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48 Cards in this Set

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If you become aware of a fault or problem, ideally where would you want to stop?

In a station, at a signal, clear of junction points or in any other suitable place

If you become aware of a fault or problem, where would you want to avoid stopping?

In a tunnel, on a viaduct, in deep cuttings, over points at a junction, within level crossing controls

Who else must you inform of the fault?

The passengers

Before you start investigating the fault, who must you contact?

The signaller

If your fault finding requires you to look around the outside of your train, what must you do first?

Get a line block

On what 3 occasions would you need to carry out emergency protection in the rear of your train after developing a fault?

You cannot immediately contact the signalling, you're within a TBW section or an ESW section

When arranging a lineblock, what two things must you reach a clear understanding with the signaller about?

Which lines have been blocked and which lines remain open to traffic

What will the signaller give you to confirm the lineblock?

An authority number

Where will the signaller make a note of the lineblock?

In the train register

If you are happy with the details of the lineblock, what 3 pieces of information should you repeat back?

Your name and grade, the location, the time

When requesting assistance from the signaller, what two things must you agree on?

What kind of assistance is required and from which direction assistance is required

If you manage to rectify the fault and the train can continue, what must you ensure you do first?

Get the Signaller's permission before proceeding

How long is given for a decision to be made on whether the train will stay in service or not after finding a fault on your train?

10 minutes

How long is given for a decision to be made on whether the train will stay in service or not after finding a fault on your train during peak time?

5 minutes from the driver first reporting the fault

If you have been given permission to proceed by the signaller but cannot see the next stop signal, how must you proceed?

Proceed cautiously and expect it to be at danger

When assistance has been requested, what 4 things must you do?

Secure the failed train, lay down any protection required, check the headlights are displayed correctly and check the tail lights are displayed correctly

If you have made contact with the signaller immediately and are advised that assistance has been arranged. What protection would you lay?

Assistance protection. Place 3 detonators, 300m from the train in the direction that assistance is arriving from, 20m apart. Then stand 30m from the detonators with a red flag

When might you place assistance protection at a distance less than 300m?

If there is a signal protecting your train within 300m

If the 300m distance for assistance protection falls within a tunnel, where must you wait for the assisting train?

At the far end of the tunnel

If you have had no immediate contact with the signaller, what protection would you lay?

Lay 3 detonators 300m in the direction which gives you the quickest means of contacting the signaller

If you then make contact with a signaller at an SPT and he tells you that assistance will come from the other direction, what 3 things must you do?

Agree a time when you will have laid protection at the other end, pick up your original detonators and place them down in the correct direction

On what type of line would you not need to lay assistance protection?

If it is a permissive line and the assisting train is coming from the signalled direction

If the 300m for assistance protection falls within a station platform, what is likely to be introduced?

Emergency permissive working

Are you able to move the failed train whilst waiting for the assisting train to arrive?

Only if alternative arrangements have been agreed with the signaller

If your train has failed, in what circumstances would you also need to lay emergency protection?


Before the assisting train is allowed to enter the signalling section, what two things must the signaller ensure the driver of the failed train does?

Does not move the failed train and is at or on their way to the protection point ready to meet the assisting driver

When can the assisting driver enter a tunnel?

If the driver of the failed train has already been picked up or it is known that the tunnel is clear

If you are the driver of the failed train, what must you do when conducting?

Tell the driver the exact location of the failed train and the assistance protection point

If you have assisted from the rear of the failed train and are required to propel, what piece of equipment must you isolate?


What 3 elements make up the fire triangle?

Fuel, heat, oxygen

How can you identify an Aqueous Film Forming Foam extinguisher? What restrictions are there?

Red with bridge writing, handle and band. Not to be used on voltages above 110v

How can you identify water, dry powder and co2 fire extinguishers?

Water - white writing

Dry powder - blue writing

Co2 - black writing

How will you know if a fire extinguisher is ready and safe to use?

It will have an intact pin or seal and the guage will be green

What type of fire extinguishers are found on trains?

Aqueous Film Forming Foam

When you become aware of a fire on your train, what 3 step process must you follow?

Drop, stop, box

If a fire on your train will put other trains at risk, or if passengers are starting to evacuate, what 2 things should you do?

Protect the other lines and display the hazard warning indication

When is the only time you must carry out an emergency evacuation?

When there is a danger to life and it is not possible to move passengers to other vehicles

When does a controlled evacuation occur?

When there is going to be a lengthy wait due to an incident and passengers need to be evacuated to continue with their onward journey

What is an uncontrolled evacuation?

An uncontrolled evacuation is when passengers start Egressing the doors before you have had a chance to take control of the situation

Name 7 things you would consider a unsafe on a passing train

Door not properly closed, an insecure load, a vehicle on fire, a hot axle box, a tail light unli or missing, a headlight not lit, a hazard warning indication being exhibited, a train in distress signal, a driver displaying a red hand signal, anything else you consider unsafe

Name 5 things that could endanger a train

A track defect or damage, a fire, an obstruction, a flood, a cow or bull, any other animals

How long can you override the PCA for?

For as long as is necessary to get to a suitable location to deal with the problem

In what 2 circumstances must you not override the PCA?

When leaving a station or if there is reason to believe that the train may be in danger

Name 6 examples of a train accident

A derailment, a collision with a train, obstruction, vehicle at a level crossing, a person, a fire on a train that could endanger other trains, a fire that had resulted in passengers evacuating onto running lines, a train becoming divided

What are the 4 priorities in a train accident?

Stop trains on other lines, tell the signaller and call emergency services, carry out protection, ensure safety of passengers

What 5 things would you take into consideration when deciding which line to block first?

When the next train is likely to approach, what would happen if a train did approach, the visibility of the obstruction, the linespeed of that line, how badly the line is obstructed

What would you say to the signaller if there was a dangerous goods emergency?

"this is a rail dangerous goods emergency"

What information can you provide in a dangerous goods emergency and where would you find it?

The United nations number which is on the hazard warning symbol