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39 Cards in this Set

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Taking over a country & controlling all its cultural aspects is known as what?
The___________ were an early culture that developed in the Indo – Gangetic Plain.
Who founded Buddhism?
Siddartha Gautama
Who was the group of people considered outside of the Indian caste system
What is the philosophy that developed to try and end the misery & suffering of life
What is the seasonal wind bringing, or ending a rainy period?
What is the social system in India based on birth?
Caste System
What geographic feature are India and Pakistan are located on
What religion developed over thousands of years without a founder?
Who was the main Hindu god?
What is the relative location of South Asia?
south of Russia, west of China and east of the Middle East.
AND north of the Indian Ocean, southeast of Europe and west of China.
AND south of Eurasia, northeast of Africa and north of the Arabian Sea.
What would NOT be a feature of the Indo - Gangetic Plain? a) mountains. b) fresh water. c) fertile soil. d) long growing season
a) mountains
Which of the following is most likely the result of a cyclone: a) people will be bitten by poisonous snakes. b) Bangladesh will be overpopulated. c) property will be destroyed on a large scale. d) many people will starve to death.
c) property will be destroyed on a large scale.
Which statement is NOT true of the monsoon cycle: a) The wet monsoon arrives late in May or early June. b) Cool air masses begin to move through the region in Oct.
c) Rain falls for three or four months of the monsoon cycle. d) In Jan. temperatures can reach 120 F.
d) In Jan. temperatures can reach 120 F.
Which statement BEST describes the impact of monsoons on South Asia?
a) Monsoons bring suffering and hardship to the region, yet are necessary to survival.
b) The dry monsoon is essential to survival to the region. c) During the dry monsoon, temperatures fall below freezing across South Asia. d) The monsoons affect only the northern mountains, not the Deccan Plateau.
a) Monsoons bring suffering and hardship to the region, yet are necessary to survival.
The Indian subcontinent’s mountain ranges have: a) kept different regions isolated from one another. b) tempted foreign invaders and climbers to come to South Asia. c) provided homes for most of the population. d) encouraged South Asians to invade and conquer countries outside the subcontinent.
a) kept different regions isolated from one another.
An example of cultural diversity in South Asia is the: a) variety of mineral resources. b) wet and dry monsoons. c) four main physical regions. d) variety of religious beliefs.
d) variety of religious beliefs.
Which member of the family was considered the most important in India:
a) the mother. b) the father. c) the oldest son. d) the oldest daughter.
b) the father.
Indian families arranged marriages for their children because: a) family interests were considered much more important than individual desires. b) parents were eager to get the best possible spouse for their children. c) Indian boys and girls were not allowed to spend time together. d) Indians believed marital happiness unimportant
a) family interests were considered much more important than individual desires.
Which of the following is NOT one of the four social classes recognized by the Aryans: a) priests. b) servants. c) gods. d) warriors.
c) gods
Which is NOT an important text to the Hindus: a) Vedas. b) Upanishads.
c) Brahmaputra. d) the Mahabarata
c) Brahmaputra
Which is an accurate statement about the role of women in Indian society:
a) women were leaders in society. b) women helped their husbands move up to a higher caste. c) the major duty of women was to have male children. d) a widow took over her husbands business after his death
c) the major duty of women was to have male children
Which is an accurate statement about the caste system: a) Caste membership determined a person’s occupation. b) members of a caste often intermarried. c) if a person worked hard, he, or she could move up to a higher caste in one lifetime. d) the caste system had almost no effect on daily village life.
a) Caste membership determined a person’s occupation.
Which was NOT true of Imperialism in India: a) France controlled India for over 100 years. b) Raw materials such as cotton was taken from India and they were then forced to buy manufactured goods at high prices. c) the Indians had to pay high taxes.
d) A benefit the Indians enjoyed was a better education
a) France controlled India for over 100 years.
Which was NOT a result of British rule in India during the early 1900’s: a) the creation of a middle – class of British educated Indians. b) the growth of nationalism in India. c) the peaceful co-existence of British and Indian citizens. d) many violent uprisings in Indian attempts of self- rule.
c) the peaceful co-existence of British and Indian citizens
Sri Lanka
Himalayan Mountains
Indus River
Thar Desert
Indo-Gangetic Plain
Arabian Sea
Fully describe the religion and the full cycle of Hindu beliefs (including goals, beliefs, identity and a description of vocabulary)
- the goal of Hinduism is for the atman (soul) to break free from the cycle of reincarnation (rebirth of the soul). The way to do this would be to follow the dharma (duties & obligations) of the caste system (social class system). If they follow the duties, their atman will be reborn into a higher caste, which is their karma (destiny). If they do not follow the rules, they will be reincarnated into a lower caste. They need to work thier way up the caste system until they reach the highest caste. Then their soul will break free (enlightenment) and become one with thier god - Brahman. This is known as moksha.
Fully describe the philosophy & full cycle of Buddhist beliefs. (include:goals & beliefs identify & describe terms
The goal of Buddhism is for the soul to break free from the cycle of rebirth and suffering - this is known as nirvana. The way to achieve nirvana is to accept that life is suffering and accept the Four Noble Truths. Then you can start upon the Eightfold path (a practical set of guidelines for how to be a good person). If you follow the duties and obligations (dharma) of the 8 fold path, you will recieve good karma (fate) in your next life, as your atman is reborn (reincarnated) and you can continue your journey along the 8fold path. Your journey continues until you achieve all 8 of the paths. When you achieve all 8, then your atman is released (enlightenment) and becomes one with the universe (nirvana).
Fully describe the similarities between the two belief systems of Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduism and Buddhism have the following in common:
- karma
- dharma
- atman
- reincarnation
- enlightenment
- non violence