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87 Cards in this Set

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What makes up the lumbar plexus?
ventral rami of L1-L4
What makes up the lumbosacral plexus?
ventral rami of L4-S4
lumbar plexus lies deep to what muscle?
psoas m
lumbosacral plexus is located on the internal surface of what muscle?
piriformis m
What does lumbar plexus supply?
anterior and medial thigh compartments
What does the lumbosacral plexus supply?
gluteal region, posterior thigh, entire leg and foot
main nerves of lumbar plexus
iliohypogastric, ilioginguinal, genitofemoral (L1,L2), lateral femoral cutaneous, femoral (L2-L4), obturator (L2-L4)
Iliohypogastric N motor
internal oblique, transversus abdominis
Iliohypogastric N sensory:
Anterior cutaneous:skin above pubis
Lateral cutaneous: skin of upper buttock
exits lateral border of psoas and runs anterior to quadratus lumborum m until it pierces the transversus abdominis near iliac crest and then pierces internal oblique to continue medially bt internal and external oblique mm. It crosses onto the anterior abdominal wall just above/at the anterior superior iliac spine
upper portion of L1
lower portion of L1
ilioinguinal N
Ilioinguinal motor fxn
internal oblique, transversus abdominis
ilioinguinal sensory fxn
cutaneous branches supply upper medial thigh and anterior scrotum/labia majora
exits lateral border of psoas and runs anterior to quadratus lumborum. It then pierces transversus and internal oblique to run bt internal and external oblique aponeuroses. It follows the spermatic cord or round ligament of the uterus through the inguinal canal and exits through the superficial inguinal canal
ilioinguinal N
Nerve that is afferent and efferent limb of cremasteric reflex
Has components of L1 and L2
genitofemoral motor
cremaster muscle in spermatic cord
genitofemoral sensory
Genital branch: scrotum/labia majora
Femoral branch: skin over femoral triangle and upper medial though
boundaries of femoral triangel
superior: inguinal ligament
Lateral: sartorious M
Medial: adductor longus M
Comes through the psoas major and runs toward the inguinal ligament on the psoas major anterior surface. Near the inguinal ligament it divides with femoral branch entering femoral sheath and genital branch entering inguinal canal accompanying the spermatic cord
derived from L2-L3
Lateral femoral cutaneous N, sensory only
Lateral femoral cutaneous sensory
innervates skin of lateral thigh
exits lateral border of psoas and runs anterior to iliacus to enter thigh posterior to inguinal ligament
lateral femoral cutaneous N
consists of L2-L4
femoral and obturator N
femoral N motor fxn
mm of anterior compartment of thigh
femoral N sensory
skin over anterior thigh
result of lesion of femoral N
decrease in strength of hip flexion and knee extension
exits lateral borer of psoas bt the psoas and iliacus to enter thigh deep to inguinal ligament, lateral and outside femoral sheath. It runs lateral to femoral vessels in the femoral triangle and then divides into many muscular branches and cutaneous branches. Terminates as saphenous nerve.
femoral n
provides sensory innervation for skin over medial leg and medial side of the foot
saphenous n
obturator N motor fxn
mm of medial compartment of the thing (adductors)
obturator N sensory
skin over medial thigh
exits the medial border of the psoas and continues by crossing into the pelvis and running along the lateral wall of the pelvis. It leaves the pelvis through a small defect in the obturator membrane over the obturator foramen. It immediately splits into an anterior divions, anterior to adductor brevis m and a posterior division, posterior to the adductor brevis m.
obturator n
result of lesion of obturator n
weakened adduction
What are the nerves of the gluteal region?
superior gluteal N, inferior gluteal N, Nerve to obturator internus M, Nerve to quadratus femoris M, posterior femoral cutaneous N, pudendal N
superior gluteal N
motor of superior gluteal N
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fascia lata (abductors and medial rotators of thigh)
exits pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen, superior to the piriformis and courses bt gluteus medius and minimus
superior gluteal N
Result of lesion of superior gluteal N
lack of support of the body on the femur and creates a positive Trendelenburg test
Inferior Gluteal N
motor of inferior gluteal N
gluteus maximus
exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen, inferior to piriformis and near the sciatic nerve
inferior gluteal N
result of lesion of inferior gluteal N
reduce the power in the stride of walking
mm innervated by femoral N
iliacus, psoas major, quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis), sartorius, pectineus
mm innervated by obturator N
adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis, pectineus
N to obturator internus M and inferior gluteul N
motor of N to obturator internus M
obturator internus, superior gemellus
exits pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis and then enters the perineum via the lesser sciatic foramen
nerve to obturator internus muscle
N to quadratus femoris M
motor of Nerve to quadratus femoris m
quadratus femoris, inferor gemellus
exits pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen deep to sciatic n
Nerve to the quadratus femoris m
posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
sensory of posterior femoral cutaneous n
skin of inferior buttock and posterior thigh
exits pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis. It runs deep to the gluteus maximus until it exits from the inferior border and descends the posterior thigh
posterior femoral cutaneous N
pudendal N
branches of pudendal N
inferior rectal
Dorsal n of the penis/clitoris
motor to the external anal sphincter and sensory to the perianal skin
inferior rectal N (branch of pudendal)
motor though the deep branch that supplies the perineal mm and it supplies sensory fibers through the posterior scrotal/labial branches of the superficial perineal N
perineal N (of pudendal N)
sensory nn that innervate skin, prepuce, and glans of penis/clitoris
dorsal N of the penis/clitoris (off pudendal N)
exits pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis and descends posterior to the sacrospinous ligament to enter the perineum through lesser sciatic formane and the pudendal canal
pudendal n
What are the nerves that become the sciatic N?
lumbosacral trunk, sciatic N, tibial N, common fibular (peroneal) N
What forms the sciatic N?
lumbosacral trunk (L4-L5) combines with first three sacral segments
forms on the internal surface of the piriformis m and exits to the gluteal region inferior to the piriformis in the greater sciatic foramen
sciatic n
contains both preaxial and post axial elements
sciatic n
What are the preaxial and postaxial parts of the sciatic n?
preaxial: tibial n
postaxial: fibular n
motor of sciatic N
tibial: hamstrings (3 main mm of posterior compartment)
peroneal: short head of the biceps
exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis. It descends bt the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter of the femur. It most often splits in the popliteal fossa to form the tibial n and the common fibular (perineal) n.
sciatic n
runs through popliteal fossa until it dives deep to the gaastrocnemius and soleus mm
tibial N
runs along the biceps femoris until it reaches the neck of the fibula
common fibular n
forms preaxial compnents of ventral rami of L4-S3
tibial N
motor of tibial N
posterior compartment mm of leg
sensory of tibial N
cutaneous branches include the medial sural cutaneous N, which supplies the skin of the posterior leg and the lateral ankle, heel, and foot
descends through the popliteal fossa and then dives deep to the gastrocnemius and soleus and runs close to the tibia. Courses into the foot bt the tendons of the flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus at the medial malleolus. Terminates after the ankle jt under flexor retinaculum by dividing into medial and lateral plantar nn
tibial N
motor of medial plantar N
abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, flexor hallucis brevis, first lumbrical
sensory of medial plantar n
skin of lateral 1 and 1/2 toes
motor of lateral plantar n
abductor digit minimi, quadratus plantae, lateral 3 lumbrical, adductor hallucis, flexor digit minimi brevis, plantar and dorsal interossei mm
sensory of lateral plantar n
skin of lateral 1.5 toes
postaxial elements of ventral rami of L4-S2
common fibular (peroneal) N
lesion of common fibular N
weakened to absent eversion and foot drop
motor of superficial fibular N
2 mm of lateral compartment of leg, fibilaris (peroneus) longus and brevis
sensory of superifical fibular N
dorsum of foot except for skin at web bt the first and second digits
motor of deep fibular N
extensors and other mm of anterior compartment of leg and extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis
sensory of deep fibular N
web space bt big toe and second toe
After passing through popliteal fossa and crossing superficial to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius, the nerve passes behind th ehead of the fibula and pierces th eproneus longus where it divides into the superfical and deep branches
common fibular N
This nerve is vulnerable as it wraps around the neck of the fibula
common fibular N
descends in the lateral compartment of the leg
superfical fibular N
enters the anterior compartment by passing through the extensor digitorum longus and descends on the interosseous membrane
deep fibular