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25 Cards in this Set

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Narrator: ...before he could spirit her away.

What did I clearly say?! Children. MUST. LISTEN!

Rapunzel: No, no, Please!

What were you not to do? Children must see and learn!

Rapunz: No!

Why could you not obey? Children should listen.

What have I been to you?

What would you have me be, handsome like a prince?




(Rapunzel whimpers)

Ah... But I'm old... And I'm ugly... I embarass you!

Rapunz: NO!!


(Stay With Me starts)

Why didn't you tell me you had a visitor...?

Rapunz: It was lonely atop that tower...!

I gave you protection and yet you disobeyed me...!

(SWM ends)

I will not share you. But I will show you a world which you have never seen!

Jack Mom: ...a giant has fallen from the sky?!

You've all the objects?

BW: Yes!

That cow doesn't look white as milk to me.

BW: Oh, she is!

This cow has been covered with flower!

BAker: Honestly we did.

Well, where is she?

Baker: ...prefer a live cow.

Well of course I'd prefer a live cow! So bring me th3 dead one and I'll bring her back to life!

Baker: You can do that?!

NOW! (zap)

Jack: ...and I'm rich!

Quiet! Feed the objects to the cow.

All: What?!

You heard me! Feed them to the cow!

(After feeding Milky White)

Fill this.

Jack: Squeeze, pal. (Gives you cup)

Wrong ingredients! Forget about a child.

BW: I pulled it from a maiden in a tower and--

YOU WHAT?! I touched that hair!! Don't you understand I cannot have touched any of the ingredients?!?

Mysterious Man: ...feed it to the cow! Quickly!

This had better work old man, before the last stroke of midnight, or your son is the last of your flesh and blood.

MM: Please. Not now.

Yes. Meet your father.

(go up to Rapunzel with Prince in desert)

I was going to come fetch you as soon as you learned your lesson. Come with me, child. We can be happy as we once were.

RP: She will not go with you!

Let her speak for herself.

(Rapunzel shakes her head "no")

Please. You are the only family I know.

(No, again.)

You leave me no choice.