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51 Cards in this Set

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in 1910, who ruled korea for the next 35 years?
the meiji reformers modeled their government after
Germany's government
who were the zaibatsu?
powerful banking and industrial families
competition between japan and china in korea led to
the first sino-japanese war
who fought against japan in the sino-japanese war in 1894?
after the _____, the treaty of portsmouth gave japan control of korea as well as rights in parts of Manchuria
russo-japanese war
after the tokugawa shoguns gained power in 1600, the only group of people who were allowed limited trade w/ the japanese were the
what changes occurred during the meiji period?
japan strengthened and modernized its military
a major turning point in japanese history, lasting from 1868 to 1912 was known as
the meiji restoration
japan had a strong sense of identity, partly because it had
homogenous society
____ tried to reduce foreign influence in Hawaii and was overthrown in 1893.
what best describes the term transition?
passage from one way to another
why were filipinos angry after the spanish-american war?
they were not given their independence
thailand (siam) remained independent largely because its rulers
understood the need to modernize and developed a modern army
the ____ broke out in 1898 between spain and the US over Cuba's attempts to win independence
spanish-american war
the colonial holdings in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were known as
French Indochina
who ruled Siam from 1851 to 1868?
King Mongkut
how did the dutch begin to expand and dominate the dutch east indies?
the dutch east india company established bases first on the island of java and in the moluccas
what technological change was introduced into southeast asia in the 1890s?
the building of harbors and railroads
what had the US, Britain, France, and Germany achieved by 1900?
they had claimed nearly every island in the pacific
a legislature
a society in which all people share a common culture and language
homogeneous society
in central canada, louis riel led a revolt of the ____ people
what form of self-rule was Canada granted in 1867?
the aborigines are the _____ people in australia
britain made australia into a
penal colony
what best describes the relationship between white settlers and the original people of canada, australia, and new zealand?
white settlers quickly dominated the original people and took their lands
who were the first settlers of australia?
the aborigines
the british north american act of 1867
created the dominion of canada
in the early 1800s, what industry prospered in australia?
john macdonald and george cartier urged what for britains north american colonies?
the constitutional act of 1791
created english speaking upper canada and french speaking lower canada
what best describes the term caudillos?
local strongmen
what problems troubled latin america in the 1800s?
prejudice, poverty, and revolts
which of the following reforms was achieved by Benito Juarez prior to his death in 1872?
he separated the church and state
to avoid an "entangling alliance" with britain, _____ was issued in 1823
the monroe doctrine
by the early 1900s, what pattern was mimicked between the US by latin america?
european immigrants came into the country
Benito Juarez ushered in an era known as
la reforma
many of the problems in the new nations established in Latin America had their roots in
colonial rule
in the opinion of many latin americans, the panama canal was a
example of american imperialism
under general porfirio diaz, mexico made _____ economic advaces
liberals saw themselves as ____ supporters of progress, but often showed little concern for the needs of the majority of the people
powerful banking and industrial families of japan
a war between japan and china that broke out in 1894 due to competition between the two powers in korea
first sino-japanese war
a war between russia and japan which began in 1904 and in which japan gained control of korea and rights in parts of manchuria
russo-japanese war
what did the tokugawas impose?
centralized feudalism
the shogun opened two ports, granting ____ to the us and europe
trading rights
the 15-year-old Emperor Mutshuhito was restored to the power and took the name
his long reign was called the _____ which lasted from 1868 to 1912
meiji restoration
leaders under emperor meiji decide to study
western ways
the reason japan modernized so quickly was
strong sense of national identity and a homogenous society