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18 Cards in this Set

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Revolution of 1830
Charles X was more conservative than Louis XVI and the people did not like it. It was a response to the growing control of the monarchy.
Charles X
1824-1830 Conservative brother of louis. Established July Ordinances
Louis Philippee:
1830-1848. previous duke of orleans. cousin to charles and was more liberal. increased the voting electorate
Revolution of 1848
Feburary 22, 1848 after Louis banned banquet. He couldn't deal with the agriculture depresssion and unemployment
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
First elected President of France. Nephew of Napoleon and he threw over republic so he could run for a second term.
starts around 1798. nation is the first loyalty
rejects materialism and focuses on individuality and spontaneity. lord byron and mary shelly were key players
Unification of Italy
Kicks off in 1859, but everyone finally joined in 1870. started by cavour in piedmont sardinia and garibaldi in the south
Unification of Germany
Militarily united by Bismark. He wanted a unification for German speaking, ethnic people. in 1871, Wilhelm was crowned king
Great reform bill of 1832
gave urban and middle class ability to vote which gave strength to the commercial elite
Charist movement
1838 people started believing that all of England's wealth from the industrial revolution didn't benefit the workers in society. They demanded action in the form of the "people's charter"
Second Empire
january 18, 1871, the beginning of the country being ruled by Wilhelm after the democratic Germany had previously failed
Napoleon III
First elected president of france, supported democracy and order, overthrew national assembly so he could run for a second term
Tsar Alexander II
conservative ruler of Russia (1855-1881). freed 22 million serfs in 1861
Bismark's policy of realism that he persues
one government body that the king essentially ruled. there was a legislation, but it had little control over the king, budget, or military
Dual monarchy
The compromise of 1867 made Austria-Hungary have it's own parliament, but each were united under the ruler of the house of Hapsburg
Great Reforms
Alexander's dramatic, far reaching reforms. Freed serfs and peasants, made judicial system more independent, and opened many new schools