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17 Cards in this Set

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Split (adj): something is divided.

Statement from the story:

He walks around the Rez with a black eye and split lip. P. 16

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

I got scared from him because he has a split face

Talentless (adj): having no natural skills.

Those rhythmless, talentless, tuneless Indian are most likely going to get drunk and beat the **** out of any available losers.

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

Some investigators are talentless, so they cannot prove the felony.

Vandalism (n) willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property.

Statement from the story:

I was scared of Rowdy and I was scared of getting thrown in jail for vandalism. P.20

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

The criminal judge will punish that guy due to his vandalism.

Rearview (n): mirror (as in an automobile) that gives a view of the area behind a vehicle 🚗

Statement from the story:

He bumped his face against a window and jammed his shoulder against the rearview mirror.

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

I couldn’t see the car behind me because my rearview was broken.

Triplets (n): when three children or animals born at the same birth.

Statement from the story:

Oh, by the way, did I mention that the Andruss triplets are thirty years old? P.21

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

This monkey has triplets.

Avalanche (n): a large mass of snow, ice, earth, rock, or other material in swift motion down a mountainside or over a precipice.

Statement from the story:

I like the sound of Rowdy’s laughter. I don’t hear it very often, but it is always sort of this avalanche... p. 23

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

I say an enormous avalanche last weekend.

Terrify (v):to fill with terror

Statement from the story:

I went home that night completely confused and terrified.

Word that is used with it:


I was terrified by a devil that I saw in my nightmare.

Terrify (v):to fill with terror

Statement from the story:

I went home that night completely confused and terrified.

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

I was terrified by a devil that I saw in my nightmare.

Plotting (v): to make a plot is to plan to do something bad.


Statement from the story:

If I’d punched an Indian in the face, then he would have spent days plotting his revenge.

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

The victim is plotting to revenge from the criminal.

Tractor (n): a 4-wheeled or tracklaying Tractor automotive vehicle used especially for drawing farm equipment. 🚜

Statement from the story:

So I figured Roger was going to run over with a farm tractor or combine or grain truck or runaway pig.

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

I need a farm tractor to develop my crops.

Tractor (n): a 4-wheeled or tracklaying Tractor automotive vehicle used especially for drawing farm equipment. 🚜

Statement from the story:

So I figured Roger was going to run over with a farm tractor or combine or grain truck or runaway pig. P. 67

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

I need a farm tractor to develop my crops.

Fists (n): the hand closed as in grasping. 👊

Statement from the story:

I realized how much of my self worth, my sense of safety, was based on Rowdy’s fists 👊. P.68

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

He caught the ball with a fist tightly.

Giggled (v): to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath.

Statement from the story:

Her friends giggled. P. 73

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

He was giggling loudly.

Legendary (adj): relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legend.

Statement from the story:

Her braids,wrapped in otter fur, were legendary. P.74

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

She has a legendary body.

Traitor (adj): a person who betrays a friend, a country, a principle etc.

Statement from the story:

Mostly they just wanted to remind me that I was a traitor. P.79

Word that is used with it:


My own sentence:

Is he a traitor person.

Overstate (v): to express or state strongly.

Statement from the story:

And, okay, maybe I am overstating my case. P.83

Word that is used with it:


She overstated her lie.

Adhesive (adj): able to stick fast to a surface or object.

Statement from the story:

Indian families stick together like Gorilla Glue the strongest adhesive in the world.

Word that is used with it:


I need a strong adhesive.