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20 Cards in this Set

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What will happen to the people beyond the reach of the Chruch of Christ, will they perish?

(Roma 2:12)

Those who sin without the law will perish without it. And those who sin in the law will be judged by it.

What will be God's basis to judge those without the law?

(Roma 2:14-15)

Those who have not been reached by the gospel will be judged by the law written in their hearts. And by nature doing the things in the law, although not having the law, creates a law in themselves.

How will our conscience be the basis for God's judgement?

(I Juan 3:20)

God will look in our hearts, for He is greater than our hearts and know all things.

What can a person expect without being judged by their hearts?

(I Juan 3:21)

For if our hearts dont condemn us, we can truly say we have confidence toward God.

What about kind and helpful people who are not inside the Church of Christ, won't they be saved?

(Roma 1:16-17)

The basis of man's salvation is not based on human interpretations but on the law of God which is reveald in the Gospel. Because salvation is for those who believe in the Gospel. And by faith the just shall live.

What is basis for judging man?

(Roma 2:16)

God will judge the secrets of man by Jesus Christ, according to the Gospel.

What is the judgement to those who don't belive in the Gospel?

(II Tes 1:8-9)

Those who don't know God or don't obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will be punished with everlasting destruction.

Why punish those who don't follow the Gospel?

(Roma 10:2-3)

They have a zeal for God, but ignore His righteousness and seek to eatablish their own.

What does the Gospel say about people who are kind and helpful but don't want to join thr Church of Christ?

(I Cor 1:19)

Kindness will be lost. God will destroy the wisdome of the wise.

Was it enough for Cornelio to be kind?

(Gawa 10:1-5)

Cornelio was a kind man who feared God and always prayed, but had not heard the Gospel.

What was Cornelio instructed to do?

(Gawa 10:32-33)

Cornelio were to send men to Joppa and find a man called Simon, whos surname was Peter.

What happen to Cornelio when he found Simon?

(Gawa 10:44)

The Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelio as he heard Peter speaking.

Could it be that God is discriminating because only the Church of Christ can be saved?

(Gawa 10:34)

Peter said "In truth I know that God shows no partiality. He does not discriminate".

What is the true way to obey God?

(I Juan 2:3)

Truly we know God if we keep His commands.

Who are those who don't recognize God?

(I Juan 2:4)

He who claims to know God but does not keep His commands is a liar, and the truth is not with him.

How do prove our love for God?

(I Juan 5:3)

If we love God then we will keep His commands. For they are not burdensome.

What is one of the commands man must obey to be saved?

(Juan 10:9a)

We must enter Christ (the door). For anyone who enters by Him will be saved.

What happens to those who enter Christ?

(I Cor 12:27 KJV)

We will become the body of Christ, and members of one another.

What is the is the body of Christ?

(Col 1:18)

Christ is the head of the body, the Church.

(Juan 15:22)

Because they have been made aware of the Gospel, they have no excuse for their sins.