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43 Cards in this Set

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What action should be performed first when answering a multiple choice test item?

Read all the options first before deciding the answer.


The first line of a multiple choice question, defines the question, or the question that the learner is to answer.

Mental Imagery

Becoming the idea.

Concept mapping

Visual maps and clustering.

Information included in course outlines

Instructor contact information.

Which type of education is associated with the traditional adult learner?

High school education.

A kinesthetic learner would prefer what type of learning material?

An interactive video while practicing the skill simultaneously.

An action most appropriate for a nursing skills lab.

Practicing a wound dressing change procedure.

What is a mnemonic?

A pattern of numbers that assist in remembering something.

An active listener is?

Someone who listens with full attention.

What is an intrapersonal learner?

Someone who likes to work alone.

Common factor of all adult learners

Motivation to succeed.

Nursing curriculum is dictated by?

State board of Nursing


The ability to break down complex information into its basic parts.


The ability to understand information, recall, and identify.


The ability to use learned material in new situations.


The ability to recall and repeat information you have memorized.

Resource management

An adult learner's key to success.

Returning learner

An adult learner who hasn't been in school for several years and decides to go back to school.

Advance preparation

An example of a student taking responsibility for their learning.

Characteristic of a critical thinker

Draws reasonable conclusions

Critical thinking involves which process?

Collecting and organizing data

Most common concern among students.

Fear of failure

Example of critical thinking

Thinking of the information before proceeding.

Florence Nightingale's core belief

A healthy, clean environment

The first chapter of the American Red Cross was established by?

Clara Barton

The first mentally ill hospital was established by?

Dorothea Dix

What was the focus of the first formal training program for practical nurses?


The first state to pass a law for licensing practical nurses


An assumption used to describe a specific group without exception



Do no harm

Form of non-verbal communication

Eye contact

To provide care to all patients with dignity and respect.



Do good


To take a positive stand without violating others rights.

Closed ended questions

"Yes" or "No" answers, or answers that do not include additional information.

Non-theraputic communication technique

Giving advice


Patient's right to choose for themselves.

Organization that develops and enforces LPN practice acts.

State board of Nursing

Accepted way of doing things that share the same culture


Legal guideline for what an LPN can do

State Nurse Practice Act

Reviewing charts and graphs is what type of learning style?



Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation.