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21 Cards in this Set

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Evolve = to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually: , to change or develop gradually:

The exhibition will illustrate how life evolved from water.

These countries are evolving toward more democratic societies.

We must evolve new strategies to cope with changing markets.

Heckle = to interrupt a public speech or performance with loud, unfriendly statements or questions:

A few angry locals started heckling (the speaker).

A heckler tried to disrupt the ceremony.

Rage = (a period of) extreme or violent anger: , an exciting or entertaining event involving a lot of activity: , used to refer to situations where people become extremely angry or violent:

If something destructive rages, it happens in a way that cannot be controlled:

was frightened because I had never seen him in such a rage before.

The party was a rage.

Road rage

The fire broke out and raged for four days, destroying most of the old city.

Tweak = to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable: , a small sudden twist or pull of something ,

You just need to tweak the last paragraph and then it's done.

He gave the boy's nose a tweak.

Numb = If a part of your body is numb, you are unable to feel it, usually for a short time: , not able to feel any emotions or to think clearly, because you are so shocked or frightened, etc.:

was lying in a weird position and my leg went numb.

Ever since his girlfriend left him he has felt numb.

prioritize = to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first: , to arrange in order of importance so that you can deal with the most important things before the others:

How to prioritize what matter

You have to prioritize in this job because you can’t do everything.

Obsessed = unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something: , unable to stop thinking about something

Why are people so obsessed with money?

The kids are obsessed with video games.

Dispute = an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border: , to disagree with something that someone says:

I don't dispute her ability, but what I question is her attitude.

I don't dispute (that) his movies are entertaining, but they don't have much depth.

Squash = to crush something into a flat shape: , to push yourself, a person, or thing into a small space: , to stop something from continuing to exist or happen, by forceful action:

He accidentally sat on her hat and squashed it .

The room was so full you couldn't squash another person in.

I thought ya gonna squash it .

queue = a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something:

It makes me mad when someone jumps the queue.

If you want tickets you'll have to join the queue.

Stunning = extremely beautiful or attractive , shocking or surprising:

The view from our room is stunning .

a stunning victory.

Fictional = imaginary not real ,

Fictional characters leave a lasting impression.

Fictional story

Thrill : a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant: ,

It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.

Terminate = to (cause something to) end or stop: , to remove someone from their job:

They terminated my contract in October.

It sounded like she was trying to terminate the conversation

He was terminated within weeks of starting.

Concede = to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true: ,

Well okay, perhaps I was a little hard on her," he conceded

Fade = to (cause to) lose colour, brightness, or strength gradually: , If something fades away/out, it becomes less clear and then disappears: ,

If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade.

The voice on the radio faded out.

Dent = a small hollow mark in the surface of something, caused by pressure or by being hit: , to make a small hollow mark in the surface of something: , If you dent someone's confidence or pride, you make them feel less confident or proud:

a dent in the door of a car

I dropped a hammer on the floor, and it dented the floorboard.

His confidence was badly dented when he didn't get the job.

Console = to give comfort and sympathy to someone who is sad or disappointed:

I tried to console her with a box of chocolates.

The boys consoled one another after their team’s first defeat.

Deflect = to (cause to) change direction, or to prevent something from being directed at you :

to cause something to change direction, or to suddenly go in a different direction:

The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the shot.

The mayor deflected (= did not answer directly) questions about his political plans.

Strict = strongly limiting someone's freedom to behave as they wish, or likely to severely punish someone if they do not obey: , used to refer to someone who follows the rules and principles of a belief or way of living very carefully and exactly , exactly correct

My parents were very strict with me when I was young.

His parents were strict muslim .

a strict translation of the text.

Provoke = to make or try to make a person or an animal angry: , to try to make a person or an animal angry or annoyed:

He was clearly trying to get at me but I refused to be provoked.

He was trying to provoke me into a fight.