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46 Cards in this Set

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great sioux territory
dakotas, Us government formed in 1860
Indian territory (Oklahoma)
1860, Plains and Cherokee forced here
"Buffalo soldiers"`
Black soldiers fighting against the Plain Indians
sand creek massacre (1864)
Chivington's army killed 400 indians who were promised immunity
Fetterman Massacre (1866)
Sioux war party attempted to block railroad building, ambushed fetterman's solder's in Wyoming
sioux/sitting bull
wanted to fight Custer who claimed to find gold in Sioux territory 1874
Treaty of Fort Larmir (1868)
guaranteed the Lakota ownership to black hills & hunting rights in Dakotas, closing Powder River Country to all whites
custer's last stand 74'
attacked Cheyenne and Lakota near Little Big Horn River near Montana, Custer died
Nez Perce/ chieif joseph 77'
Indians in Oregon fled to canada but joseph surrendered 30 miles from border
tribe of Arizonia and New Mexico, went to Mexico
"bufflo bill" cody
killed 4,000 buffalo, employed by Kansas Pacific railroad
Helen Hunt Jackson
wrote Ramona and a century of dishonor to point out broken promises of government
Battle of wounded knee 90'
christian reformers, ghost dance cult spread to Dakota Sioux, stamped out by Us army @ battle
dawes Act 87'
attempt to control/assimilate indians in Oklahoman, took land
Carlisle indian school 79'
in Penn. took Indian children
Indian Reorganization Act 34'
tried to restore tribal basis of Indian life
Pike's Peak Gold rush 58'
gold in Colorado
comstock lode 59'
silver discovered in Virginia city, Colorado, Nevada
long drives (66-88)
herds from Texas sent to new slaughter and packing houses in cities like Kansas city and Chicago
homes from sod
John Wesley Powell
explored grand canyon, became director of of Us geological survey
Joseph F. lidden
patented barbed wire n 74' led to ranching system
Oklahoma sooners 89'
settlers who illegally settled
Frederick Jackson Tuner 93'
American frontier was gone
Montgomery Ward 72'
mail order company, allowed farmers to be further from towns
decrease value of currency
National Grange 67'
patrons of husbandry, led by Oliver h. Kelly, provided activities
Greenback Labour party 78'
programme to improve the lot of labor forces, inflationary appeal
Farmers alliances
to break grip of railroads and manufacturers through cooperative buying and selling
People's Party, Populists 90'
attacked wall street and money trust, wanted to nationalize railroads, wanted new income tax and federal sub-treasury
Coin's financial school 94'
pamphlet about free coinage silver written by William Hope Harvey
Ignatious Donnelley and Mary lease
populist speakers, Lease "Kansas should raise less corn and more hell"
James B. Weaver
ran for president for Greenback Labour Party 80' joined Populists in 92'
Coxey's Army 94'
Jacob Coxey went to DC to demand government relieve unemployment with public works programme, supported by issuance of money
J.P Morgan 95'
banker who loaned money to the government
Pullman strike 94'
company cut wages, but kept rent the same, strike paralyzed rail traffic
Eugene V. Debs
labour union leader, American railway union, socialist who ran for president
Governer John Altgeld
Illinois governor who pardoned the haymarket square rioters didnt want federal interference
Attorney general Richard olney
wanted to dispatch troops to Pullman strike because they interfered with mail delivery
William McKinley
congressman from Ohio, republican 96' elected and assassinated
Mark Hanna
campagin organizer for McKinley
William Jennings Bryan
Democratic candidate of 96' gave 'cross of gold' speech to promote the coinage of silver
"cross of gold"
plea for coinage of silver, pressed for gold standard. demanded inflation with unlimited coinage of silver
"Gold bugs"
left the demo. party because of silver issue
Dingley Tariff Bill 97'
new, high tariff rates of 46.5%
Gold standard act 00'
provided that paper currency be redeemed freely in gold