn
-Henry VIII's 2nd wife
-gave birth to Elizabeth
elizabeth I
-established the Anglican Church that Catholics and Protestants might both accept
-to set aside
edward vi
-Henry VIII's son of his 3rd wife
-only reigned for 6 years because of his health
john knox
-created presbyterian church
-put calvin's ideas into effect
-protestant form of christianity
-focus on living off the land to glorify God
-a non-violent protestant group
-followers of knox
John Calvin
-believed in predestination
-began Calvanism
catholic reformation
-a movement within the catholic church to reform itself
-helped catholics to remain loyal
-belief that God chooses a few "elect" people to save
-members of the society of jesus
ignatius of loyola
-catholic reformer who founded the society of jesus
-believed that one should be baptized when they are old enough to decide if they want to be a Christian
-Calvinists who lived in France
-faced religious wars with Catholics
council of trent
-appointed by Pope Paul III
-catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines
medici family
-wealthy bank owners in Florence
-controlled the wealth of the city
leonardo da vinci
-was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist
-a true "renaissance man"
henry viii
-devout catholic
-given the title defender of faith
-wanted an annulment from wife
renaissance man
-all educated people expected to create art
-the ideal individual tried to master all areas of study
renaissance woman
-upper class women
-expected to inspire art, not create it
timur the lame
-crushed ottoman forces which halted expansion of the Holy Roman Empire
-most successful ghazi
-founded the Ottoman Empire
mehmed II
- conquered Constantinope
suleyman I
-suleyman the lawgiver
-brought the ottomans to their biggest size
-warriors for islam
-were recruited under the devshirme system, were educated, converted to islam, and trained as soldiers
-trained to be loyal to the sultan only
-under the devshirme system, the sultan's army drafted boys from the peoples of conquered christian territories
-family that controlled current day Iran and Iraq from 1350-1600
-began to seize what is now iran
persian title for king
shi'ite muslim
- Islamic beliefs
-very strict
sunni muslim
-Islamic beliefs
-more modern and relaxed
-not strict
-a new Safavid capital
-showplace for many artisans
shah abbas
-helped create a Safavid culture and golden age
-non-violent religious group
-combined Hindu and Muslim beliefs
-laid the foundation for the mughal empire
-early ruler of the Mughal Empire
-expanded the territory of India
-akbar's son
-left affairs of the state to his wife, who ruled with an iron hand
taj mahal
-one of the most beautiful buildings in the world
-shah jahan wanted it built as a tomb for his wife
-mehmed II conquered this city
-had no territory outside walls but controlled the bosporus strait
prince henry
-called "the navigator"
-promoted portuguese exploration
-devout catholic - wanted to increase Christianity everywhere
bartolomeu dias
-early portugese explorer who explored the southeast coast of africa
vasco de gama
-portugese explorer who gave Portugal a direct sea route to India
line of demarcation
-imaginary dividing line from north to south through the atlantic ocean
-(between Spain and Portugal)
dutch east india company
-established by the Dutch
-a direct sea route through Asia
-became first ming emperor
-brought stability to china
-invaded china and collapsed the ming dynasty
-ruled for more than 260 years
zheng he
-chinese muslim who led all 7 voyages
qian long
-china reached its greatest size and prosperity under him
-cut off trade with Britain
qing dyansty
-China's last dynasty that ruled for more than 260 years and expanded china's borders
ming dynasty
-Chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 to 1644
-warrior chieftains who's name meant "great name"
tokugawa shogunate
-dynasty in Japan started by Ieyasu
-the shogun is the official ruler
tokugawa ieyasu
-shogun who reunified Japan in 1600
-persecuted Christians
alternate attendance police
-created by ieyasu to keep the daimyo from rebelling
closed country policy
-wanted to safely exclude both the missionaries and the merchants
-sealed japan's borders
-the triangular sails
-made sailing faster and easier
vassal state
-one country controlling another, while letting that country remain independent
-mixed spanish and native americans
hernando cortes
-spaniard who landed on the shores of mexico in search of vast lands of gold and silver
christopher columbus
-made a voyage in 1492 in search of Asia
encomienda system
-natives farmed, ranched, or mined for spanish landlords
montezuma II
-an aztec emporer who conceived at first that cortes was a god wearing armor
-established a vast and wealthy empire in mexico's interior
-conquered by the Spaniards
francisco pizarro
-conquistador who marched a small force into south america and conquered the Incan empire
-conquered by the Spaniards
-first english settlement in NA
-sought religious freedom from england's anglican chruch
-founded Massachusetts Bay
-english colony founded by the pilgrims in massachusetts
-2nd English colony in NA
-sought religious freedom in the americas
-founded Plymouth
massachusetts bay
-large colony established by the Puritans
french and indian war
-war between the British and the French in NA
-a native american ruler that led an attack on colonial villages throughout massachusetts
african slave trade
-the buying and selling of africans for work in the americas
-between 1500 and 1600
reasons africans were ideal laborers
-immunity to diseases
-experience in farming
-less likely to escape because they aren't familiar with the land
-skin color
triangular trade
-the transatlantic trade of slaves and goods between africa, europe, and the colonies in north america
middle passage
-the voyage that brought captured africans to the west indies, and later to north and south america
to be sold as slaves
joint stock company
-a business in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose, and then share their profits
-an economic system based on private ownership and investment of resources for profit
columbian exchange
-the global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the americas
-theory that a country's power depended mainly on wealth
favorable balance of trade
-an economic situation in which a country sells more goods than it buys
new france
-base of France's colonial empire in the americas
fur trade
-trading of furs from america to other countries
ferdinand magellan
-led the boldest exploration
-sailed around the southern end of south america and into the waters of the pacific
vasco nunez de balboa
-first european to look upon the pacific ocean
-place in Canada
-goods brought into a country from another
-goods shipped out of a country to another
king philips war
-conflict between native americans in present day new england, and english colonists and their native american allies
brazil - sugar plantations
-demand in Europe
-made Portugal rich
-the spanish soldiers, explorers, and hunters
-took part in the conquest of the americas in the 16th century
-followed Cortes
-a type of sickness that can be spread quickly
-many were brought by slaves