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63 Cards in this Set

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The “sleeping giant” of eastern Europe in the first half of the 17th century was_______

Ottoman Empire

The costly palace built by Louis XIV, that became the envy of all European monarchs, was ________


The glorious revolutionin 1688 in England was significant for bloodlessly bringing _______to the throne.

William of Orange and Mary

Absolution means __________

See pg 451

The witch hunts of the 16th century and 17th century were often directed at _______


The French play right Molière is noted for ______


The first European to make a systematic observations of the heavens by telescope was ________


The philosophy of Rene Descartes stressed the separation of mind and ______


The greatest achievements in science during the 16th and 17th century came in what areas?

Astronomy, mechanics, & medicine

The recognized capital of the enlightenment was _______


The German philosopher Immanuel Kant proclaimed the motto of the enlightenment to be________

Dare to know

The carnival of the Mediterranean world was a period of great______


A cheap and popular alcoholic drink in 18th century England was ______


European society in the 18th century witnessed they continue dominance of _________ family


The domestic system of industrial production in Flanders and England became known as the _______system


A key financial innovation of the 18th century was the circulation a paper _________compensating for the lack of coinage.

Bank notes

Concerning the ______ = the treaty of Paris ended the war and Britain because the worlds greatest colonies power

The seven-year war

The estates-general consisted of representatives of three orders: the second estate ( nobles), the third estate (people) and the first estate, representing the ________


The French revolutionary slogan neatly evoking the ideals of the rebellion was _____

Liberty equality and fraternity

The constitution of the United States of 1789 created a ________branch system of government that allows the branches to check and balance one another.

See page 573–574

During the reign of terror, the majority of victims were _____


The Industrial Revolution had its beginnings in ______

Great Britain

The infrastructure advantages in Britain promoting rapid industrialization include a canals roads bridges and ______


Napoleons domestic policies included the _______ code and a uniformed legal system


Napoleons constitutional system try to defeat the British by preventing British ______


Napoleon met his final defeat at the battle of _______


As chancellor of Prussia, Otto Von ______ largely bypassed parliament in pursuing his political goals of military modernization.


The _______ of Marx and Engels based all historical developments on class struggle

Communist manifesto

According to Carl Marx the final result of the struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat would be the ________ society


Elizabeth Blackwell became the first formal educated female doctor in _______


What type of new energy source powered the second industrial revolution?


All of the following were used to limit family size in the late 19th century.

Abortion, abandonment, infanticide, interruptus, coitus

The first professional occupation to be opened up to women was _______


The immediate cause of World War I was the Assassination of _______in Sarajevo.

Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Among 19th century European political movements, the most responsible for triggering WW1 was _______


The development of ______welfare in France was characterized by long periods of boredom broken by artillery barrages and frontal assault by enemy troops


As fought in the WW1, ________welfare became a senseless slaughter of troops on all sides with hundreds of thousands of men dying for battlefield gain of a few miles and became increasingly unreal as baffled and incompetent officers persistently ordered their men to accomplish battlefield objectives that were impossible


The entry of the ________ into World War I in April 1719 gave the nearly defeated allies a psychological boost

United States

V.I. Lenin, as a leader of the Bolsheviks, promised “peace, land, and ______.”


For Woodrow Wilson, the most important thing after the war was to assure acceptance of his______

14 points

The treaty of _______ forced Germany to ignore Aulidge “war guilt” and to pay reparations for is alleged war aggravation


Franklin Roosevelt new ______ policy in the United States brought about a partial economic recovery, but for employment do not return until wore to rearmament in their economy


The first fascist state in Europe was ______


The most famous of the surrealistic painters was ______

Salvador Dali

Hitler took Poland in 1939 using blitzkrieg or _______ tactics with active support from Joseph Stalin

Lightning war

The ancient “way of the warrior” that was revived during the 1930s was _______


After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the main priority for the United States was defeating Germany first and turning it’s great neighbor war machine against ______


The only country to use women as combatants in World War II was _______

The Soviet union

The _______project was to develop the atomic bomb


Atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of ______and _______

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The official reason for dropping atomic bombs on Japan was to save the hundreds of thousands of ______lives and it was calculated that the US lead invasion of Japan would cost


The policy created in 1947 and used by the Americans against communism was called ______


The events that immediately preceded and sparked the Cuban missile crisis was ______

Bay of Pigs

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s included all of the following

A - race riots in Los Angeles district of Watts

B - the passage of the civil rights act of 1964

C- saw the supreme court approved the concept of separate but equal in public schools

D-the civil rights leadership of Martin Luther King

The following statements are correct about popular music during the 1950s and 1960s

A- American musicians such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley inspired many British musicians

B- there was an “invasion” of British musical groups in the United States in the 1960s

c- American popular music spread beyond the boundaries of just western civilization

D- White American singers such as Elvis Presley were influenced by African-American rhythm and blues

The permissive society is characterized by all of the following except ______

A - sexual freedom

B- experimentation with drugs

C- decriminalization of homosexuality or

D increasing rates of divorce

A recreational drug of choice among college and university students in the 1960s was ______


A shocking event of the anti-war protest was the 70s killing of four student protesters at ______

Kent State

A major cause of the 1973 economic recession in Europe was a significant increase in the price of _______


During the Vietnam war, the South Vietnamese communist gorillas backed by the north Vietnam were known as the ________


Worldwide, the most popular of mass sports is soccer’s is ______

World Cup

The common currency that was initially adopted by a living member state of the European Union is the _______


In the aftermath of 9/11 the United States initially wage war in ________
